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Reading Schedule

Week 1: Introduction DCM Groupon! Monthy Python! Price Discrimination Podcast

Week 2: Constructive Controversy DCM Power and Conflict DCM Communication and Conflict DCM Language, Peace, and Conflict Resolution DCM Crisis in the College/University Relationship: A Case Study Article

Week 3: Judgmental Biases in Conflict Resolution and How to Overcome Them DCM Self-Regulation in the Service of Conflict Resolution DCM Personality and Conflict DCM Scarcity and Conflict, Key Problems in Water Management: A Mexican Case Study Article

Week 4: Changing Minds: Persuasion in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution DCM Conflict in Organizations DCM Eight Suggestions from the Small-Group Trenches DCM Freakanomics Radio: Mouse in the Salad Podcast Restoration Therapy: A Couple Therapy Case Study Article

Week 5: The Middle Voice Ch. 1-7

Week 6: The Middle Voice Ch 8-13

Week 7: Culture and Conflict DCM Multicultural Conflict Resolution DCM Communication Tools for Understanding Cultural Differences Online Beyond Persuasion: A Case for Invitational Rhetoric Article Beyond Traditional Conceptions of Rhetoric: Invitational Rhetoric and a Move Toward Civility Article

Week 8: Aggression and Violence DCM What Are Intractable Conflicts? Online Nature of Intractability Online Ripeness Online Underlying Causes of Intractable Conflicts Online Countering Intractability Online Planet Money: Congress Plays Chicken Podcast Humiliation and the Inertia Effect: Implications for Understanding Violence and Compromise in Intractable Intergroup Conflicts Article

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