Cloud Computing

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PREPARED BY Click to edit Master subtitle style Kartik rupani



Defination(Meaning) Why We need? History Key features/Characteristics Architecture How it works Work-flow Components Layers


Types of Services Value chain Issues Challenges Advantages Draw-backs Applications Future edit Master subtitle style Click to Conclusion


Cloud computing is internet based computing which derives from the characteristics of client-server model. It uses the internet and central remote severs to maintain their data and applications. This technology allows much more efficient computing by centralizing storage, memory, processing and bandwidth. A simple example of cloud computing is Yahoo email or Gmail etc. We do not need a software or a server to use them.

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Cloud computing conceptual diagram


Why we need?

The access of internet and daily use of computer, we are storing a lot of data in our computer. For any business enterprise or any large sever machines there is a requirement of large data to be stored. The access to data or any information takes more time than the usual because of the storage capacity and load on the processor. Due to this reasons we are requiring a solution to solve the problem, thats why there is a need for a CLOUD COMPUTING.

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The actual term "cloud" borrows from telephony in the telecommunications companies. Until the 1990s primarily company offered dedicated point-to-point data circuits. After that they began to offer Virtual Private Network(VPN) services with comparable quality of service but at a much lower cost. In 2007, Google, IBM, and a number of universities embarked on a large scale cloud computing research project.

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Different companies implementing Cloud Computing service


Cloud computing now- a-days

From a survey, it is assumed that by the end of 2012, it will become the business of worth 42 billion $ all around the world. In INDIA also the top I.T. companies are using the Cloud Computing services. We can consider the Cloud computing service as a B2C(BUSINESS-TO-CONSUMER) Ecommerce. Wipro has developed a Private Cloud for internet users. Infosys has also developed a Cloud computing service for its Auto-sector department.

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Maintenance:- Cloud Computing applications are easier to maintain, since they don't have to be installed on each user's computer. Cost:- Is claimed to be greatly reduced and capital expenditure is converted to operational expenditure. Device and location independence :- Which enables users to access systems using a web browser regardless of their location or what device they are using (e.g., PC, mobile). Reliability :- is improved if multiple redundant sites are used, which makes well designed cloud computing suitable for business continuity and disaster recovery.

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Security:- Security can also be provided in the Cloud-computing while there is a need for transfer. Multi-tenancy:- Which enables sharing of resources and costs across a large pool of users thus allowing for : Centralization of infrastructure in locations with lower costs (such as real estate, electricity, etc.) Peak-load capacity increases (users need not engineer for highest possible load-levels) Utilization and efficiency improvements for systems that are often only 1020% utilized.

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The architecture behind cloud computing is a massive network of cloud servers interconnected in parallel.. The flow of control which is directed from Client to Server from one block to other.. The block contains Systems, interfaces , tools.. The functions of different Systems, interfaces , tools are as follows :

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User interaction interface:- The user of the cloud interface which interact with cloud Server to obtain service. Services catalog:- The list of services that a user can request. System management:- It manages the computer resources available. Provisioning tool:- It delivers the requested service. Monitoring and metering:- It monitors and keeps the usage of the cloud. Servers:- The servers which provide the requsted services to users.

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How it works?


How it works?(Cont..)

By generating the request by client the control goes to Control Node. Control node:- Controls all types of requests which are generated by Client. Database(Storage):-Which has Stored Whole information about any particular Enter-prize. Computer Network:- which has a Control and authority to permit the access to particular user. Application Server:- To which request arrives and by executing it, it permits the user to access the request generated by user.






Client :- The user Who is generating the request. Application :- Which Runs on the users Console after generating request. Platform:- Which Provides the initiatives for the application which is being performed. Infrastructure:-The Systematic arrangement of all the Components. Server:- Which Replies to the User by Providing access.

Types of Services


Types of Services(Cont..)

Infrastructure as a service(IaaS):- Infrastructure can be Provided as a Service. Ex:- Amazon web Services. Platform as a service(Paas):-The users execute the application hosted by the cloud provider through the platform or Application Program Interface (API). Ex:- Google, Microsoft. Software as a Service(Saas):- It Provides Software infrastructure for the User to interact with the System. EX:- MS Outlook.

Value Chain


Value Chain(Cont..)

Value Chain Model divides activities of a business into two main categories based on their relationship to Service /Product: PRIMARY ACTIVITIES:- Which includes Manufacturing, Marketing , Supporting , Promoting , Delivering Services. SUPPORT ACTIVITIES:- Which Supports Primary activities by including Human resource, Procurement and Accounting Services.


The Issues related with Cloud Computing are as follows:Security:- Cloud services provider Should Provide data storage and transmission encryption, user authentication, and authorization (data access). Reliability:- The Services Provided by Cloud services provider Should be Reliable. Ownership:- The rights Should be there and remains Same for the Customers.


Data Portability and Conversion:- The transfer of data should be made portable & Conversion Should be Easier. Data back-up:- Cloud Service Providers Should Provide Sufficient Space To back up the data from Loosing Work. Multiplatform Support :- It Should Provide more than one O.S. to run on one Plat-form. Intellectual Property :- A company invents something new and it uses cloud services as part of the invention.


Privacy:- Because there are few disadvantages with cloud computing, there is a need for Privacy to monitor and to keep the data Safe. Security:- As the cloud is accessed through the internet there are security concerns like network and information security. It is the duty of the cloud service provider to maintain the safety and security for the consumers. Availability and Performance:- The cloud service provider needs to make sure the system is available for its consumers. service level agreements (SLA) is related to the availability and performance.


A low cost alternative to access technology. Optimum utilization and Dispersion of Cost. Greater independence and Remote access. Enhance monitoring and Simplified usage. We can access our data at any time. We do not need to Purchase additional hardware 4/27/12 space as your


A Lot of control requires to handle such data and information. It depends on third-party to ensure the security and confidentiality of data and information. If any cloud host disappears, where does our information go? It relies totally on network Connections. We do not have control over the remote servers, their software, or their security. 4/27/12


The applications of Cloud Computing are as Follows:Mint :A Cloud based personal finance tool, to manage your money(Sep. 2007). All money related accounts viz. Bank Accounts, Credit Card, Loan, Stock Brokerage & other Investment in one place.



2) I-Cloud:

It is a free Cloud based Desktop. It also offers a platform for web developers (Platform as a service, PaaS). It offers Services like Online storage, Photos, Music, Movies, Application development, Calendar, Mail, Media Player, Word Processors etc. It also offers a platform for web developers (Platform as a service, PaaS)


3) Cloudo:

Its a free computer that lives on the Internet, right in your web browser. This means that you can access your documents, photos, music, movies and all other files no matter where you are, from any computer or mobile phone. Cloudo is a hosted service, there is no hardware or software to setup and maintain.


4) )

Eye-os:It describes itself as the Open Source Clouds Web Desktop. It is similar to the i-Cloud & Cloudo described above. It has a very attractive design.



In Future most users will perform computing and communicating activities through connections to servers operated by outside firms. By 2020, most User will work in Internet-based applications such as Google Docs, and in applications run from smartphones. It means that they won't do their work with software running on a general-purpose PC. The cloud computing will continue to expand and come to dominate information transactions because it offers many advantages.


Cloud Computing holds a lot of promise and we believe that it is likely to be a major influence on hosting and application development.



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