Ex Dividend Price Calculation

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1 Lxdlvldend prlce of a co declared only cash dlvldend

closlng markeL prlce on lasL spoL Lrade/ 1+ (dlvldend lncome/ closlng markeL prlce on lasL spoL

2 Lxdlvldend prlce of a co declared boLh sLock and cash dlvldend

closlng markeL prlce on lasL spoL Lrade/ 1+ sLock dlvldend ln + (dlvldend lncome/ closlng
markeL prlce on lasL spoL Lrade

3 Lxdlvldend prlce of a co declared rlghL offer

issued right aIter g outstandin shares oI no. Total
price) OIIer shares no.oI (OIIered price closing last shares no.oI Existing L L

lf a co offered 1r3 for a offer prlce of 300 Lk (premlum 200 Lk) whose markeL prlce ls 1300
1hen value of rlghL
(1/5) 1
price) OIIer - price (Market * (1/5)

Lx rlghL prlce 1300 value of rlghL

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