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Expressions with come come down (heavily) on somebody come up with something come to terms with something come round to something / an idea come out with something come in for something come to the point come off it come across Expressions with get get ahead get away with get back at somebody (or get sb back) (dont) get it get behind [support] get somebody down get down to something get in / into something get over something / somebody get round to something get something over with get together Expressions with take take the view (that) take advantage of something / somebody take on take in take off [successful] take exception to something take issue with something / someone take somebody by surprise take for granted take part take something / somebody seriously (can) take it or leave it will not take no for an answer take your time take something apart take over take somebody up on something Expressions with go go over something [examine, review] go together the same goes for that / something / someone go about something have a go at something go ahead go against somebody go back on something go by the book go with [suit, match] go under go through with something go into something [discuss in detail]

Expressions and phrasal verbs with do do wonders for do something with your eyes closed do more harm than good have (nothing) to do with something do something/nothing for somebody do away with something do somebody in do something over [repeat] do without something do something up [repair, decorate] Expressions and phrasal verbs with put put in time put yourself in somebodys shoes / place put yourself across put something aside put the cart before the horse put something behind you put the blame on somebody put one over on somebody put something before somebody [tell] put something together put up with Expressions and phrasal verbs with turn turn your back on somebody/something turn a blind eye turn the tables on somebody turn over a new leaf turn something around turn down [refuse] turn to somebody/something [ask for help] turn out [happen] (It ____ + that) Expressions and phrasal verbs with make make certain / sure make something [make possible] make something into something make something out [understand] make up for lost time make it up to someone make up for something make of something [opinion] Expressions and phrasal verbs with see see something coming see red see the last of something/someone what you see is what you get (WYSIWIG) see something in a new light cant see the wood for the trees see the point of see eye to eye see the light see about something see something through [finish] see through somebody / something [not believe]

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