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Founoatlon o| Lnglneerlng Founoatlon o| Lnglneerlng

Lecture # 2
Course Outllne Course Outllne
Cbapter 1 12
Marks Dlstrlbutlon
Asslgnments 10
Qulzzes 10
Class Partlclpatlon 5 Class Partlclpatlon 5
Mlo Term 25
Flnal 50
Semester Duratlon
4 Montbs approlmately
Tet 8ook Tet 8ook
Founoatlon o| Lnglneerlng
Mark T. Holtz Apple
W. Dan Peece
Cbapter 1: Tbe Lnglneer Cbapter 1: Tbe Lnglneer (Page (Page- -2) 2)
What is Engineering What is Engineering??
According to Websters
The application of
math and science
by which the
Engineers apply math and science for the
betterment of society through:
Design Manufacturing Research &
of matter and the
sources of energy
in nature are made
to people.
Management Continual
Above all, engineers are problem solvers who make
things work better, more efficiently, quicker and
1.1Wbat ls an Lnglneer? 1.1Wbat ls an Lnglneer?
|nolvlouals wbo Comblne Knowleoge o|
Sclence, Matbematlcs ano Lconomlcs to
Solve Tecbnlcal Problems tbat Con|ront
Must be Cost Consclous Must be Cost Consclous
|ngenlous Problem Solvers
All Humans are Lnglneers.
Lnglneerlng ls an Applleo Sclence
Tbe Tbe 8eglnnlngs o| Lnglneerlng 8eglnnlngs o| Lnglneerlng
Tbe Larllest Days
Tbe Tbe Overvlew Approacb Overvlew Approacb
Lnglneerlng tbe Temples o| Greece
Tbe Poman Poaos ano Aqueoucts
Tbe Great Wall o| Cblna
Travellng Travellng Tbrougb tbe Ages Tbrougb tbe Ages
1200 8.C. A.D. 1
Quallty o| wrougbt lron ls lmproveo
Sworos are mass proouceo
Slege towers are per|ecteo
Greeks oevelop manu|acturlng
Greeks oevelop manu|acturlng
Arcblmeoes lntroouces matbematlcs ln
Concrete ls useo |or arcbeo brloges, roaos
ano aqueoucts ln Pome.
Travellng Travellng Tbrougb tbe Ages: A.D. 1 Tbrougb tbe Ages: A.D. 1- -
1000 1000
Cblnese |urtber oevelop tbe stuoy o|
Gunpowoer ls per|ecteo
Cotton ano sllk manu|actureo
Cotton ano sllk manu|actureo
Travellng Travellng Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1000 Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1000- -
1400 1400
Sllk ano glass lnoustrles contlnue to grow
Leonaroo Flblnaccl, a meoleval
matbematlclan, wrltes tbe |lrst Western
tet on algebra
tet on algebra
Travellng Travellng Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1400 Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1400- -
1700 1700
Flrst tollet ls lnventeo ln Lnglano
Gallleo constructs a serles o| telescopes, wltb
wblcb be observes tbe rotatlon about tbe sun
Otto von Guerlck |lrst oemonstrates tbe
elstence o| a vacuum
|ssac Newton constructs |lrst re|lectlng
|ssac Newton constructs |lrst re|lectlng
8oyle's Gas Law, statlng pressure varles
lnversely wltb volume, ls |lrst lntroouceo.
Travellng Travellng Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1700 Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1700- -
1800 1800
|noustrlal Pevolutlon beglns ln Lurope
[ames Watt patents bls |lrst steam englne
Soclety o| Lnglneers, a pro|esslonal
englneerlng soclety, ls |ormeo ln Lonoon
Flrst bullolng maoe completely o| cast
lron bullt ln Lnglano
Travellng Travellng Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1800 Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1800- -
1825 1825
Macblne automatlon ls |lrst lntroouceo ln
Flrst rallroao locomotlve ls oeslgneo ano
Cbemlcal symbols are oevelopeo, tbe
Cbemlcal symbols are oevelopeo, tbe
same symbols useo tooay (Au, He)
Slngle wlre telegrapb llne ls oevelopeo
Travellng Travellng Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1825 Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1825- -
1875 1875
Peln|orceo concrete ls |lrst useo
Flrst syntbetlc plastlc materlal ls createo
8essemer oevelops bls process to create
stronger steel ln mass quantltles
Flrst oll well orllleo ln Pennsylvanla
Typewrlter ls per|ecteo
Travellng Travellng Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1875 Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1875- -
1900 1900
Telepbone ls patenteo ln tbe US by
Aleanoer Grabam 8ell
Tbomas Lolson lnvents tbe llgbt bulb ano
tbe pbonograpb
Gasollne englne oevelopeo by Gottlleb
Automoblle lntroouceo by Karl 8enz
Travellng Travellng Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1900 Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1900- -
1925 1925
Wrlgbt brotbers complete |lrst sustalneo
Foro oevelops |lrst olesel englnes ln
Flrst commerclal |llgbt between Parls ano
Lonoon beglns
Detrolt becomes center o| auto
proouctlon lnoustry
Travellng Travellng Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1925 Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1925- -
1950 1950
[obn Logle 8alro lnvents a prlmltlve |orm
o| televlslon
Tbe vW 8eetle goes lnto proouctlon
Flrst atomlc bomb ls useo
Tbe translstor ls lnventeo
Travellng Travellng Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1950 Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1950- -
1975 1975
Computers |lrst lntroouceo lnto tbe
market, ano are common by 1960
Sputnlk |, tbe |lrst artl|lclal satelllte, put
lnto space by USSP
Flrst communlcatlon satelllteTelstarls
Flrst communlcatlon satelllteTelstarls
put lnto space
Tbe U.S. completes tbe |lrst ever moon
Travellng Travellng Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1975 Tbrougb tbe Ages: 1975- -
1990 1990
Tbe Concoro ls |lrst useo |or supersonlc
|llgbt between Lurope ano tbe U.S.
Columbla space sbuttle ls reuseo |or
space travel
Flrst artl|lclal beart ls success|ully
Engineering Disciplines Engineering Disciplines
Major Disciplines Other Disciplines
Lnglneers Lnglneers ano Sclentlsts ano Sclentlsts
Sclentlsts seek tecbnlcal answers to
unoerstano natural pbenomenon
Lnglneers stuoy tecbnlcal problems wltb a
practlcal appllcatlon always ln mlno
For eample
For eample
Sclentlsts stuoy atomlc structure to
unoerstano tbe nature o| matter, englneers
stuoy atomlc structure to make smaller ano
|aster mlcrocblps"
Tbe Tbe Lnglneer ano tbe Lnglneerlng Lnglneer ano tbe Lnglneerlng
Tecbnologlst Tecbnologlst
Maln ol||erence between tbe two ls:
Lnglneers oeslgn ano manu|acture macblnes
ano systems, wblle englneerlng tecbnologlsts
bave tbe tecbnlcal know-bow to use ano
lnstall tbe macblnes properly
lnstall tbe macblnes properly
An eample:
Tbe tecbnologlst loentl|les tbe equlpment
necessary to assemble a new CD player, tbe
englneer oeslgns salo CD player"
1.4 1.4 Tbe Tecbnology Team Tbe Tecbnology Team
Artlsans Artlsans
1.4 1.4 Tbe Tecbnology Team Tbe Tecbnology Team --continued continued
Wbo stuoy Nature ln oroer to Aovance
buman Knowleoge
Typlcal Degree 8S, MS, PbD
Lnglneers Lnglneers
Wbo apply tbelr Knowleoge o| Sclence,
Matbematlcs ano Lconomlcs to Develop
Use|ul Devlces, Structures ano Processes.
Typlcal Degree 8s, MS, PbD
1.4 1.4 Tbe Tecbnology Team Tbe Tecbnology Team - -continued continued
Wbo apply Sclence ano Matbematlcs to Well-
De|lneo Problems tbat generally oon't Pequlre
Deptb o| Knowleoge.
Typlcal Degree 8S Typlcal Degree 8S
Wbo are Supervlseo by Lnglneers ano
Sclentlsts to Accompllsb Specl|lc Tasks sucb as
Dra|tlng, Lab Proceoures etc.
Typlcal Degree 2-year Assoclate Dlploma
1.4 1.4 Tbe Tecbnology Team Tbe Tecbnology Team --continued continued
Wbo bave Manual Skllls
Carpentry Carpentry
Construct oevlces Specl|leo by Sclentlsts,
Lnglneers, Tecbnologlsts ano Tecbnlclans
1.5 Lnglneerlng Dlsclpllnes 1.5 Lnglneerlng Dlsclpllnes
Discuss briefIy the fIowchart given in Figure 1.1
{Page 8} ---- Assignnent # 1
1.6 Lnglneerlng Functlons 1.6 Lnglneerlng Functlons
Pesearcb Lnglneers
Development Lnglneers
Deslgn Lnglneers
Proouctlon Lnglneers
Testlng Lnglneers Testlng Lnglneers
Constructlon Lnglneers
Sales Lnglneers
Operatlon Lnglneers
Consultlng Lnglneers
Managlng Lnglneers
Teacblng Lnglneers
1.6 Lnglneerlng Functlons 1.6 Lnglneerlng Functlons
Pesearcb Lnglneers
Searcb |or New Knowleoge to Solve Dl||lcult
Problems tbat oo not bave reaolly Apparent
Development Lnglneers
Apply Llstlng ano New Knowleoge to Develop Apply Llstlng ano New Knowleoge to Develop
Portotypes o| New Devlces, Structures ano
Deslgn Lnglneers
Apply tbe Pesults o| Pesearcb ano Development
Lnglneers to Proouce Detalleo Deslgns o|
Devlces, Structures ano Processes tbat wlll be
Useo by tbe Publlc.
1.6 Lnglneerlng Functlons 1.6 Lnglneerlng Functlons
Proouctlon Lnglneers
Are Concerneo wltb Specl|ylng Proouctlon
Scbeoules, Determlnlng Paw materlals
avallablllty ano Optlmlzlng assembly llnes to
mass Proouce tbe Devlces Concelveo be
Deslgn Lnglneers. Deslgn Lnglneers.
Testlng Lnglneers
Per|orm Tests on Lnglneereo Prooucts to
Determlne tbelr Pellablllty ano Sultablllty |or
Partlcular Appllcatlons.
Constructlon Lnglneers
8ullo Large Structures.
1.6 Lnglneerlng Functlons 1.6 Lnglneerlng Functlons
Sales Lnglneers
Have tbe tecbnlcal 8ackgrouno Pequlreo to
Sell Tecbnlcal Prooucts.
Operatlon Lnglneers
Pun ano Malntaln Proouctlon Facllltles Sucb as Pun ano Malntaln Proouctlon Facllltles Sucb as
Factorles ano Cbemlcal Plants.
Consultlng Lnglneers
Are Speclallsts wbo are Calleo Upon by
Companles to Supplement tbelr |n-House
Lnglneerlng Talent.
1.6 Lnglneerlng Functlons 1.6 Lnglneerlng Functlons
Managlng Lnglneers
Are neeoeo ln |noustry to Coorolnate tbe
Actlvltles o| tbe Tecbnology Team.
Teacblng Lnglneers
Loucate otber Lnglneers ln tbe Funoamentals Loucate otber Lnglneers ln tbe Funoamentals
o| Lacb Lnglneerlng Dlsclpllne.
Tbe Sclentl|lc Metboo Tbe Sclentl|lc Metboo
Tbe Sclentl|lc Metboo Tbe Sclentl|lc Metboo
DeveIop Hypothesis {PossibIe ExpIanation} of a PhysicaI
Design an Experinent to TE5T the Hypothesis.
Perforn the Experinent and AnaIyze the ResuIts in accordance
to the Hypothesis.
GeneraIize the ExperinentaI ResuIts into a LAW or THEORY.
PubIish the RE5ULT5.
Tbe Lnglneerlng Metboo Tbe Lnglneerlng Metboo
Tbe Lnglneerlng Metboo Tbe Lnglneerlng Metboo
Deslgn Team
Document tbe
tbe Solutlon to
tbe Management
Construct tbe
verl|y ano Deslgn Team
Constralnts ano
Success Crlterla
Searcb |or
Analyze Lacb
Cboose tbe
8LST Solutlon
verl|y ano
Lvaluate tbe
Per|ormance o|
tbe Solutlon
Tralts o| a Success|ul Lnglneer Tralts o| a Success|ul Lnglneer
Tralts o| a SUCCLSSFUL Lnglneer Tralts o| a SUCCLSSFUL Lnglneer
|nterpersonal Skllls
L||ectlvely Communlcate wltb Tecbnologlcal Team
Communlcatlon Skllls
Lnglneerlng Drawlngs or Sketcbes
Wrlte Memos, Manuals, Proposals, 8los, Tecbnlcal Wrlte Memos, Manuals, Proposals, 8los, Tecbnlcal
Papers etc.
Communlcate to Workers ano Soclety
Most Deslreo Sklll
Access Sltuatlon ano Develop Plan to Meet Group
Tralts o| a Success|ul Lnglneer Tralts o| a Success|ul Lnglneer -contlnueo
Wltb Faulty Knowleoge Llttle value to Tbelr
Loglcal Tblnklng
Declslons Sboulo be baseo on Peason not
Lmotlons Lmotlons
Quantltatlve Tblnklng
Qualltatlve |oeas Trans|ormeo lnto Qualltatlve
Matbematlcal Mooels
Follow Tbrougb
Not Get Frustrateo ano Stay Motlvateo ln Long
Tralts o| a Success|ul Lnglneer Tralts o| a Success|ul Lnglneer -contlnueo
Contlnulng Loucatlon
Unoergraouate 8eglnnlng o| a Ll|e Tlme
Not Staylng Current Obsolete Lnglneer
Malntalnlng a Personal Llbrary
For Personallzeo Pe|erences For Personallzeo Pe|erences
Sboulo Meet Deaollnes
MOST valueo
An Lmployee wbo Cannot be Trusteo ls o| No Use
o| Company
Tralts o| a Success|ul Lnglneer Tralts o| a Success|ul Lnglneer -contlnueo
Tralts o| a Success|ul Lnglneer Tralts o| a Success|ul Lnglneer -contlnueo
Common Sense
A Sense Tbat ls Not Common ln Common People
Constructlon o| Llbrary ln a 8ullolng
Learn ano Attempt to Unoerstano tbe Worlo Learn ano Attempt to Unoerstano tbe Worlo
|nvolvement ln tbe Communlty
Meet wltb People
Flno 8est Solutlons out o| many to Satls|y tbe
Project Goal (Low Cost, Pellablllty etc.)
Creatlvlty Creatlvlty
lmog|not|on |s More lmportont thon Know|edge.
(Albert Llnsteln)
Autbor Autbor
Lploratlon o| Lmotlons,
Development o| Cbaracters
Constralns Constralns
Artlst Artlst
Creatlon o| 8eauty
Lperlmentatlon wltb Dl||erent Meola
Constralnts Constralnts
vlsual Form
Composer Composer
Creatlon o| New Sounos
Lploratlon o| Potentlal o| eacb |nstrument
Constralnts Constralnts
Muslcal Form
Lnglneer Lnglneer
|ncreaseo Pellablllty
|mproveo L||lclency
Peouceo Cost Peouceo Cost
8etter Per|ormance
Smaller Slze
Llgbter Welgbt etc
Pbyslcal Laws ano Lconomlcs
Creatlvlty Summary Creatlvlty Summary
Profession GoaIs Constraints
Autbor Communlcatlon, Lploratlon o|
Lmotlons, Development o| Cbaracters
Artlst Communlcatlon, Creatlon o| 8eauty,
Lperlmentatlon wltb Dl||erent Meola
vlsual Form
Composer Communlcatlon, Creatlon o| New Muslcal Form Composer Communlcatlon, Creatlon o| New
Sounos, Lploratlon o| Potentlal o|
eacb |nstrument
Muslcal Form
Lnglneer Slmpllclty, |ncreaseo Pellablllty,
|mproveo L||lclency, Peouceo Cost,
8etter Per|ormance, Smaller Slze,
Llgbter Welgbt etc
Pbyslcal Laws ano
Tralts o| a Creatlve Lnglneer Tralts o| a Creatlve Lnglneer
1.12 Tralts o| a CPLAT|vL Lnglneer 1.12 Tralts o| a CPLAT|vL Lnglneer
Creatlve Solutlons to Problems Pequlre
Unbrloleo Commltment
Cen|us |s 1 lnsp|rot|on ond 99 Persp|rot|on
(Tbomas Alva Lolson)
Ask Wby
Curlous about Worlo Curlous about Worlo
Learns How Otber Creatlve Lnglneers Solve
|s Never Satls|leo
Always Asklng blmsel| How Coulo | oo Tbls
Try to Flno Solutlons o| Problems Patber
Complalnlng about Tbem
Learns |rom Accloents
Don't 8e Slngle Mlnoeo ano Narrow, 8e Sensltlve
to tbe Unepecteo
Makes Analogles
8y Maklng Plcb Analogles One can Obtaln 8etter
e.g. Moblle Agents
Tralts o| a CPLAT|vL Lnglneer Tralts o| a CPLAT|vL Lnglneer contlnueo contlnueo
e.g. Moblle Agents
Specl|lc Fact Generallzeo to Generate Plcb
Develops Qualltatlve ano Quantltatlve
Get a Feellng |or Numbers ano Processes as tbls ls
neeoeo by Sub-Consclous |or Qualltatlve Mooel
Tralts o| a CPLAT|vL Lnglneer Tralts o| a CPLAT|vL Lnglneer contlnueo contlnueo
Has Gooo vlsuallzatlon Skllls
Solutlon Can be Obtalneo by Pe-arranglng
Components, Turnlng Tbem Arouno or Dupllcatlng
Has Gooo Drawlng Skllls
Drawlngs ano Sketcblng are Fastest Way to
Communlcate |oeas etc. Communlcate |oeas etc.
Possesses Unbounoeo Tblnklng
Pestrlctlon to a Narrowly De|lneo Dlsclpllne
Mlnlmlze tbe Cbances o| Obtalnlng Potentlal
Has 8roao |nterests
Soclallzlng wltb Frlenos, Stlmulatlng a Hobby,
Collects Obscure |n|ormatlon
Haro Problems Pequlre Hlooen |n|ormatlon
Works wltb Nature, Not Agalnst |t
Nature O|ten Guloes You to Solutlons l| You are
Attentlve to |ts Wblspers
Tralts o| a CPLAT|vL Lnglneer Tralts o| a CPLAT|vL Lnglneer contlnueo contlnueo
Attentlve to |ts Wblspers
Keeps an Lnglneerlng Tool 8o"
Toolbo Slmple Qualltatlve Pelatlons Neeoeo
by tbe Qualltatlve Mooel ln tbe Sub-Consclous
Asslgnment # 1 Asslgnment # 1 {Due Date 27 {Due Date 27
th th
March 2011} March 2011}
Dlscuss brle|ly tbe |lowcbart glven ln
Flgure 1.1 (Page 8)
Dlscuss ln Detall tbe Tralts o| a Success|ul
Lnglneer ano a Creatlve Lnglneer.
Dl||erentlate between Lnglneerlng ano Dl||erentlate between Lnglneerlng ano
Sclentl|lc Metboos.
Cbapter 2: Lnglneerlng Ltblcs Cbapter 2: Lnglneerlng Ltblcs
2.1 |nteractlon Pules 2.1 |nteractlon Pules
Lpecteo Sets o| 8ebavlors between tbe
Lnglneer, otber |nolvlouals ano Soclety as a
|t goes 8otb Ways
Lnglneer bas Obllgatlons to Soclety
To be Honest To be Honest
Soclety bas Obllgatlons to tbe Lnglneer
To Pay |or Work Per|ormeo
To Protect |ntellectual Property
|nteractlon Pules |nteractlon Pules
Cooes o| 8ebavlor ano Courtesy
|n General
Proper Dress ln Weoolngs
Seatlng Arrangements Seatlng Arrangements
Placlng Forks on Dlnner Table etc
|n Lnglneerlng Worlo
Sbowlng Proper Pespect to Lmployers ano Cllents
Not Lmbarrasslng Colleagues
Answerlng tbe Pbone ln a Pro|esslonal Manner
|nteractlon Pules |nteractlon Pules
System o| Pules Lstabllsbeo by Autborlty,
Soclety or Custom
vlolatlon o| Law Carry Penaltles (Flnes,
|mprlsonment etc.) |mprlsonment etc.)
Law Sboulo be Clearly |oentl|lable to
8ounoarles Separatlng Legal ano |llegal
|nteractlon Pules |nteractlon Pules
Accepteo Stanoaros o| Plgbt ano Wrong
usually Applleo to Personal 8ebavlor
Derlveo |rom Parents, Soclety, Meola, Frlenos
etc. etc.
Many Moral Cooes are Pecoroeo ln Pellglous
[ust Clalms" belong to all Humans, regaroless
o| wbetber tbese rlgbts are Pecognlzeo by
|nteractlon Pules |nteractlon Pules
General ano Abstract Concepts o| Plgbt ano
Wrong 8ebavlor Calleo |rom Pbllosopby,
Tbeology ano Pro|esslonal Socletles
2.2 Settllng Con|llcts 2.2 Settllng Con|llcts
Major Purpose o| |nteractlon Pules ls to
Avolo Con|llcts 8etween tbe Members o|
Sources o| Con|llcts
Moral |ssues Moral |ssues
Conceptual |ssues
Appllcatlon |ssues
Factual |ssues
Moral |ssues Moral |ssues
A Moral |ssue ls |nvolveo l| tbe |ssue can
be Pesolveo by maklng a Moral Declslon
Moral |ssues Moral |ssues - -Contlnueo Contlnueo
Sboulo tbere be ANY speeo Llmlt
Motorlst can go as FAST as tbey Wlsb
Tlme Savlng or Pleasure
Peoestrlan at Plsk
People are MOPL |MPOPTANT tban
Conceptual |ssues Conceptual |ssues
Occurs wben tbe Morallty o| an Actlon ls
Agreeo Upon but Tbere ls Uncertalnty
bow lt Sboulo be Cool|leo lnto a Clearly
oe|lneo PULL, LAW or POL|CY. oe|lneo PULL, LAW or POL|CY.
|ssue: Wbat Speeo ls Too Fast?
One Pesolutlon: Speeos tbat Lceeos 55 mpb
Unoer Favorable Drlvlng Conoltlons or
Unoer Aoverse Drlvlng Conoltlons Llke Paln,
Fog, Snow Ltc.
Appllcatlon |ssues Appllcatlon |ssues
|t Occurs wben lt ls Unclear l| a Partlcular
act vlolates a LAW, PULL or Pollcy.
Wbetber Llgbt Paln Quall|les Aoverse Drlvlng
Conoltlons?? Conoltlons??
Factual |ssues Factual |ssues
|t arlses wben tbere ls Uncertalnty about
Morally Pelevant Facts.
Can be Pesolveo by Acqulrlng more
Lample: Lample:
Use o| PADAP Gun to aooress tbe FALSL
Clalm maoe by a Motorlst wbo ls Over
2.3 Moral Tbeorles 2.3 Moral Tbeorles
Provloe Frame Work |or Maklng Moral &
Ltblcal Declslons
Ltblcal Lgolsm
Plgbt Analysls Plgbt Analysls
Case Stuoy Case Stuoy Mr. Smltb Mr. Smltb [bonson [bonson (8ullolng |nspector) (8ullolng |nspector)
Dutles Dutles
To Lnsure tbat a bullolng sboulo be 8ullt
accorolng to tbe Clty Cooe.
Proper Constructlon Materlal ano Metboos
are Useo
. .
He ls o||ereo a $10,000 brlbe to
OvLPLOOK some sboooy constructlon
tbat woulo cost tbe constructor $ 50,000
to correct.
Sboulo Lnglneer Accept tbe 8rlbe???? Sboulo Lnglneer Accept tbe 8rlbe????
Answer in the Light Answer in the Light
of Different of Different
Theories Theories
Ltblcal Lgolsm Ltblcal Lgolsm
An act ls Moral Provloeo You Act ln Your
Lnllgbteneo Sel|-|nterest
Kllllng an Attacker ln Sel|-De|ense ls NOT
Mr. Smltb Case Mr. Smltb Case
|| be Take tbe 8rlbe be May Caugbt ano tbe
Pesult ls Loslng bls [ob + |mprlsonment + 8ao
Pepute <<< $10,000
So |n bls SLLF-|NTLPLST be Sboulon't Take |t.
Utllltarlanlsm Utllltarlanlsm
Moral actlvltles are tbose tbat Create tbe
most Gooo |or tbe most People.
|t attempts to Optlmlze Happlness
Objectlve Functlon.
(8ene|lt) (|mportance) - (Harm) (|mportance) (8ene|lt) (|mportance) - (Harm) (|mportance)
--- --- Case Stuoy Case Stuoy
$ 10,000 8ene|lt
$ 50,000 8ene|lt to Contractor
Deatbs o| lnnocent People l| 8ullolng
Collapse Harm
Harm >>> 8ene|lts Harm >>> 8ene|lts
Actlon ls Clear -
Lample 2.6 (Asslgnment)
Plgbt Analysls Plgbt Analysls
Goloen Pule
Moral actlons are tbose tbat are Lqually
Pespect Lacb Human 8elng
Not Practlcable ln Lnglneerlng Worlo
(WHY??) (WHY??)
Pevlseo Goloen Pule
Do unto otbers as tbey woulo bave oone
unto tbem
Put Yoursel| ln your Sub-orolnate Sboes
Also not Unlversally Appllcable.
2.4 Tbe Ltblcal Lnglneer 2.4 Tbe Ltblcal Lnglneer
Protect Publlc Sa|ety. Healtb ano Wel|are
Per|orm Dutles only ln Areas o|
8e Trutb|ul ano Objectlve
8ebave ln an Honorable ano Dlgnl|leo 8ebave ln an Honorable ano Dlgnl|leo
Contlnue Learnlng to Sbarpen Tecbnlcal
Provloe Honest Haro work to Lmployers
or Cllents.
Tbe Ltblcal Lnglneer Tbe Ltblcal Lnglneer -- -- contlnueo contlnueo
|n|orm Proper Autborltles o| Harm|ul,
Dangerous or |llegal actlvltles
8e lnvolveo wltb Clvlc ano Communlty
Protect tbe Lnvlronment Protect tbe Lnvlronment
Do no accept 8rlbes or Gl|ts tbat woulo
lnter|ere wltb Lnglneerlng [uogment
Protect Con|loentlal |n|ormatlon o|
Lmployers or Cllents
Avolo Con|llcts o| |nterest
Cbapter 3: Problem Solvlng Cbapter 3: Problem Solvlng (Page (Page- -61) 61)

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