Da Vinci Code

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The worldwide best selling book

The Da Vinci Code

by Dan Brown

F i c ti o n ?
c t o r
Is it Fa
In the Da Vinci Code Robert Langdon and Sophie
Neveu are caught in a fast paced chase through
Paris, London and elsewhere upon uncovering
the secret of the Holy Grail—non other than the
‘royal’ bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene—
of which Sophie is one of the few remaining
survivors. The Roman Catholic Church has
supposedly suppressed this amazing secret and
killed many belonging to the bloodline.
In the title page, the author, Dan Brown wrote:

“All descriptions of
artwork, architecture,
documents, and secret
rituals in this novel are

This very statement

supposedly caused
readers the confusion over
reality and fiction.
The Da Vinci Code claimed:

• The Priory of Sion is a European secret society

founded in 1099 by Godefroi to protect the
bloodline of Jesus and Mary (p.345).

Actual Historical Fact

• Pierre Plantard formed Priory of Sion in 1954 to
help those in need of low-cost housing (group
dissolved in 1957).
•1960s and 70s Plantard created a series of forged
documents on the existence of a bloodline
descending from Jesus and Mary through the kings
of France to himself.
This is Pierre Plantard

He and his associates called

themselves the Priory of Sion and
deposited these documents in
libraries all over France, including the
National Library.
1993 Plantard admitted, under an
oath to a French judge, for this
fabrication. The judge issued him a
severe warning and dismissed him
as a harmless crank.
The Da Vinci Code claimed:

In 1975 parchments known as Les Dossiers

Secrets were discovered identifying members of
Priori of Sion such as Sir Isaac Newton, Victor
Hugo and Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo Da Vinci,
Grandmaster of The Priory of Sion left cryptic
clues in his painting The Last Supper that the
person on Jesus’ right is not John the disciple,
but Mary Magdalene – supposed ‘evidence’ that
Jesus had a special relationship with her that
leads to marriage and a child: “The Last Supper
practically shouts at the viewer that Jesus and
Magdalene were a pair” (p.329).
Actual Historical Fact

Leonardo Da Vinci was born in

1452. That would have made him
502 years old if he were to be
really a Grandmaster of the Priori
of Sion society! As for Sir Isaac
Newton (1642-1727), he was at
least 312 when he was a
member. How absurd!
The Da Vinci Code claimed:

In Brown’s book, Pope

Clement V suppressed
the Knight Templars
because they
blackmailed him with
the secret of the Holy
Grail. “And these four
chests of documents
were the treasure that
the Knights Templar
found under
Solomon’s Temple?”
Actual Historical Fact
Founded in 118, the Knights
Templar is an order of
soldiers who took a monastic
vow to protect pilgrims on
their journey to the Holy
Land. They are a military
religious order. It was King
Philip who ordered the arrest
of the Templar on Friday, 13
Oct 1307, not for any Holy
Grail trail, but on the charge
of heresy. This allowed Philip
to seize their enormous
wealth and assets, including
the chalice supposedly used
by Christ at the last supper.
The Da Vinci Code claimed:
“The Vatican prelature
known as Opus Dei is a
deeply devout Catholic
sect that has been the
topic of recent controversy
due to reports of
brainwashing, coercion and
a dangerous practice
known as ‘corporal
mortification’. Opus Dei
has just completed
construction of a $47
million World Headquarters
Actual Historical Fact

The real Opus Dei—“work

of God”—is a Roman
Catholic lay organization
that empowers lay people
to emphasize piety and
good works, instead of
focusing on the spirituality San Josemaria Escriva
of clergy. Its founder San
Josemaria Escriva was
born in Babastros, Spain,
in 1902. The portrayal in
The Da Vinci Code as
existing to suppress
documents of the Priory of
Sion is pure fabrication.
The Da Vinci Code claimed:
“The Bible, as we know it today, was
collated by the pagan Roman emperor
Constantine (p.231)….Because
Constantine upgraded Jesus’ status
almost four centuries after Jesus’
death, thousands of documents
already existed chronicling His life as
a mortal man….Constantine
commissioned and financed a new
Bible, which omitted those gospels
that spoke of Christ’s human traits and
embellished those gospels that made
Him godlike. The earlier [Gnostic]
gospels were outlawed, gathered up,
and burned” (p.234).
Actual Historical Fact

Constantine could not have collected

and altered the combined evidence
of history that preceded him because
other ancient documents (beside the
New Testament that we have—which
Brown accused Constantine for
tampering them) do tell the stories of
Christ and his sufferings, death and
resurrection. And in history there is
no evidence that Constantine
ordered the burning of any Gnostic
gospels. What were burned were
Arian papers found by the Council of
Nicaea to be heretical.
Should The Da Vinci Code shaken your
Christian faith and belief? Absolutely not. Dan
Brown is a mere story writer by which he was
clever to deceive his readers into buying his
bestseller book because of the new
revelation that he claimed to have
discovered. Dan Brown is classified a
‘historical fiction’ writer—a genre of literature
writings in which imaginary characters live
within the realistic boundaries of known facts.
We can safely say that Dan Brown is also a
‘revisionist historian’—one who tampers and
revise history.
In an earlier interview when asked,
“How much of this novel is true?”
Dan Brown said, 5:6 Do not
let anyone deceive you
“The Da Vinci Code is a novel
with foolish words; it
and therefore a work of fiction…
because of these
Each individual very
reader must
explore these characters’
things that God's anger
viewpoints and come to his or
come upon those
own interpretations.”
who do not obey him.
Lately, Dan Brown no longer claims the Da Vinci Code to
be fictional. Is it because money is pouring in from its
sales, attracting—or rather deceiving—thousand of
readers into buying the book thinking that it carries some
new historical evidences?

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