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Eric Wood English 102 102 Mr.

Neuberger 6 September 2011 Single Paragraph Essay A Case Assisted Suicide In "A Case of Assisted Suicide" by Jack Kevorkian, the author gives an example of a willing patient being euthanized. The theme set forth in this story is a willing patient should get to choose euthanasia as their death. The example set forth is a woman named Janet who has Alzheimer's. She was a more than willing patient after trying many experimental treatments. The narrator tells the reader about the treatments effectiveness, "... but have been stopped early because the new drug was ineffective. In fact, her condition worsened and she was more determined than ever to end her life" (318). Since she had tried every possible treatment, and decided she wanted euthanasia, Kevorkian had done his due diligence. Kevorkian ate with Janet and her family the night before, and after talking it out, Janet was clearly fine with their decision. Her thankful attitude was portrayed even as she died. "She looked up at me and said, 'thank you, thank you'" (323). This is just one example of how "assisted suicide" is a good thing when used in the right context.

181 Words Kevorkian, Jack. A Case of Assisted Sucide. Power of Language Language of Power. New York: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 317-323. Print.

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