Sport (Oral Text)

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Assalamualaikum and a very good ____ .

Thank you to Sir Hamdan , my English teacher and to all my fellow classmates . I am here to talk about the sport . 1st point Sport is an organized , competitive , entertaining and skillful activity required commitment , in which winner can be defined by objective mean . governed by a set of rules and customs. Sport can be divide into two mind games card , board games Olympics sport use mental physical and mental skill 2nd point - degree of skill and performance in some sports diving judged according to welldefined criteria . - it is not same to body building , where skill do not had to been shown and the criteria are not as well defined . 3rd point - the records are kept and updated for most sports - but failure and accomplishments are widely announced in world news . - sport more often played for fun and some of the people practice it in their life as exercise to keep their healthy . 4th point the sport participants are expected to show good sportmanships and being respectful by congratulating to the winner when losing .

Closure in the nut shell , for me, sport is the activity that must we all practice in our live because , it will keep out physical in good condition and can improve our disciplined .

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