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"What does that relationship between the Philippines and the United States mean to you?

Let us begin with a glimpse about Pepeng , a typical Filipino student. Describe the relation of Americans to Filipinos during their colonial reign and at present?, his history teacher asked. Their relation is aboutapol sa ABC, sundalo, at tsokolate (Their relation is about apple in the alphabet, soldiers and chocolate)., Pepeng answered. You didnt read your lessons! , the teacher said angrily. But, Pepeng was right! Apple in the Alphabet speaks a lot about our relationship with United States. Filipinos are deeply accustomed to educations importance in the betterment of ones lives. Thanks to Thomasites who were the teachers sent by U.S. government to Philippines in 1901 that inspired Filipinos to enhance their intellectual abilities. Soldiers remind me of Balikatan bilateral relation of U.S. and Philippine armed forces in preserving peace and order through shoulder-to-shoulder friendship. However, this friendship doesnt end with this; they also conduct humanitarian and civil-military projects in Philippines. Chocolate represents our economic relations with U.S.; Philippines and U.S. have a strong bond in trade and investments. In fact, in 2009, the Philippines ranked as the 34th largest U.S. trading partner, with goods trade of $13 billion. Truly, these two nations have established timeless attachment!

Kirsten Hazel M. Mejia

Medical Laboratory Science Student Saint Louis University, Baguio City

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