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the soils influence to plants growth and development

To know the condition of Cocor Bebek that grows in each kind of soil To know which kind of soil that suits the most and the least for plants To know what kind of substances are contained in soil in term of plants fertilization

Does the kind of soil influence plants growth ? Which soil that suits the most for plants growth? What substance that supports the most of the plants growth?

1.Different kinds of soils will affect the plants growth and development condition 2. The most suitable soil for plant growth and development is humus 3. the least suitable for plant growth and development is sand 4. its predicted that humus contains a lot of nutritions bend such as ?

Three polybags


3 Cocor Bebek leaves

Humus, sand, and clay soil


Control: 1. Kind of plant (Cocor Bebek) 2. Observation time 3. Observation place 4. Amount of soil used (5 shoves) 5. Amount of water given Independent: 1.Kind of soil (Humus, sand, and) Dependant : 1.The growth of Cocor Bebek plant

1. 2. Prepare 3 polybags which each labeled A, B and C fill the polybags with 5 shoves of soil -polybag A : Humus -polybag B : Sand -Polybag C : Clay on each polybag put a piece of Cocor Bebeks leaf Water the the polybags once a day. observe and measure the growth of Cocor Bebek everyday for two weeks. write down on the provided table. Compare the result of observation avert two weeks.

3. 4. 5.


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