Rhymes and Alliterations

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What are the Different Elements Between Poems with Rhythm, Rhyme, and Alliteration?

Learning about the use and special features of poetry.

Overview Of The Lesson

You will be taught the use of and special features of poetry. You will be provided with many examples. You will then be tested to see how well you can read and identify these different kinds of poetry.

What is a Rhyming Poem?

A rhyming poem is a verse poem that contains rhyming words at the end of certain lines. Example: Night time
by Lee Bennet Hopkins

How do dreams know when to creep into my head when I fall off to Sleep?

Types of Rhyming Poems

There are many types of rhyming poems. Here are names of some of them. The Couplet The Limerick The Ballad Stanza (including the short and long) Octaves

An Example of a Limerick
What is a limerick, Mother? It's a form of verse, said brother In which lines one and two Rhyme with five when it's through And three and four rhyme with each other. author unknown

The Purpose of Rhyming Poems

Rhyming poems are used mainly for humor. These poems are fun to read. Lets see some more poems with rhymes.

A Rhyming Poem
Marty Smarty went to a party In her jumbo jet. After tea she jumped in the sea And got her pants all wet.
John Foster

More Rhymes
Spaghetti! Spaghetti
Spaghetti! Spaghetti! Youre wonderful stuff, I love you, spaghetti, I cant get enough. Youre covered with sauce And youre sprinkled with cheese, Spaghetti! Spaghetti! Oh, give me some please.
Jack Prelutsky

Rhyming Poems on the Internet

Now lets venture into the following websites to search for rhyming poems. www.gigglepoetry.com http://www.poetry4kids.com http://www.poetryguy.com

What is Alliteration?
A poem with alliteration repeats the initial consonant sounds closely together. Example: Sheila Shorter sought a suitor; Shelia sought a suitor short. Sheilas suitor sure to suit her; Shorts the suitor Sheila sought!
by Michael Rosen

The Purpose of Alliteration Poems

Alliteration poems tend to be tongue twisters. They are written for the fun they bring when they are read. Lets see more poems with alliteration.

An Alliteration Poem
Down the slippery slide they slid Sitting slightly sideways; Slipping swiftly see them skid On holidays and Fridays.

Another Alliteration Poem

A fly and a flea flew up in a flue. Said the fly to the flea, What shall we do? Lets fly, said the flea. Lets flee, said the fly. So they fluttered and flew up a flaw in the flue.

More Tongue Twisters

Night, night, Knight, said one Knight to the other knight the other night. Night, night, Knight.

Super Tongue Twister!

Esau Wood sawed wood. Esau Wood would saw wood. Oh, the wood that Wood would saw! One day Esau Wood saw a saw saw wood as no other woodsaw Wood ever saw would saw wood. Of all the woodsaws Wood ever saw saw wood, Wood never saw a woodsaw that would saw wood like the woodsaw Wood saw would saw wood. Now Esau Wood saws with that saw he saw saw wood.

Poems with Alliteration on the Internet

Now lets venture into the following websites to search for alliteration poems.
http://www.veeceet.com/kids/better.html http://www.gigglepoetry.com/poetryrace.cfm

What is Rhythm?
Any poem has the chance of having rhythm. A poem has rhythm if the reader of the poem gives the poem rhythm. For a poem to have rhythm, it has to be read following a pattern with its syllables. For example: da, da, dadada da da, da, da, dadada da da, da, da, dadada da da, da, da, dadada da da.

Example of Rhythm
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall and of all the kings horses and all of the Kings men couldnt put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Practice Your Rhythm

Clankity Clankity Clankity Clank! Ankylosaurus was built like a tank, Its hide was a fortress as sturdy as steel, It tended to be an inedible meal. It was armored in front, it was armored behind, There wasnt a thing on its minuscule mind, It waddled about on its four stubby legs, Nibbling on plants with a mouthful of pegs. Ankylosaurus was best left alone, Its tail was a cudgel of gristle and bone, Clankity Clankity Clankity Clank! Ankylosaurus was built like a tank. By: Jack Prelutsky

More Rhythm Practice

Iguanodon, Iguanodon, Whatever made you fade, Youve traveled on, Iguanodon, We wish you could have stayed. Iguanodon, Iguanodon, Weve sought you everywhere, Both here and yon, Iguanodon, But failed to find you there. Iguanodon, Iguanodon, You were a gentle kind, But now youre gone, Iguanodon, And left your bones behind.

By: Jack Prelutsky

Time For Review!

1. 2. What is a rhyme? Give an example. What is rhythm? Give an example.

3. What is alliteration? Give an example.

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