Compensation and Benefits For American Expatriates

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Compensation and Benefits for American Expatriates

Sarah Brady Deanine Estes Shannon Johnson Kate Robertson

Questions for our Expatriates and Experts

Ms. Kate Robertson - Human Capital Advisory Services Division Mercer Ms. Shannon Johnson Colgate Palmolive Ms. Deanine Estes - Proctor & Gamble Ms. Sarah Brady - Chevron


What is an American expatriate? There is not one correct method to create a compensation package. There are more factors above and over what we have discussedwe choose the main issues.

Failed Assignments

Many expatriate assignments fail each year ~30%


dissatisfaction Cultural issues Feeling of isolation from home company Financial dissatisfaction

High costs associated with failures


Monetary Factors of Expatriate Compensation Non-monetary Factors Political Implications Current Events

Monetary Factors: Base Salary

Base Salary

Comparable to home country Serves as a reference point for establishing additional benefits Greatest point of flexibility Home country-based Host country-based Headquarter-based

Choose method

Base salary is the greatest point of flexibility. Companies set a maximum thats not a maximum, to be honest -David Kohtynski, Nike

Monetary Factors: Assignment Premium

Incentive: persuade acceptance of international assignments Environmental or hardship premiums Mobility premiums

Monetary Factors: Tax Considerations

Tax burden depends on location of assignment Solution: Tax Equalization


and easily understood Benefits both employee and employer Employee will not receive the tax burden May be high cost to Employer

Monetary Factors: Payroll

Not placed on foreign locations payroll May accrue Social Security benefits Consider exchange rates and inflation

Non-monetary Factors: Family Considerations

Assimilation programs

programs Call centers Language programs Cultural awareness

Non-monetary Factors: Medical Coverage

27% of expatriates are dissatisfied Employers provide full coverage


plans may be necessary Supplemental plans are necessary

Non-Monetary Factors: Housing

Housing and utilities allowance Goods and services allowance Cost of housing differences Expatriates discouraged from selling their American home American communities in foreign lands

Non-monetary Factors: Education

Match American standards Tuition reimbursement

Non-Monetary Factors: Days Off

Travel Expenses Children Employees Rest and Recreation days

Non-Monetary Factors: Repatriation

Employees forfeit special compensation Re-assimilation problems

Difficult to collaborate Resentment

Re-assimilation courses offered Promotion offered Career development programs Capitalize on foreign experiences

Political Implications: Attack on September 11th

Fear of domestic and international air travel Safety became top priority Travel restrictions to certain regions Extra approvals and precautionary measures

After September 11th some companies curtailed travel and cautioned employees but there wasnt any huge exodus. -Wall Street Journal, 2002

Political Implications: War on Iraq

Large impact on expatriates in Middle-Eastern region


for lives Opinionated with respect to business implications

Current Economic Conditions

Companies are decreasing number of expatriates Localization is a more cost efficient option


Many factors in sending expatriates abroad Every company compensates differently TOP PRIORITY: MAKE THE EXPATRIATE HAPPY!!
employees perceive the international human resources policy youve put in place and why you have relocated them. It is necessary to make sure they feel good about the programs that are underway to facilitate their international assignment. You want to know you are meeting their needs. - John Fadel, Deloitte & Touche

It is important to get an understanding of how your


If you were an expatriate, what would you perceive as being the most important benefits? Why? Would you let the current social and political events affect your decision to go abroad? If not, what extra compensation would you deem necessary? Would you fear coming back to the U.S. after working abroad? What types of repatriation programs would you like to see implemented within your company?



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