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QUESTIONAIRE ON ARROW SHIRTS Thank you for being a customer.

Please help us improve our product and our service to you by completing this survey. The entire survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
1. Are you using ARROW shirts Yes No

2. What is your gender? Male Female 3. Which category describes your age? 18-30 30-45 60 and above

4. How long have you used our product? Less than 3 months At least 3 months but less than 6 months At least 6 months but less than 1 year 1-3 years Over 3 years

5. Thinking of your most recent purchase of our product, how satisfied was you overall with the purchasing experience? Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied

6. How or where did you purchase our product? Retail store Wholesale store Catalog

7. Would you buy this product again from our company? Definitely Probably No

8. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Neutral agree Agree disagree Product does what it claims Product was worth the purchase price Product does what I need Product is competitively priced

Strongly disagree

9. How important are the following characteristics to you when purchasing a product like ours?

Extremely important Quality of the product Price of the product Brand Purchase experience Usage experience

Very important

Somewhat important

Not very important

Not at all important

10. What was the primary reason you purchased this product from our company versus others who provide similar products? Quality of the product Price of the product Brand Purchase experience Usage experience Customer service

11. In the past year, which of the following products have you purchased from our company? Please check all that apply. Shirts Pants T-Shirts Tie Suits

12. How many times have you purchased products from our company? 1 time 2 times 3 times

4 time 5 times

More than 5 times

13. Are you likely to recommend our product to a friend or colleague? Yes No

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