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Emerson Elementary PTO Highlights October 2011

Our recent Open House was a wonderful success! The bake sale brought in $526.00 from delicious homemade treats, and $71.00 in donations. It was approved to provide each Emerson teacher with a $25.00 gift card to use for purchasing items to use in classrooms. PTO members went through 2011-2012 budget to plan increases and decreases in various line items.


There are now five sections of kindergarten. Welcome our two new teachers: Ashley Potter and Michelle Murray. Healthy Snacks grant is up and running! Students receive a healthy snack on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Emerson earned $377.82 through Targets donation program. Money earned this way goes into our general donation account. Most of the money from the general donation account goes into a fund that is used for boots, snow pants, mittens and hats. Last year we met our goal of 100% coverage of these items with our students! Volunteers are needed for Emersons turn for UW parking on November 5 at the Doyle Administration Building parking lot, 545 West Dayton St. Money earned from this also goes into the general donation fund.

COMMITTEE REPORTS Fundraising: Homegrown Holiday information packets have been sent out. Carol Chapin and Amy Kasper have volunteered to co-coordinate this fundraiser. Spell Check will be co-coordinated by Ginger Niva and Kathy Kemnitz. Eagle Fest will be co-coordinated by Patty Richardson and Rosy Bayuk. Market Day will be coordinated by Ginger Niva. Publicity: We have 100 fans on our Facebook page. We need volunteers to prepare our outdoor sandwich board signs. Student directory will be coming out soon. Events: October 15 is Fall Beautification Day November 1 is the day Spell Check information is sent home. November 10 is the Scholastic Book Fair. November 15 is the Playtime Productions play, www.Oz. *PLEASE SEE SUZY GRINDROD IF YOU CAN HELP OUT AT THIS GREAT EVENT! November 22 is the Great Emerson Spell Check NEXT POTLUCK/MEETING WILL BE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 at 5:30.

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