Element 5

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5.1.7 Understand specific requirements for ensuring student safety in schools.


Lesson Name: Volcano construction


Date: 10/9/2011

VAS3.1 Investigates subject matter in an attempt to represent likenesses of things in the world.

Introduction: (5 mins) Review the previous lesson on the terminology we have learnt so far. Refresh the information they have discussed. Discuss the intentions of today's lesson and what they will be learning/constructing. Review safety issues around the task at hand. Students need to move sensibly around the room and be aware of dangers that could trip anyone over. Only one person is to collect the materials for the task while the other pair collects newspapers and cover the table. (DK) (M) (SC) (C) (KI) Body: (50mins) Using the IWB, show the prepared slide which shows the steps involved in the construction of the volcano. Discuss very explicitly the safety procedures for the lesson, ensure Jaymee has clear instructions and has safety scissors to use (Aspergers, autism student). Divide the class into pairs, children can chose their own partner. Reiterate my expectations of the pair groupings. Show the close up images of a volcano on the IWB so they can see the true representation of it for their model. Using the classroom organisers (on the door) have the children put out the glue on each table as well as newspapers. Leave the images on the whiteboard so the children have the visuals needed to complete their volcanoes. Students start their constructions. Constantly monitor the students to ensure everyone is on task. (DU) (HOT) (SC) (E) (BK) (C) (EQC) Conclusion: (5 Mins) As each pair finished, they need to clean their area. Discuss with the students that they will have time to paint them once they dry. Ask the students what paint colours will be necessary to make it represent a real volcano. (SS) (M) (E)

Whole class/ seated on the floor

There are specific requirements for safety when there is a special needs student within the class. The student within this class has Aspergers and requires specific instructions when moving around the room as well as using various instruments, like scissors, glues and tape. The expectations were set from the beginning of the lesson and then specific instructions were given to Jaymee to ensure his safety.

Resources Interactive Whiteboard, IWB. Plastic bottles, small boxes, newspapers shredded and full sheets, ice cream containers for glue, flour, water, paddle pop sticks for stirring the glue, newspaper sheets for covering the table. Masking tape.

Peer pairings, social pairings 5.1.3 Demonstrate strategies to create a positive environment supporting student effort and learning. To establish a strong environment supporting student effort, the students were shown peers work as they progressed through the task. This acknowledged and celebrated their progress through learning. The lesson created opportunities for students to express their own creative side through the designing of the volcano as they had guidelines but the actual presenting was entirely up to them.

Whole class

5.1.4 Provide clear directions for classroom activities and engage students in purposeful learning activities. By reviewing the previous lessons, it encourages deep understanding and deep knowledge. This is done to develop the student's background learning to complete the task at hand. Providing clear instructions the students were able to have a successful lesson and achieve the outcomes set. 5.1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to managing student behaviour and their applications in the classroom. In this lesson, the students were aware of my expectations of behaviour throughout the creative arts activity. By counting down in a classroom voice, the students knew they had 5 seconds to finish their conversation then eyes to me. In such an active lesson, maintaining control of behaviour is important so the students will be able to achieve the desired results.

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