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Personal Hygiene
Performance Checklist

UNIT ONE Oral Hygiene

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Assessed whether client wears dentures. Evaluated clients knowledge of oral hygiene techniques. Assessed condition of clients oral cavity, teeth, gums, and mouth. Assessed for color, lesions, tenderness, inflammation, intactness of teeth, and degree of moisture or dryness of oral cavity. Observed external and internal lips. Assessed palate (roof and floor of mouth), and inspected under tongue. Assessed entire oral mucosa, noting inside of cheek. Observed tongue. Noted tip, sides, back position, and underside. Evaluated condition of gums and teeth. Assessed condition of throat as client says Ah. If dentures or orthodontic appliances were used, observed relationship of appliances to clients oral cavity (i.e., fit, irritation, condition of dentures).

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