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Test Script

Test Script
Project Name :
Module Name :
Prepared By :
Reviewed By :
Version No. :
Change Management Description :

Test Script ID Test Script Description Step Step Description Expected Result Actual Result Test Type Defect Id
Check whether a Facility 1 Log into the application by giving the URL - The application with
Administrator is allowed to '' Title '' should be
URS2.2.1.1_1_1 create user accounts displayed
Enter a valid User Name and Password The Facility Link Home
User Name - Page should be
Password - displayed
Click 'Login' button
Click on 'User Maintenance' tab

S.No Column Name
1 Project Name
2 Module Name
3 Prepared By
4 Reviewed By
5 Version No.
6 Change Management Description

7 Test Script ID

8 Test Script Description

9 Step Number
10 Step Description

11 Expected Result

12 Actual Result

13 Test Type
14 Defect ID

Description Example
The name of the project CCBN
The name of the module Broadcast Booth
The name of the author Tom
The name of the reviewer Jerry
The version of the document 1.0, 2.0 etc..
The changes made in every version of the document since the draft version Changed the name of the
field 'Customer Id' to
'Customer Name' for Test
Condition FS-1.0_1
Unique script id FS-1.0-1_1, BR-1.0_1_1
The desription of the test case that covers the condition tested Check whether the system
accepts blanks in the
'Customer Name' field
Unique Step number 1, 2, 3 etc
The steps involved to execute a test case Log into the application by
entering a valid user name
and password
The result expected by performing an action The user should be allowed
to log into the application
The actual outcome of the action performed The system displays an
error message
The Type of test carried out or covered in a test script Positive or Negative
The associated defect in case a script fails 001, 002 etc…

Naming Convention to be followed

File Name - <Project Name_Module Name_Script Number>
Work Sheet Name <Module Name>

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