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Zamara Juliana Rodriguez Dueas

Contact Information Name: Zamara Juliana Rodriguez Dueas Address: Calle 16#20-38. Telephone: 6954128 Cell Phone: 3103413436 Email : Personal Information Date of Birth: 5 de octubre de 1994 Place of Birth: Bucaramanga / Santander Citizenship: Colombian Gender: female Optional Personal Information Marital Status: Single

Academic Formation:

Sagrado Corazn de Jess High School bethlemeticas sisters 2003-2011 Bucaramanga, Santander

Primary Studies:

Nuestra Seora del Rosario Middle School Cachira, North of Santander 1999-2002

-I am an honest and responsible person and reliable with any job assigned to me. I have abilities and colaborate to acomplish any type of job I am asked to do. I do everything with love, especially if it's what I have a passion for. - I have just finished my senior year of high school and may not have much labor experience. In a few months I will be starting my first semester in Law at the University of Santo Tomas in Bucaramanga. I chose this career because I consider myself with a great ability for literature and the comprehension in laws. I am interested in politics and it's a career that projects justice and the human rights. In the future I see myself as a great attorney and have a goal to continue my education International Humanitarian Rights in Germany. After that I plan to come back to Colombia and acomplish my dream of becoming a magistrate.

AWARDS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS - Excellence medal in 2002: Nuestra Seora del Rosario Middle School - Behavior Medal - Recognition of Colaboration in 2004: Sagrado Corazn de Jess - Gold Medal in Skating 2008 - Recognition of Academic Excellence in 2009: Sagrado Corazn de Jess - first place in the Science Fair in 2011: Sagrado Corazn de Jess COURSES - Engish 2005 - French 2007 - Skating 2008 - Basketball 2010: Ivan Olivares School

-President in the school of basketball in minor leagues. I motivate others to share my passion for the sport. I'm great working with other people. I am a competant user in processing texts and rapid lecture. Interests: I have a great passion for soccer. I love sports as well as read about Colombia's history and the world.

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