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HUMAN HERPES VIRUS types 6, 7, & 8 Chapter 166 page 1052

HHV type 6 HHV type 7 HHV type 8

Isolated in 1986 from peripheral blood Isolated in 1990 from peripheral blood T- Isolated in 1994 & 1995 in tissues from
leukocytes of persons w/ lymphocytes of a healthy 26 y/o man kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) & body cavity-
lymphoproliferative disorders based lymphoma in AIDS patients
♥ Aka KS-associated herpesvirus
Worldwide distribution more common in central & southern Africa
80% of adults are sero(+) for HHV 6 concurrent epidemics of HIV-1 & HHV-8 in
homosecual & bisexual men
• Infection frequently develops in Infection frequently acquired during • Infects certain B lymphocytes &
infancy as maternal Ab wanes childhood endothelium-derived spindle cells
• Congenital infections (mostly due to • Also related to:
HHV-6B) -AIDS-related B-cell body-cavity-based
lymphomas &
-multicentric Castleman’s dse
(a lymphoproliferative B cell disorder)
INFANTS & CHILDREN: • No human dse had yet been IMMUNOCOMPETENT
• Examthen subitum (roseola definitively linked to HHV-7 although • Asymptomatic infection
infanticum) – fever w/ subsequent the ff diseases are associated:
rash ♥ Exanthema subitum IMMUNOCOMPROMISED
• Febrile seizures w/o rash ♥ Childhood febrile illness • Neoplastic disorders
OLDER AGE GROUPS: ♥ Neurologic syndromes
• Mononcleosis syndromes (encephalitis, flaccid
• Focal encephalitis paralysis)
IMMUNOCOMPROMISED: ♥ Pityriasis rosea
• Pneumonitis
• Disseminated dse
• Graft dysfunction

*implicated in Multiple sclerosis – further

study needed
MOT: saliva, genital secretions Commonly present in saliva of healthy Saliva, organ transplantation, IV drug use
Now has 2 genetically distinct variants:
HHV-6A and HHV-6B
Susceptible to Ganciclovir & foscarnet Susceptible to Ganciclovir & foscarnet Susceptible to Ganciclovir, foscarnet &
*clinical evidence is lacking *clinical evidence is lacking cidofovir
*clinical evidence is lacking
Antiretroviral therapy for HIV (+)
individuals led to ↓ KS among individuals
dually infected w/ HHV-8 & HIV
HHV-6, HHV-7 & CMV infections may cluster in transplant recipients, thus it is difficult
to sort out the roles of the various agents in individual clinical syndromes.

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