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On a sheet of paper, make a list of reforms (people, programs or organizations) that we have discussed in class

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Reform Movements

President Wilson and Reform


Woodrow Wilsons New Freedom


Federal Reserve Act (1913)


Federal Trade Commission(1914) Clayton Anti-Trust Act(1914)


Federal Reserve Act (1913) Placed national banks under control of a Federal Reserve Board Sets interest rates Supervises to make sure 4/27/12 they are running well

Federal Trade Commission(1914)

Monitor Business Practices Watch for False Advertising Click to edit Master subtitle style Regulates internet purchases today

Clayton Anti-Trust Act(1914)


Tariffs and Taxes

Lowered tariffs on foreign goods so Americans could buy more goods Sixteenth Amendmentgave Congress the power make wealthy pay more taxes than poor

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Questions to Think About

Would you be able to vote when you are 18? Would you have the same right to an education? What role would you have in your family and society? What would your home life look like? What would your working conditions be like? (ex: hours, pay, safety, cleanliness) Could you attend the same places or functions as those of a different race? Would you be safe in your home or out in public?

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