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14) Two pipes A and B fill a tank in 15 hours and 20 hours respectively while a third pipe C can empty

the full tank

in 25 hours. All the three pipes are opened in the beginning. After 10 hours, C is closed. In how much time,
will the tank be full?
a) J2 hrs
b) 13 hrs
c) 16 hrs
d) 18 hrs

15) Mumbai Express left Delhi to Mumbai at 14.30 hrs, travelling at a speed of 60 kmph and Rajdhani Express
left Delhi to Mumbai on the same day at 16.30 hrs, travelling at a speed of 80 kmph. How far away from
Delhi will the two trains meet?
a) 120 km
b) 360 km
c) 480 km
d) 500 km

16) A man sees a train passing over a bridge I km long. The length of the train is hal f that of the bridge. If the
train clears the bridge in 2 minutes, the speed of the train is:
a) 30 km/hr
b) 45 km/hr
c) 50 km/hr
d) 60 km/hr

17) Today is 1st April. The day of the week is Wednesday. This is a leap year. The day of week on this day after
3 years will be;
a) Thursday
b) Sunday
c) Friday
d) Tuesday
e) Saturday
18) One army camp had ration for 560 soldiers for 20 days, 560 soldiers reported for one camp and after 12
days, 112 soldiers were sent to another camp. For how many days, the remaining soldiers can stay in the
camp without getting any new ration?
a) 12
e) None

19) A worker is paid d dollars an hour for the first 8 hours she works in a day. For every hour after the first 8
hours, she is paid c dollars an hour. If she works 12 hours in one day, what is her average hourly wage for
that day?
a) (2d + c)/3
b) 8d + 4c
c) (8d+12c)/(2
d) (4d + 8c)/12
e) d + (l/3)c

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