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Question 1

(a) Explain how and why the products of mechanical and chemical weathering differ. [4 marks] What do you understand by the terms cohesionless and cohesive soil? Support your answer with one example of each. [4 marks] Differentiate between the following terms: (i) (ii) (iii) Dry density and Bulk density Moisture content and Degree of Saturation Voids Ratio and Porosity [6 marks] (d) Describe the methods of dry and wet sieve analysis, stating when each particular method is to be used for soil grading. [11 marks]



Question 2
(a) (b) Explain the difference between disturbed and undisturbed samples. Comment on the test results obtained with the different samples. [5 marks] A disturbed sample, after performing laboratory tests, yielded the following results: Gs = 2.71, n = 41.9% and w = 21.3%. (i) Draw and annotate the phase diagram with respect to both weight and volume. [10 marks] (ii) Determine the degree of saturation and the unit weight. [4 marks] A soil has a liquid limit of 61 and a plastic limit of 30. A moisture content test was performed on an undisturbed sample of this soil yielded the following results: Mass of soil + can before placing in oven = 96.2g Mass of soil + can after removal from oven = 71.9g Mass of can = 20.8g Compute;


(i) (ii) (iii)

The plasticity index, [2 marks] The moisture content and [2 marks] The liquidity index. [2 marks]

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