Heating Water

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1 Litre water = 1 Kilogram Water 1000 Litre of Water = 1 m3 1g/mL = 1000g/Litre 1 mL (millilitre) Water = 1 g (gram) = 1 tonne =m =1000 kg

Q=m c T
Water has a Specific Heat capacity of 4.187 kJ/Kg/C Where: Q = Heat Energy (Joule or Calories) 1 Cal = 4187 J c = Specific Heat Capacity (Joule/kg/C) m = Mass of Water (Grams) T = Change in Temperature (C) =c =Q =m = T

To raise 1000g (1 Litre) water by 1C Q= 1000 x 4.187 x 1= 4187 Therefore it takes 4187 Joule (or 1 Calorie) to raise 1Litre water by 1C And; 1(ml) / 4.187 (J/ml/C) = 0.239 J / C for each g or mL of water Water has a Co-efficient of Volumetric expansion of 210x10-6 / C What is the volume of water at 80C when at 20C it occupies 1 litre? =E

And V2= V1 + V1(T2 T1) x E V2 = 1 + [1(60) x 210x10-6] V2 = 1.0126 Litre

Water has a Latent Heat of vaporisation of 2260 J/Kg =V How much energy does it take for 1 Litre of water at 25C to boil and then turn into steam? Q = [(100-25) x 4.187 x1000) + (2260 x 1000)] = 2 575 598 J And = 2575598 / 3600000 KWH = 0.714KWH And at 17c / KWH = $0.12 cents!


Power (Watts) = Energy (Joules) / Time (Seconds)

1KW will raise the temperature of 1Litre (Kg) water by 1C in 1 second

or: 1 watt 1 ml (gram) by 1C in 1 second 1 KWH (Kilowatt Hour) = 3 600 000 J (Joule) = 3.6 MJ. EXAMPLES: To Heat water from 15C to 100C would take 355 Seconds at 1KW. This assumes 100% efficiency. To raise the temperature of 1000 litres of water from 15C to 25C using a 500 Watt immersion heater (assuming 100% efficiency! - and no losses!), would take 20000 seconds (5.5 hours) and at a cost of $0.94 (at 17 cents/KWH). 0.5KW > 1000 Litre > 10C > 20000 seconds {/ 3600 x (0.17)} = 0.94

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