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Purpose of testing

1 Briefly discuss the concept “grade inflation”.

Grade inflation is when the grading system is not constant or not

reliable. The student is being assessed on higher level than the
student is worth.

2 What is an aptitude test battery?

An aptitude test is a series or a collection of tests that are used to

measure the potential of students.

3 Briefly discuss the types of educational decisions every

classroom teacher must make.

a. Instructional decisions revolve around the instructional plan.

b. Grading decisions are decisions based on the performance
and knowledge that the student has acquired.
c. Diagnostic decisions where the educator has to find problems
that the students face, his strength and his weaknesses.

4 Briefly discuss the type of data that is needed for diagnostic


Objective test data and Subjective test data

Norm and criterion referenced tests

1 Briefly discuss the educational decisions for which you would

want to use norm referenced test.

2 Briefly discuss the educational decisions for which you would

want to use criterion referenced test.

Educational decisions Norm referenced Criterion referenced

test test
1. Instructional  √
2. Grading √ √
3. Diagnostic √ √
4. Selection √ 
5. Placement √ √
6. Counseling and √ √
7. Program or curriculum √ √
8. Promotion √ 
9. Graduation √ 

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