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CTS 477 Basics 1. This course covers the basics of conflict, mediation, negotiation, and related concepts. 2.

As a 400-level theory course, there is a great deal of reading. Success without reading in this course is improbable. 3. Most of your large projects are due near the end of this course. You will find your life easier if you spread out the work and start early. 4. Your Mediation/Negotiation Project requires you to negotiate with another student for your grade. You will need to cooperate or compete with others. The choice is yours. 5. The class is out of 500 points. Fifty (50) points are part of the negotiation. This means you can still earn an A if you earn 0 on the negotiation (but thats not likely). 6. Although there are no grades for in-class discussion, talking about the concepts will enhance your learning. You pay the same for this course whether you learn something or not. 7. Read all the directions. All directions provide information, and information is always helpful in conflict management.

8. This class covers sensitive topics like sex, marriage, war, politics, money, and grades. We must treat these topics like adults and stay focused. 9. Sloppy writing weakens your negotiation position and makes you less trustworthy. Check your written work carefully. 10. This class will give you many perspectives on conflict and articulate your disagreement with reasoned argumentation.

communication. You have the right to disagree, but you must

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