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Garut Is Not Kota Intan Again Once upon a time Garut City called Kota Intan because Garut

is clean place ,its mean not to much rubbish or Dirting. But now, Garut is much rubbish or Dirting. So Garut is looks like Dirty City. Example In Garut there are river its name Cimanuks River. Past time Cimanuks River water is clear from rubbish but now its very dirty. Its really poor for Garuts people. We can thinking if people not from Garut will say I think Garut is clean City because Garut called Kota Intan but the reality Garut is dirty place. .Thats really bad to Garut. However, Garut government must take policy to recovery Garut City. Because Its really Important problem Beside Garut still called traditional City. Then, Garuts people must aware that environment really important. The solution is our realize to care environment. The Government must work together with Garuts people. The Government must take policy to recovery Garut. Example Garut Government create law for people who throw away rubbish to random place its mean no to trash or rubbish place. Then, Garuts people must aware that environment is important. If Garut recovery like past time, Garut will become good place and other Garuts people will praise that Garut is good place for stay and Garut called Kota Intan is reality

Name : Rifki Ramdani Kelas : XI Akselerasi Number : 26

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