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JULY 2006

International Newsletter

40 Spirit

filled years

In 2007, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) will be celebrating its 40th anniversary. What has its
contribution been to the Catholic Church and what is the way forward? Some of these questions were
examined at the recent international conference organised by ICCRS (International Catholic Charismatic
Renewal Services) in Fuiggi, a spa town outside Rome from 5th-9th June 2006, and the international leaders’
meeting that followed.
These can be hard questions to answer, as CCR is a little different from the other lay movements in the
Church in that it has no founder or formal membership or all encompassing structure. Cardinal Suenens,
one of the moderators of the Vatican II Council and an early champion of the CCR called it “a move of the
Spirit” and simply normal Christianity. As the 20th century progressed, the hierarchy had become concerned
about the phenomenon in the Church of “baptised pagans”, those who had been baptised but showed no
evidence of a living relationship with Christ. Suenens saw the CCR as a response of the Holy Spirit to this.
It was around 11 p.m. one night in Fiuggi, a picturesque hill town in Italy.

I was with a small group of participants of the Leaders’ Colloquium organised
as part of the 40th anniversary of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. We were
seated in a wayside cafe, chatting over coffee. Suddenly Bishop Christopher

Prowse from Australia, wearing just a collar like any ordinary priest, got up from
our midst with a smile and walked to the next table. He smiled at the people
seated there, said something and smiled again. Soon he was seen talking to
everyone in the cafe - and later blessing them with a genuine concern. We
continued to watch as the Bishop moved into the next cafe, praying for a
pregnant woman, joking with a couple and blessing everyone in there. Soon
NEWFOUND RELATIONSHIP WITH the cafe was filled with smiles. This simple, loving, unexpected gesture of the
Bishop opened my eyes to a different dimension of pastoral care. With the
exemplary presence of such Spirit filled pastors and leaders in our midst, how
PRAYING, AND INFUSED WITH A NEW much more should we Jesus Youth be challenged and inspired to reach out to
LOVE FOR THE CHURCH. people beyond the borders of our inhibitions and comfort levels !


Personally, the last three months, though hectic, have been extremely blessed
for me. I had the privilege of being invited to two meetings organised by the
Pontifical Council for the Laity: the World Youth Day Consultation meeting,
AND LIVE BY THE SCRIPTURES. and also the meeting of members of the Ecclesial Movements and New
Communities with the Pope, a highly enriching ceremony attended by around
400,000 young people. As I stood among the throng of youngsters, I was
amazed at the influx of young people to the throne of St. Peter - the heart of
the Church - from the time of Pope John Paul II and continuing unabated to


that of Pope Benedict XVI.
Like the Church and other movements, Jesus Youth is also gearing up for
PRAYER GROUPS, AS IN THE EARLY World Youth Day. The South East Asia Leaders’ Conference, a preparatory
CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY. conference for the WYD is scheduled to be held in Singapore from 21st – 24th
Oct. During my last visit to Sydney, the venue of WYD 2008, the initial plans


for hosting the JY delegates were worked out with the local Australia JY team.
The Jesus Youth pilgrims will fly to Brisbane for the Youth Arise International
Festival on the 10th of July 2008, and move to Sydney on the 14th for the WYD
SPIRIT, ETC., INTO THE MAINSTREAM from the 15th – 20th, and continue to stay there for the Jesus Youth
LIFE OF THE CHURCH. International Conference to be held in the parish of Liverpool from the 21st - 23rd.


For our movement, this is indeed a time of tremendous grace. The training of
the first international batch of full time volunteers is in full swing in Sri Lanka
with 24 participants from 9 countries. Besides this, an in-depth leadership
CREATIVE EXPRESSION, WITH THE programme covering 350 participants across four continents is also under way.
REVIVAL OF PRAYER FORMS AND USE There are four major conventions lined up for Europe and Asia to be held in the
OF CONTEMPORARY FORMS OF UK, Jordan, Singapore/Bangkok, and India in 2007. All the lively happenings of
MUSIC IN LITURGY. our times brings to my mind the words of Mark Nimo, a renowned speaker and
former ICCRS member from Ghana, as he addressed the Jesus Youth Conference


in Bangalore, India. Pointing to the joyful approach of Jesus Youth to life, our
faithfulness in prayer and fellowship, our commitment and missionary zeal, our
readiness to take risks, and the rise of new initiatives, he said, “You do not
A GREAT ZEAL FOR MISSION. know the value of these graces that have been showered on you. Many others
are trying hard to gain them, but they are showered naturally on you”.
Yes! Grace is flowing in and I believe the time is ripe for us to recieve it freely,
live in its fullness and share it with others. This living and sharing will be
DESIRE TO BE HOLY AND TO SERVE possible only if we are ready to pay the price in an extraordinary way. It is
THE CHURCH. heartening to see this happening already in the lives of many people I know,
like two young couples in the US - Sunil and Sindhu, Georgie and Sunita. The
four of them and their five children live together in the less spacious floor
upstairs so that they can offer the ground floor and basement for JY gatherings
and activities. Recently I met George Devassy, a zealous young man heading

the JY activities in Thailand, who has rented a two storeyed building and lives
OF NUMEROUS SOCIAL on the first floor with his friends so that the Jesus Youth there can have an
CONCERN INITIATIVES. office in the floor below.


Let us like them take to heart Isaiah 54:2 - “Enlarge the place of your tent;
let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back...”



Manoj Sunny
Jesus Youth International Co-ordinator
40 Spirit filled years
was all heady stuff. As there was no
precedent for this in Catholic liturgy, these
gatherings initially tended to be modelled
on those of the Pentecostal Church or
charismatics of other persuasions with praise
and worship, personal witness, Bible sharing
and prayer for healing. Many of the early
Charismatic meetings were ecumenical, and
being non-Eucharistic gatherings, it was
relatively easy for those of different
denominations to be united. Fr. Peter
Hocken, a historian of this 20th century move
of the Holy Spirit, believes these ecumenical
roots are intrinsically linked to its calling
and that the CCR has been sent by the Lord
as part of his plan to restore unity to the
body of Christ to prepare for the Second
Coming. This call to unity seems to be at
centre stage once again for Pope Benedict XVI
Contd. from page 1 has also signalled unity to be one of the key
focuses of his pontificate.
Underpinning the CCR is a shared spiritual
experience known as “Baptism in the Spirit”.
Instead of it being The CCR has given rise to countless
This is a renewal of the experience of Pentecost
in the life of the believer, who begins to
simply a matter of vocations to the priesthood and religious
life. It has prompted many lay people to want
experience the Holy Spirit empowering him
with the same gifts and power as the first
head knowledge to know more about their faith and attend
Bible studies or to do more formal theological
apostles had, as well as a great love of about doctrine studies. One of the changes brought about
by Vatican II was a new understanding of
Scripture, prayer and praise of God.
Spontaneous examples of this began to arise and beliefs, what it meant to be Church. Instead of the
two tier system that had existed before,
among Roman Catholics in the 1960s. An
acknowledged key event for the start of the the Charismatic whereby the professionals - priests and
religious - were called to be holy and serve
CCR in the Roman Catholic Church was the
Duquesne weekend in 1967, when a group of Renewal helped the Church, it was now understood to be the
students from Duquesne University
experienced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit the Christian faith responsibility of all the people of God, and
the CCR has helped create a people who were
while on a retreat. One of the key vehicles to
help spread the understanding of the Baptism
to become a real willing to take on this challenge.
Charismatics are known for their ability to
in the Spirit was the ‘Life in the Spirit’
seminars initially developed by the Word of
and living reality in pray spontaneously and for their beautiful
God community in Ann Arbor in the US. the every day lives worship songs, many of which have filtered
into normal parish life, without people
Part of this new move of the Holy Spirit was the
re-emergence of the charisms, which St. Paul of people. realising where they have come from. This
has happened because of the lack of
talks about in his letters, including speaking structure within the CCR generally, which
in tongues, healing and prophecy. (cf. Rom. 12 has meant that once people have been
he affirmed, was “co-essential” to its
& 1Cor. 12) These were considered normal in baptised in the Holy Spirit, they have tended
the Christian life in the early Church but had “hierarchical dimension”. He went on to urge the
whole Church to open itself docilely to the gifts to return to the parish situation and serve
gradually disappeared from normal Church there. A survey undertaken by the English
practice or had become institutionalised. Their the Holy Spirit was wishing to bestow on it.
NSC in 2005 shows that those who have had
restoration into the mainstream life of the The CCR initially spread so quickly and so far, their faith awakened through the CCR are
Church has been a key contribution of the CCR precisely because there was no particular among the most committed in the Catholic
over the last 40 years. structure or controlling authority or entry Church. In the UK many of the diocesan
The Catholic Church has always believed in the qualifications. Instead, the personal witness of teams evangelising young people, as well as
use of extraordinary charisms, but in the past, those touched by the Holy Spirit encouraged paid lay youth chaplains and lay youth
they tended to be seen as restricted to special their listeners in their turn to commit workers in parishes, often come from a
people, ‘saints’. The CCR showed, however that themselves more fully to Christ and his Charismatic background. The survey also
the Holy Spirit was showering these on very message. Instead of it being simply a matter of revealed that many chaplains, spiritual
ordinary lay people, who had no theological head knowledge about doctrine and beliefs, directors, pastoral assistants, and deacons
formation, equipping all kinds of people to the Charismatic Renewal helped the Christian felt they owed their vocations to the CCR.
evangelise and serve the Church. faith to become a real and living reality in the
every day lives of people. The CCR thus became In countries like Brazil, where the hierarchy
A sign as to how much the CCR has influenced a huge impetus for evangelisation in the has really backed the CCR, the effect on the
the attitude of the Church in regard to the Church both on a one-to-one level and through Church has been phenomenal. Today it is
charisms can be seen in the Pentecost 1998 events and programmes. reckoned that 12 million people have been
address of Pope John Paul II. Here he publicly baptised in the Holy Spirit and there are
acknowledged the importance of the At a time when Vatican II was in its infancy 20,000 prayer groups. It is generally
“charismatic dimension” in the Church, which and Catholic practice tended to be confined to recognised that in Latin America the CCR has
he said had tended to be forgotten, and which, the rosary, benediction, and Mass going, this
Contd. on page 4

JULY 2006 PAGE 3



“And that we might live, no longer for ourselves that happened to a few private individuals but So too, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the
but for Him, he sent the Holy Spirit from you, to the whole group of apostles and disciples of USA, in its “Pastoral Statement on the CCR”
Father, as his first gift to those who believe, to the time! Pentecost created a new reality (1984) declared: “Since our last two
complete his work on earth, and bring us the (previously non-existent), namely, the statements, we have seen the CCR mature in
fullness of grace.” (4th Eucharistic Prayer of the Church! And throughout salvation history, the its grasp of the core of the Gospel and those
Mass, based on 2 Cor.5:15). focus of the work of the Spirit has been the realities which belong constitutively to the
building up of this Church. inner nature of the Church... many lives have
There is no better description of the purpose of
undergone a deep conversion, and have
Pentecost, and of the Charismatic Renewal That is why, if the CCR is genuinely of the Holy radically re-oriented their lives toward God...
(which has been personally experienced by Spirit, it cannot but be an ecclesial Many have rediscovered the meaning of
millions as a “new Pentecost”), than this text. phenomenon, IN the Church, and FOR the Church, Eucharistic life, Mary’s role, and the
The coming of the Holy Spirit upon so many Church! Over 120 million Catholics, having ancient discipline of fasting... Many too have
members of the Church has one main purpose: experienced in new and deeper ways the love rediscovered the centrality of the cross, which
to enable them to live, no longer for of God, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the remains at the heart of Christian discipleship
themselves but for the Lord Jesus Christ and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, have become more even after the glory of the resurrection and the
his Body the Church! The Acts of the Apostles faithful members of the local and universal outpouring of the Spirit...”
showed what Pentecost means in practice , Church, and have helped to build it up in
namely, the inner experience of God’s love Spirit-filled and Spirit-led creative and In conclusion, I would like to suggest an area
poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit courageous ways. The testimony of three in which the Charismatic Renewal must make
(through the life, death and resurrection of Popes, of numerous National Conferences of more efforts to foster a genuine “new
Jesus Christ), and the outward ability to share Bishops, and of hundreds of thousands of the Pentecost”, in the Church and for the Church.
it in practical and steadfast ways. Today’s laity, confirm this fact. For example, Pope John It concerns teaching our people genuinely
members of the CCR, among them cardinals sanctifying Catholic ways of praying – for
Paul II said: “As you celebrate the 25th
and bishops, priests and religious, laity both example, lectio divina , the ancient prayer
anniversary of the beginning of the Catholic
married and single, and innumerable youth method of using the Scriptures. In just one
Charismatic Renewal, I willingly join you in
(like Jesus Youth) likewise, give evidence of year since his election, Pope Benedict XVI has
giving praise to God for the many fruits which
the same fruit of the Spirit. been recommending this repeatedly. I am
it has borne in the life of the Church. The
In his splendid Apostolic Letter, Novo Millennio emergence of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal convinced that such scriptural prayer will help
Inuente (nos.30-41), Pope John Paul II following the Second Vatican Council was a us in a very powerful way “to live, no longer for
situated the whole programme of Christian particular gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church ourselves but for him...” We will then fulfill
activity for the Third Millennium (and therefore …” ( L’Osservatore Romano, March 14, 1992). the prophetic words of Pope John Paul II
of the CCR too) in the context of the call to (Message for the World Youth Day 2002), “Dear
holiness. “Since Baptism is a true entry into At an earlier audience granted to the young people, let the Gospel be the measure
the holiness of God, it would be a International Leaders’ Conference (of which I and guide of life’s decisions and plans! May
contradiction to settle for a life of mediocrity, happened to be the Chairman), the Pope used God make you too the saints of the Third
marked by a minimalist ethic and a shallow very strong language. “The vigor and Millennium!”
religiosity... The time has come to re-propose fruitfulness of the CCR certainly attest to the
wholeheartedly to everyone this high standard powerful presence of the Holy Spirit at work in
of ordinary Christian living: the whole life of the Church after the Second Vatican Council…
the Christian community and of Christian Because of the Spirit, the Church preserves a FR.FIO MASCARENHAS SJ
continual youthful vitality, and the Catholic Former International Council
families must lead in this direction.” Notice
Charismatic Renewal is an eloquent Chairman (1984–1987) and
that, as the Popes often point out, the Director (1981-1984) of ICCRS.
teaching of Scripture is that Jesus does not manifestation of this vitality today, a bold He has also served as the
want only some individuals to be renewed, but statement of ‘what the Spirit is saying to the Chairman of the Renewal Services
the whole Body of Christ, the whole Church! Churches’ as we approach the end of the in India for several years.
Pentecost was not just something wonderful Second Millennium…”( Ibid., May 14, 1987).

Contd. from page 3

evangelise and disciple their contemporaries beginning of the Church. The CCR has helped
stemmed the haemorrhaging of Catholics to very effectively, and which have spread all over to make contemporary the book of Acts and the
other denominations. the world. It is difficult to quantify exactly Letters of St. Paul in a Church that had become
how many people are involved in the CCR, institutionalised and legalistic. And the call
In India the CCR saw the birth of several
because it depends how you define what CCR remains to each one of us to continually keep
powerful ministries such as the Divine Retreat
is. Missionologist David Barrett, however, open to the Holy Spirit and to what he might
Centre at Potta, with thousands of people
claims that 120 million people have been be calling us to do in the new situations we
attending retreats, being converted, healed,
touched by the CCR worldwide over the past find ourselves in so we can best serve him and
and prompted to serve the Church and society
40 years. our fellow men and women.
in new ways. The renewed understanding of
the power of prayer has affected the whole In conclusion, the CCR is essentially about
Church and led to a huge increase in transformed people rather than a growing and KRISTINA COOPER
intercessory prayer towers at many retreat powerful movement. The problems that one can Kristina Cooper is a well known
centres and parishes and in Mass attendance see - divisions, dying of the charisms, Catholic journalist. She was baptised
among young people in Catholic states such diminishing fervour and commitment, groups in the Holy Spirit in Panama in 1983
and has worked full time for the CCR
as Kerala. Here CCR has given rise to youth or individuals going off track, are human
in the UK editing the Good News
movements such as Jesus Youth, which failings, which have happened since the magazine since 1986.
In the Catholic Church, the famous prayer of Pope John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council are viewed as precursors to a new revival. A revival
of the ‘charismatic’ experience witnessed in the lives of the early apostles and saints like Teresa of Avila, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Francis
Xavier and Antony of Padua. This renewal, which in the course of time would touch the lives of an estimated 190 million Catholics in over 235
countries, had its first manifestation in what is today referred to as the ‘Duquesne weekend’ or the ‘Duquesne experience’.
The Duquesne experience was a weekend retreat, where a group of students and professors of Duquesne University, Pennsylvania experienced
a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s gifts. It was initiated by a small scripture study group in the university that had for over a year been praying
for a powerful manifestation of the Holy Spirit within the Catholic Church. Today, this weekend retreat is recognized as the starting point of the
Charismatic Renewal within the Catholic Church – a renewal that has been the launchpad for a host of diverse movements including our young
movement, the Jesus Youth.

the Duquesne
Q: THE DUQUESNE EXPERIENCE IS TODAY retreat in an upper room chapel of a retreat
WELL KNOWN AS THE STARTING POINT OF house in the outskirts of Pittsburgh,
THE CHARISMATIC RENEWAL. CAN YOU Pennsylvania. And the first event of the
LEAD US THROUGH YOUR EXPERIENCE OF retreat was the meditation on our Lady.
THOSE EVENTFUL DAYS? The Professor who presented it was
someone I had as teacher in class. That
A: I was part of a Scripture Study group of
night he seemed different. What none of us
about 20-25 students from the Duquesne
students knew at that moment was that
University. In February 1967 this group
this professor and three others (professors
made their annual retreat based on the
from Duquesne University and one of their
theme of the Acts of the Apostles. To
wives) for months had been praying that
prepare for the retreat, we read the first
they could experience the Holy Spirit in a
four chapters of the Acts and the book
deeper way. They were praying and hoping
‘The Cross & the Switchblade’. As I made
that something would happen to us during
my preparation for the retreat, I found
our weekend retreat. Well in fact it did.
myself wondering why as a Catholic I did
not experience more of the power of the On Saturday, one of the young men, David
Holy Spirit in my life. And so before leaving Mangion had a wonderful suggestion. He
for the retreat, I knelt down in my room said, “Each year we Catholics renew our
(I was a third year University student) and Baptismal promises at the Paschal vigil. Why
I prayed a very simple prayer. I was alone
AS I MADE MY don’t we close this retreat by having a
and I said, “Lord as a Catholic I believe PREPARATION FOR ceremony where we renew our confirmation?
I have already received Your Spirit in Now that we are young adults, we can make
Baptism and Confirmation. But if it is THE RETREAT, I FOUND real these graces we received when we were
possible for Your Spirit to do more in my MYSELF WONDERING young people.” But before even we could get
life than He has done until now, I want it.” to that point, the Holy Spirit intervened in a
And I am sure now 40 years later that God WHY AS A CATHOLIC very sovereign way. Saturday later in the
did hear my prayer. I DID NOT EXPERIENCE afternoon I wandered into the Chapel; there
were just a few students there. I didn’t have
It was interesting that each time we left MORE OF THE POWER any intention to pray. I was just going to tell
for a session we used the ancient hymn of
OF THE HOLY SPIRIT any students up there to come down for a
the Catholic Church, ‘Veni Creator Spiritus’
birthday party we were having that night.
to invoke the Holy Spirit. We began our
IN MY LIFE. And when I entered the Chapel that

JULY 2006 PAGE 5

particular night, February 18th 1967, for the OF THE SPIRIT GROW? TELL ME, WAS THERE
first time in my life I knew why we Catholics ANYTHING SPECIFIC YOU PLANNED AS A
call Jesus in the tabernacle ‘the real COMMUNITY OR IN A PRAYER MEETING ?
presence’. Because I really began to tremble
A: There were prayer meetings that existed
with the sense of the majesty of God and His
prior to the outbreak of the Charismatic
greatness. I remember thinking “If I stay here
Renewal and many young people who made
in the presence of Jesus, something is going
it to the weekend were part of it. They had
to happen to me”. I felt somewhat afraid and
group reunions where they gathered for
wanting to kind of run and hide myself. Much
reviewing how their week went, praying
greater than my fear of a total surrender to
with one another. But once we were
Jesus was the need that I had to do just that.
baptized in the Holy Spirit, it was natural to
I just prayed a prayer like this –” Father I give Photo Coutesy L’Osservatore Romano
want to be with one another - not to discuss
my life to you and whatever you ask of me –
but to be with one another to pray. And as I
I accept it. And if it means suffering, I accept
that too. Teach me to follow Your Son Jesus
AND SO THERE was saying, the gifts of the Spirit were just
beginning to blossom, we didn’t even know
and to love the way Jesus loved.” The next WAS THE CHURCH that they were the gifts of prophecy, praying
moment I found myself prostrate before
Jesus in the tabernacle. And I was flooded,
IN ITS DOCUMENTS in tongues, interpretation and the like.
So we were just going to begin a mode of
from my fingertips down to my toes, with the GIVING ME THE discovery of these wonderful things. Some
incredible mercy of God’s love. I remember
only one word of prayer that came to my
ASSURANCE THAT I of the marvellous leaders like Ralph Martin
and Steve Clark who experienced the
mind, “Stay, stay, don’t ever leave me!”. SHOULD OPEN Charismatic Renewal put together a short
I tasted and I saw for myself the sweetness
of the Lord. I didn’t know then that David had
MYSELF UP TO THE course which came to be known as the ‘Life
in the Spirit Seminar’, an experience of 7
been into the Chapel a few hours before me HOLY SPIRIT weeks where there were very basic
and had an identical experience.
ALONG WITH presentations on the love of God, salvation
Q: AT THAT POINT DID ANY OF YOU REALIZE in Jesus, the gift of the Spirit, receiving the
THESE WONDERFUL Charismatic gifts. There was a week when
REVIVE THE SPIRITUALITY OF THE CHURCH IN SURPRISES, WHICH people were prayed with, that they might
THE COMING YEARS? commit their lives to Jesus as Lord and
WERE THE allow the Holy Spirit to baptize them. The
Neither of us knew that what had happened
to us that night February 18th 1967 would
CHARISMATIC last topic was ongoing transformation,
about how the Lord uses trials, difficulties,
begin a movement in the Catholic Church GIFTS. sufferings of this life to really conform us
called the Charismatic Renewal. All we
more and more to His image. So it was a
knew was that we wanted to renew our
very basic course called the ‘Life in the
Confirmation, we wanted to accept Jesus as denominations. They were helping us but of Spirit Seminar’ which has been adapted in
our Lord, Master and Saviour. After my course there were no Pentecost Gatherings different locales, cultures, gone by different
experience there was a sovereign in Rome with the Holy Father! It was really names…but that has been a vehicle for
outpouring of the Spirit. Not all but half the just a matter of being led by the Holy Spirit millions and millions of people being
students wound up in the Chapel before the day by day. As I commented in the presence baptized in the Holy Spirit. In many places it
tabernacle. Some were weeping, some were of the Holy Father at the Vigil of Pentecost, happens spontaneously, I know in our area
laughing. Some others said they wanted to my immediate reaction after the experience we give weekend Holy Spirit retreats – many
pray but they knew it wasn’t going to come was to take up the documents of Vatican II people have been baptized in the Holy
out in English. We all prayed in tongues but and seek references to the Holy Spirit and Spirit. There was also this desire from the
we did not know it was the gift of tongues. Charismatic gifts. I said to myself, “What if very earlier days to form ecumenical
Some, like myself, found their arms tingling the Church does not approve of such a relationships in community. And these
and burning. One of the professors walked thing? “ And I knew that I would sooner communities have been formed in different
in, and witnessing this scene he said, deny my personal experience than ever ways all over the world. There are some
“What’s the Bishop going to say when he think of leaving the Church. So it was with here in my country - sometimes called
hears that all of these kids have been great joy that I read in Lumen Gentium that covenant communities. There have been
baptized in the Holy Spirit?” I heard those “Charismatic gifts are the tools that are others like the Emmanuel community in
words ‘Baptized in the Holy Spirit’ for the exceedingly useful for Catholics of every France which alone I think, has given birth
first time. I still had no idea that what was rank”. And so there was the Church in its to 130 priestly vocations.
happening would be a grace that would documents giving me the assurance that I (To be continued.)
transform millions in the coming years. should open myself up to the Holy Spirit
It took some time for us to kind of stumble along with these wonderful surprises, which PATTI GALLAGHER MANSFIELD
into the Charismatic gifts like healing, were the Charismatic gifts. From the early days of the Renewal she
has served as a leader through teaching,
discernment of spirits, prophesy and the like. Q: I WAS ALSO WONDERING, DID YOU writing and pastoral ministry.
We did not have any teachers; only these RECEIVE ANY HELP OR HAVE ANY PLAN Patti is married to Al Mansfield,
brothers and sisters from different Co-ordinator of the Catholic Charismatic
FOR FORMATION TO HELP THIS RENEWAL Renewal of New Orleans, Louisiana,
and has four children.
As one borne by the waves of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal over the last 15
years, it was with great expectation that I joined Manoj Sunny to attend the
International Leaders’ Colloquium organised by the International Catholic
Allan Panozza, President of ICCRS addressing the Leaders’ Colloquium at Fuiggi
Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) at Fuiggi, Rome from 9 th to 11th June 2006 in
connection with the 40th anniversary of the CCR. As nearly 200 key leaders of the
CCR from all over the world came together for the event, the excitement in the air
was tangible.
The Colloquium was an opportunity for leaders, to share, pray, discuss and reflect
together. The presence of veteran Charismatic leaders, Archbishops and Bishops from
around the world enriched the programme and lent depth to the event. What struck me
most while in the presence of luminaries like Bishop Joseph Grech, Jim Murphy, Allan
Panozza, Charles Whitehead, Sr. Nancy Keller, Patti Mansfield, Michelle Moran and
others, was the way they listened prayerfully and allowed themselves to be directed by
the promptings of the Spirit throughout the sessions. In fact, the whole focus of the
Colloquium was on tuning oneself to the voice of God through prayer and arriving at a
clearer vision for the CCR in the coming years as summed up in the theme of the
Colloquium - ‘Maturing in the Spirit’. Bishop Christopher Prowse & Bishop Joseph Grech greeting the delegates of the ‘Open Conference’

It was uplifting to note that in all the sessions special mention was made of the role of youth and how they need to be continually encouraged to
participate in Renewal activities. Great importance was given to ecumenism. Another constant reference made (one close to my heart) was concerning the
evangelisation of Asia. The Colloquium gave me a greater awareness and a deeper conviction that India, and in particular the Jesus Youth movement, has
much to contribute towards this cause. It came as a pleasant surprise that the majority of people I met at the Colloquium already knew something about
Jesus Youth, mostly through the Rexband. As I listened to the ways the Lord has led different movements and communities around the world, my heart
leaped with joy, for I realized that God has been leading Jesus Youth along the very same path. Participating in the Colloquium has given me greater
clarity regarding the special God-given call of Jesus Youth to work for evangelisation and of the long road that lies ahead.
RAIJU VARGHESE, Co-ordinator, JY India

“… you are striving in “The Church and the world “The vigour and “The Catholic Charismatic “I therefore say to you, dear
union with the whole need saints! And all the fruitfulness of the Renewal has helped many friends of the Movements:
Church for renewal - baptized without exception Renewal certainly attest Christians to rediscover act so as to ensure that
spiritual renewal, authentic are called to be saints! (...) to the powerful presence the presence and power of they are always schools of
renewal, Catholic renewal, Let your communities, of the Holy Spirit at work the Holy Spirit in their communion, groups
renewal in the Holy Spirit. therefore, be more and more in the Church in these lives, in the life of the journeying on in which one
“genuine schools of prayer, years after the Second learns to live in the truth
[…] Yes, dear sons and Church and in the world,
where the meeting with Christ Vatican Council. Of and love that Christ
daughters, this is the will and this rediscovery has
is expressed not just in course, the Spirit has revealed and communicated
of Jesus that the world imploring help but also in awakened in them a faith
should see your good guided the Church in in Christ filled with joy, a to us through the witness
thanksgiving, praise, of the Apostles, in the heart
works, the goodness of your every age, producing a great love of the Church
adoration, contemplation, of the great family of his
acts, the proof of your great variety of gifts and a generous dedication
listening and ardent devotion, disciples. May Jesus’
Christian lives and glorify among the faithful. to her evangelising
until the heart truly “falls in
Because of the Spirit, the exhortation ceaselessly re-
the Father who is in heaven love”. For this is what the mission. In this year of the
church preserves a echo in your hearts: “Let
(Cf. Matt. 5, l6). This saints are: people who have Holy Spirit, I join you in
continual youthful your light so shine before
indeed is spiritual renewal fallen in love with Christ. And praise of God for the
vitality, and the men, that they may see your
and only through the Holy this is why the Charismatic precious fruits which he
Charismatic Renewal is an good works and give glory
Spirit can it be Renewal has been such a gift has wished to bring to
to the Church: it has led a eloquent manifestation of to your Father who is in
accomplished. And this is maturity in your heaven” (Mt 5: 16). Bring
host of men and women, this vitality today, a bold
why we exhort you earnestly statement of what “the communities and, through Christ’s light to all the
young and old, into this
to “desire the higher gifts” Spirit is saying to the them, in the particular social and cultural milieus
experience of the love which
(1Cor: 12, 31).” is stronger than death.” churches” (Rev. 2:7).” Churches.” in which you live.”
International Congress of at the 7th International the 6th International at the 9th Leaders’ 2nd World Congress on
the Catholic Charismatic Meeting of the CFCCCF, Leaders’ Conference, Conference, Fiuggi, Ecclesial Movements and New
Renewal (May 19, 1975) Rome (22 June 2001) Rome (15 May 1987) (30 October 1998) Communities (22 May 2006)

JULY 2006 PAGE 7

5 Questions on Visual Media and Christian Values

When did you realize that your talent lay in the area
of visual media? “The wind blows where it wills… No one knows
Right from childhood, I used to have a group of friends whence it comes and whither it goes!” The
who were very interested in theatre and drama. In organizers of the Pentecost Vigil of 2006 in
school, we spent a great deal of time in writing and St. Peter’s Square probably did not foresee
staging plays. In College too we were very passionate such a great multitude of people being drawn
about acting, theatre and the arts, often winning prizes by the enigmatic blow of the Spirit. Two days
in University level competitions. prior to the event the Italian newspapers had
How did your personal experience of Jesus influence reported that the Vigil would bring together
your talents? about 30,000 people. But on the following day
I come from a non-Christian background and my the same journals reported of about 400,000 participants! It was a mega event fully
experience of Jesus was life changing. I was not sure as falling in line with a similar meeting that took place in the same Square with beloved
to where my talents would fit into this experience until I Pope John Paul II in 1998. About 45 Jesus Youth, representing Europe, were among
found Jesus Youth. Here with a group of like-minded the joyous crowd that thronged the square experiencing a fresh outpouring of the
friends I discovered that theatre, plays and dances can Spirit.
all be effective vehicles to express the beauty of God’s The Holy Spirit we have received is a Spirit of Life, Freedom, Unity and Mission –
presence in our lives. I also discovered the power of the this is the essence of the Holy Father’s message to the members of the Ecclesial
visual media to attract young people. Thus together Movements and New Communities. “Where the true source of life no longer flows,
with many other talented people, we were able to where people only appropriate life instead of giving it, wherever people are ready to
develop a unique style that became characteristic of the dispose of unborn life because it seems to take up room in their own lives, it is there
Jesus Youth Audio Visual ministry. that the life of others is most at risk.” A life indulged in corporal and material well
All the films and plays that you have directed have being alone renders life “empty” and “useless” as in the case of the prodigal son.
very strong messages – both social and spiritual. Is This Petrine message reminds us of our basic commitment to transmit the real beauty
it part of a conscious decision? and worth of life to the young people around us. Perhaps a Jesus Youth should put
Whether we like it or not, visual media, unlike other this question to himself/herself: Is mine an empowering presence?
professions, influences, inspires and communicates to
the audience. So whenever I have had a choice, therefore
I have always insisted that the message be an
expression of some angle of my faith – often not directly,
but indirectly. Personally, I get deeply involved in every
independent project of mine – from conceptualizing to
filming and editing. The themes have also been
controversial topics like abortion, evangelization,
divorce, and the like. And for me, the highest reward is
when viewers call me up to say that a film or
documentary has in some way changed their negative
attitude to life. The Pontiff closely links the terms ‘life’ and ‘freedom’ and goes on to say, “The
ecclesial movements want to and must be schools of freedom.” The Holy Spirit “teaches
That’s not an easy stand to take. How has that us to look at the world, others and ourselves with God’s eyes”. He is the liberating
affected your career? Spirit and only through Him can Jesus Youth go beyond racial, ritual, cultural,
Well, if I look at it financially, it’s been very hard. Of linguistic and national barricades. Our commitments need to be evaluated in the light
course it helps that my family understands my vision and of the words of the Holy Father. Let us not forget that Vatican was the hill on which
supports me. And God has been faithful in more ways Peter was crucified head upside down. In the face of this formidable memory every
than I ever imagined. Recognitions from the State Jesus Youth must sincerely reflect on his/her sense of complacency regarding personal
Government and even International awards have come in faith and ecclesial commitment. Let one thought haunt us: I am still not a martyr!
– most often when I needed an affirmation about my
decisions. Anyway, over the years, people in the industry “The Spirit blows where he wills. But his will is unity”, we are reminded by the Pope who
have also come to respect my attitudes and have is known as the theologian of Communion. True exercise and experience of freedom fosters
understood that there are certain things I will do and unity. The Holy Spirit never scatters, rather, unites as was witnessed on the day of
some that I will not. Pentecost. His “breath is not wasted but brings us together because the truth unites
and love unites”. Perhaps we need to seriously examine our efforts in the field of
How does your faith make a difference as an Ecumenism. Even after many years of presence and experience of Jesus Youth in places
associate director in the secular film industry? like Taizé, we still seem to be wary of ecumenical moves in the Church.
The secular film industry in India is built on hierarchies,
and those in the lower rungs are treated with contempt. Pope Benedict XVI lays great emphasis on mission: “Anyone who has come across
Here I often try to treat everyone on the set with respect something true, beautiful and good in his life-the one true treasure, the precious pearl-
and spend time with the ones who are mostly ignored. hastens to share it everywhere, in the family and at work, in all the contexts of his life”. He
I’ve noticed that even actors and directors sometimes says too that the presence of the Holy Spirit “is finally shown above all in missionary zeal”.
feel open enough to share their problems and seek This reads to me as an appreciation of the missionary zeal of all Christians, especially of the
prayer. Today there are many people of faith entering this Jesus Youth. Missionary spirit has proved to be the mark of our identity all through the past
field that was neglected so far. Lets pray that their faith years. Let all of us in the Jesus Youth respond wholeheartedly to the call of our Holy Father:
and values permeate their projects and creations. “Dear friends, I ask you to collaborate even more, very much more,
in the Pope’s universal apostolic ministry, opening doors to Christ.”
A senior JY leader, Leo completed his visual
media studies from the Gregorian University
of Rome and from ICPE Poland. His recent FR. JOSHY MAYYATTIL
project for JY, a short film, ‘ Tree of Life’, From the Diocese of Cochin, currently pursuing a doctorate in
recently won the Niepokalanow 2006 Biblical Theology at the Gregorian University, Rome.
Grand Prix Award. He lives with his wife Former Pastor, JY Campus Ministry, India.
Shaly and son Jasrel in Kochi, India.
15 - 20 JULY

WITNESSES”. The Sydney management team presented the
(ACTS 1:8) logo for WYD 2008 to start the countdown to
Presentation of the WYD Sydney logo and other logistics by the Australian WYD Organising Team headed hosting the world’s largest youth event in
by Most. Rev. Anthony Fisher (Auxilliary Bishop of Sydney) along with Msgr. Francis Kohn (Secretary,
Youth Section, Pontifical Council of Laity)

With a youth styled tag line - WYD SYD 08

‘Da Colonia A Sydney ’ was nothing less than a perfect occasion to convene, observe, share and
- the inspiring, energetic and highly
bond with numerous eminent individuals representing diverse countries and varied walks of life.
spiritual image unveiled for the Sydney
Hundreds of youth delegates from around the world gathered in Rome, Italy for the International
event encapsulates five separate stories
Gathering of World Youth Day Organisers - from the 7th to the 9th of April 2006, organised by the
within the one logo, representing Christ our
Pontifical Council for the Laity. Manoj Sunny and I represented Jesus Youth.
Saviour, the Catholic faith, the Pilgrimage
The three-day programme began with an evaluation of WYD 2005 in Germany, which received an that is World Youth Day, the youth
outstanding response and was hailed as a great success on many fronts. Germany had succeeded participants (Pilgrims) and the host city
in delivering the WYD mission to reach out to the next generation of Catholics, demonstrate Sydney.
confidence in them, rejuvenate the Church, and carry forth its teachings.
The Flame in red and yellow
represents the fire in the heart of
God and the gifts of the Holy

The white Cross represents Jesus

Christ the light of the world, and
the life of witness, which the Holy
Spirit enables.

The shadow of the Opera House, an

internationally renowned symbol of
Sydney, the host city for World
Youth Day 2008.

The blue colour of the text reflects

the oceans that surround
Australia, the pilgrimage across
the oceans, the waters of Baptism
and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The unveiling of the WYD08 logo

also heralds the launch of the new
website for World Youth Day 2008-

Papal Mass on Palm Sunday in St. Peter’s Square

More than 500,000 young people, including 135,000 international pilgrims, are expected to
attend the forthcoming World Youth Day in Sydney, Australia from 15 to 20 July 2008 that will
focus on the theme, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will
be my witnesses”. (Acts 1:8)
The Archbishop of Sydney, His Eminence George Cardinal Pell, led an Australian delegation of
World Youth Day organisers to Rome. It included Federal MP Malcolm Turnbull representing the
Prime Minister of Australia and the New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma. 70 young people
representing all the Australian Dioceses received the World Youth Day Cross and Icon of Our Lady at
the close of the Papal Mass on Palm Sunday in St. Peter’s Square.
BIJU THOMAS, Former Co-ordinator, JY UK

JULY 2006 PAGE 9


Delegates of the European Gathering at the Pontificio Collegio Urbano

Mission The programme was divided into three parts - a

3-day pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi, the Pentecost
Vigil in St Peter’s Square with the Holy Father, and the
Jesus Youth Leaders’ gathering at Pontificio Collegio
Urbano. The days spent in Rome, visiting great sites

and praying in places where the champions of our faith
gave up everything including their lives for the sake of
the ‘treasure they found’, were enriching, and
spiritually challenging. One of the most memorable
events for me was when we gathered in St. Peter’s
Basilica and went in procession to celebrate Holy Mass
in a chapel very close to Pope John Paul II’s tomb.
J E S US Y O U T H L E A D E R S ’ G AT H E R I N G The pilgrimage to Assisi was a great experience.
Though nearly eight hundred years have passed since
the birth of “the second Christ”, the spirit of Francis
and Clare is still powerfully felt in the narrow alleys
It was a joyful occasion for us the Jesus Youth leaders of Europe as we and serene valleys of Assisi. The pilgrimage to Assisi
gathered in Rome for prayer, fellowship, and pilgrimage from 30th May to saw all of us taking time for confession, prayer and
5th June. We stayed in the beautiful campus of Roma Camping, which is reflection. The presence and guidance of Msgr. Antony
reasonably close to the centre of the city. Kollamparambil was an added blessing during these
The JY from Ireland were the first to reach the camping village. Though the days.
ministry there is still in its infancy, eleven leaders represented Ireland. Around noon on Saturday, 3rd June, with great
Then arrived the delegates from Germany. As the university exams were enthusiasm and expectation, we joined the hundreds of
going on, many of the active JY from there could not make it to Rome this thousands of Catholics from across the world for the
time. The UK delegation was the last to arrive. There were nineteen of Pentecost Vigil with the Holy Father in St. Peter’s
them, and baby Daniel aged 9 months was the youngest pilgrim from UK! Square. The place was so filled with crowds of young

and cheering Catholics singing and praying that for many

of us, it was a sort of ‘unexpected World Youth Day ’!
On the last day, we had the Jesus Youth Leaders’
gathering. We were blessed that our programme was
organised at Pontificio Collegio Urbano, that shares its
“I felt it was my responsibility to work for the renewal of
Europe through a deeper commitment and personal
holiness. We need to make a more creative and united
effort as we strive to revive the Church.”
GRINSON GEORGE, Co-ordinator, JY Rome

boundary with St. Peter’s Square! Though many Jesus
Youth from Rome made themselves available through “Our visit to the holy places, specially the place where
out the pilgrimage days, it was on the last day that St. Paul was beheaded, and the climb up the Holy Steps on
every one was present. It was a beautiful time of our knees, was a touching experience. We were enriched by
fellowship, prayer and of course, fun and many photo the many facts we learnt about our faith, which has led to a
sessions! deeper awakening of our call in life. We feel privileged to
be part of God’s wonderful plan.”
The long day ended with a planning session at Camping
ANIL ISRAEL, Co-ordinator, JY Germany
Roma, where the ministry representatives from four
countries – UK, Ireland, Germany, and Italy - discussed
“It was the fulfillment of a long cherished
dream. The Rome pilgrimage enabled us to
touch the very heart of Christianity. At the night
vigil with Pope Benedict XVI and 400,000
pilgrims from all parts of the globe we felt a
close bond with Catholics of other nations. The
Jesus Youth gathering was a wake up call filling
everyone with enthusiasm and implanting in all a dream for
Europe. We left convinced that we belong to one family.”
Animator, Jesus Youth International Team

“I was very happy to be part of the Jesus Youth

Rejoicing in the Lord with action songs in the typical JY style.
Europe gathering held in Rome. It was a golden
opportunity to be with a group of youngsters
who have a passion for the person of Jesus and
want to be “different” for the Lord in the highly
secularized society of today. It was encouraging
to see that they long to communicate the love of
the Lord to as many as possible, even when they are all busy
with their own commitments. I am sure that the Lord has
wonderful plans for the Jesus Youth in Europe. I hope we will be
able to open our hearts to the inspiration of the Spirit
and respond to the call the Lord is placing before us. Let us
remember the tremendous graces we have received from the
Lord and always keep in mind that the more graces we receive,
the greater our responsibility before the Lord.”
Renowned speaker and JY Animator, currently pursuing a doctorate in
At St. Peter’s Bascilica after celebrating Holy Mass with Fr. Varghese Theology at the Pontifical Institute, Angelicum, Rome.
Kelamparambil CMI, Fr. Sony Palathara CMI and Fr. Sebastian Arikat.

the future of the ministry in Europe. We all felt the

pressing need to have more combined programmes for
the ministry in Europe, to reach out to those countries
on the continent where Jesus Youth is either not
organised or has not reached out yet. In order to
strengthen the communication between the Jesus
>> “ I could feel the blood of the martyrs speaking to me,
challenging me to greater commitments and leading me to
stronger decisions. Since then my only prayer and desire is to
be led by the Spirit, not according to my plans but according
to His will in my life.”
youth leaders from various countries, it has been

decided to form a mailing group. There was also a
suggestion that we have a Jesus Youth Europe “The pilgrimage to Rome helped me understand that the
conference next year. We left with the hope of faith that we have today is the result of the toil and
meeting again in UK for the forthcoming Leaders’ martyrdom of many early Christians. I have come to realize
Training Programme in July. how much we need, in our own humble way, to contribute in
taking the faith forward. From a Jesus Youth perspective,
the European gathering was a tremendous experience of
the JY fellowship.”
RAJESH JOSEPH, Co-ordinator, JY Ireland
Co-ordinator, JY Europe

JULY 2006 PAGE 11

The National Nurses’ Conference, the panels, skits, testimonies, music,
first of its kind, saw 1200 nurses and powerful input sessions by

from across India come together for a eminent speakers like Fr. Fio
life-changing encounter with Jesus Mascarenhas, Colin Calmiano,
at Christ College, Bangalore from 12th Mario Joseph, Dr. Br. Mathew
to 14th May 2006. The objective of Abraham, Dr. Edward Edezhath,
the conference was to enlighten the Alex Njavally, M.A. Joshy and

participants about the potential of C.C. Joseph. Throughout the
their profession as a vocation to programme, issues like abortion,
extend God’s healing ministry. The the increasing apathy of health
presence and blessings of professionals for the suffering, and
Archbishops Ignatius Pinto and the need to encourage the culture

Alphonsus Matthias (both Emeritus of life, were strongly emphasised.
Archbishops of Bangalore) added The young participants left deeply
significance to the programme. The convinced about their role and
programme based on the theme ‘To mission, and with a joyful zeal to

be His Healing Hands’ was a use nursing as a channel for
kaleidoscope of activities with evangelisation in India.



“We give you our facilities “Every nursing school is a “For the first time in my life “220 nurses from Tumkur
and you pray for us. formation centre - a ‘seminary’ I saw prayerful youth taking attended the Nurses’ Meet
I have noted the for nurses’. With the correct initiatives for the Lord. It was a and now we have five
enthusiasm with which formation and training, new awareness for me because prayer groups in our place.
you pray. This hall is filled nurses cannot but go across the usually I see religious people Through the programme,
with the fragrance of world and give Jesus to those organizing programmes like we all got a deeper
your prayers and the who need Him. this. The world can change conviction about our call
education we impart is Since you find nurses in through people like this who are to this profession. We
blessed by your prayers.” every corner of the world, very committed and prayerful. realized that we are the
FR.THOMAS it is important to give them The way they prayed touched Healing Hands of Jesus
CHATHANPARAMBIL faith formation and a vision for me. I am very much interested Christ in this world!
Principal, Christ College, evangelisation.” in their working style.” Praise the Lord!”
Bangalore ADV. RAIJU VARGHESE SR. SANCTA, Hyderabad ARUNA, Tumkur,
Co-ordinator, JY India Karnataka

JY Retreat, Florida, USA ‘Youth Fest’, Baltimore, USA

n JY Retreat n Youth Fest n Day of Re-renewal
Fifty-one young participants from The Mid-Atlantic region hosted this The Jesus Youth in London celebrated 17th
Gainesville, Tampa, Miami and Fort summer’s Youth Fest in Baltimore, Maryland June 2006 as a ‘Day of Re-renewal’. With an
Lauderdale gathered for a retreat at the on 17th June 2006. The main speaker for the attendance of 60 participants, the programme
Morning Star Renewal Centre, Miami from programme was Pete Ascosi, who spoke on witnessed the coming together of JY prayer
14th – 18th June 2006. It was conducted by the day’s theme -‘The Holy Body and Blood groups from different parts of London for
the Florida Regional Service Team supported of Christ‘. During the afternoon session, Mass, Praise & Worship, input sessions,
by the National Team, based on the theme small group discussions were held, based planning, reflection and a time of powerful
“Therefore go and make disciples of all on a passage from ‘Deus Caritas Est’. intercession.
nations – Mt. 28:19”. There was 24 hours - Jyothini Malaickal n Discipleship Formation Programme
adoration before the Blessed Sacrament IRELAND The second gathering of the Discipleship
throughout the retreat. Fr. John, Vicar of the n Ephatha 2006 Formation Programme took place in
Syro Malabar Church, Florida extended his The first JY programme in Ireland ‘Ephatha Birmingham on 6th - 7th May 2006. The
full support for the retreat. Prayer groups 2006’ was conducted on 25th March 2006 sessions focused on growing in relationship
have been initiated in all four places. with 125 participants at St. Joseph’s School with Jesus, tackling problem areas in
n JY Connect for the Visually Impaired, Drumcondra, Christian growth, Biblical basis of Catholic
JY Connect - an initiative to build strong Dublin, based on the theme ‘Listening to faith etc.
fellowship between the youth and the elders, God’s voice and answering His call’. n JY Teens Gathering
was launched on 29th April 2006 at the St. Mr. Gerard Gallagher (Co-ordinator, Catholic JY Liverpool had its first teens gathering on
Thomas Syro Malabar Church, Bronx. During Youth Care - Archdiocese of Dublin), 23rd June 2006 at the Holy Name Church. The
this informal gathering, small groups of Fr. James George, Jose Mathew (Co- programme included interactive sessions,
youth of the same gender and age were ordinator, JY Europe) and Fr. Sony Palathra group discussions, and a time of prayer and
formed and then linked with one elder from CMI were the main resource persons. reflection.
the region. - Rajesh Joseph n JY Family Gathering
n Night Vigil
UK Around 30 JY couples gathered at Holy Name
On the first Friday of every month three JY
n South Zone Gathering Church, Liverpool on 25th June 2006 to
groups comprising of adults, youth and
After the formation of zones in JY UK, the participate in the Family Gathering organised
teens, come together to spend twelve hours
in prayer, intercession, and reflection in the first ever zonal programme was held on 13th by JY Liverpool. There was a session on
presence of the Blessed Sacrament. This May 2006 at St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Christ-centred family life by Dr. Julio and his
night vigil begins and concludes with the Dagenham for UK South Zone based on the wife Dr. Anju.
celebration of the Holy Mass. theme ‘Living in Him’. - Pradeep Mathew

‘Ephatha 2006’, Ireland JY Family Gathering, UK

JULY 2006 PAGE 13


‘Chalo Kashmir’, India ‘Koinonia’, Kerala, India ‘Penuel’ - JY Gathering, UAE

CANADA the past 2 years and solicits prayers for the visited the Jammu prison. A culmination of
n Input sessions & Night vigil new team. this mission was the ‘Teens Meet’ held at St.
JY Canada organised several input sessions - Leny Veliyathuparambil Peter’s School on 30th April with over 210
by Fr. Alex Tharamangalam and Ms. Philo INDIA teenage participants.
when they visited Canada in April 2006. A n Full time Volunteers’ Training - Soji K. Joseph
night vigil was also organised on 28th April The 15th batch of the JY Full time Volunteers UAE
2006 during their visit. Philo inspired many comprising of 21 participants from different n Penuel – JY Gathering
by her testimony while Fr. Alex conducted parts of India, completed their 40-day A one-day gathering ‘Penuel’ held on 21st
discussions on the life of Christ in the training period and were commissioned on April 2006 with 120 young participants
context of present day Christian challenges. 25th June 2006. marked the beginning of Jesus Youth in the
n Teens 2006
n Guests from Divine Retreat Centre Emirate of Ras-Al-Khaimah. The gathering
‘Teens 2006’- an initiative of the JY Teens
The regular Friday prayer meeting on 26th was blessed to have Fr. Joy - Spiritual
Ministry, was conducted at Nagpur from 8th
May 2006 was blessed with the presence of Director, JY Dubai for the Eucharistic
to 9th June 2006 based on the theme ‘A New
Fr. Augustine Vallooran, Glen La’rive and Celebration. A weekly prayer group has also
Way, A New Generation’, There were 520
Tresa La’rive from the Divine Retreat Centre, been initiated in the Emirate.
participants (including 80 volunteers) from
Kerala. The uplifting session of prayer and n Devotion to Mother Mary &
different parts of India like Bhopal, Nagpur,
music included a testimony by Glen and an Amravati, Chandrapur, etc. the Sacred Heart of Jesus
inspiring message by Fr. Augustine. n Koinonia The months of May and June saw the JY of
n National Team Re-constitution ‘Koinonia’, the joyful celebration of South Abudhabi gathering in almost 60 homes, and
The National Team of JY Canada was re- Indian Campus Leaders was held in the JY of Fujairah in around 15 houses, for
constituted on 13th May 2006. The new team Ashirbhavan, Cochin from the 30th June to praying the Church’s traditional devotions to
2nd July. 200 Campus Leaders from more Mother Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
with Leny Veliyathuparambil as Co-ordinator,
than 25 zones across 4 South Indian states Many miracles and healings were
Sindhu Michael as Asst. Co-ordinator and Fr.
and Pondicherry participated. experienced during the days.
Jose Thaiparampil as Pastor include Biju
n Chalo Kashmir n New Ministries
Davies, Bosco Jerome, Joy Kittan, Tony
‘Chalo Kashmir’ - a unique project initiated A Liturgical Ministry was formed in Abudhabi
Chiryinkalam, Manju Francis, Bobby Jose,
by the JY Teens Ministry, saw 17 teenagers to support the parish in the Eucharistic
Roy David, Johnson Irimban, Binu Celebrations. JY Dubai has a new Pro-Life
from Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu
(representing Hamilton) and Mathew outreach to Jammu & Kashmir in April 2006. ministry. JY Fujairah’s involvement in parish
(representing Ottawa). JY Canada expresses After a 3-day training in Bangalore, they activities has led them to initiate a music
its heart-felt gratitude to Bosco (former Co- were divided and sent to 5 different parishes ministry during the Holy Week and lead the
ordinator) for his inspiring leadership during in Jammu to conduct programmes. They also adoration in English for the parish.

JY Full time Volunteers’ Training, Kerala, India ‘Seeloha’, UAE


Post Marital Course, UAE JY Gathering, Kuwait National Leaders’ Gathering, Australia

KUWAIT founder members of Jesus Youth and an

n Post Marital Course
n Weekly Gathering animator of the JY International Team. Fr.
Jesus Youth together with the Malayalam
Jesus Youth in Kuwait began its weekly Abraham and Mr. Pius conducted the input
Community in Abudhabi, conducted the first
gathering at Holy Family Cathedral on 1st April sessions.
ever Post Marital Course in Malayalam for
2006. Fr. Joseph Edappullavan OCD - Biju Joseph
the parish on 23rd June 2006. The course
inaugurated the gathering and Fr. Mathew NEW ZEALAND
drew around 500 couples, some of whom
Kunnelpurayidam OCD delivered a talk on the n Youth Alive
have been married for the last 15 years, to
vision and mission of the JY movement. The A retreat for youth and teens was held on
renew their relationships with the Lord.
gathering continues to be held regularly each 13th-14th May 2006 at Our Lady of Sacred
n Seeloha - JY Seminar
Saturday with prayer, group discussions, Heart Church (OLSH), Epsom, Auckland led
A one-day seminar ‘Seeloha’ was conducted by Manoj Sunny along with Mayrose Pius and
workshops, Bible study, music, etc.
in St. Michael’s Church, Sharjah on 23rd June
n Prayer on the day of Pentecost Karen Hopkins on the theme “I came that
2006 for about 700 youth. Fr. Angelo (Vicar, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and they may have life, and have it abundantly”.
St. Michael’s Church) inaugurated the anointing prayer was held on 3rd June 2006 Fr James Mulligan, Asst. Parish Priest of
programme while Fr. Joy Menachery and Dr. to celebrate the feast of Pentecost. The OLSH and Spiritual Director of JY New
Joseph Lukose gave the main input sessions. prayer service was led by Fr. Thomas Zealand was a constant support during the
n Adieu Vadakedam. retreat.
A farewell function was arranged for n Jesus Youth Gathering - Liza Johnson
Mr. Joseph Lonth, the Animator of the Jesus A J Y Gathering was initiated at Our Lady of AUSTRALIA
Youth National Team for the last two years, Arabia Church, Ahmadi on 19th June 2006. n Leadership Training Programme
who is returning to Kerala after a long Fr. Antony Pulluvila OCD inaugurated the A Leadership Training Programme was held
involvement with Jesus Youth from its gathering. This gathering will be held on the on 6th May 2006 at the All Saints Church,
beginning in Dubai. He is actively involved in third Monday of every month. Sydney. Following the programme the JY
Joynet - the JY e-mail fellowship. - Biju Antony Sydney team met with Manoj Sunny to form a
n Thoolika MALAYSIA service team for Sydney. Stephen
The Newsletter of Dubai - ‘Thoolika’ has n One-day programme Ratnakaran was chosen as the Co-ordinator
seen an increase in content and pages over ‘Shine Jesus Shine’ , a groundbreaking with Noby Joseph and Jaison Thomas as the
the months, evolving into a highly programme in Malaysia organised with the Asst. Co-ordinators.
anticipated weekly inspiration. The 100th support of JY Singapore, was held for 150 n National Meeting
issue was released on Easter Sunday. participants at St. Joseph’s Church, Kuala Representatives from five states of Australia
Lumpur on 2nd April 2006 under the guidance - South Australia, Victoria, New South
- Prejomy Jose
of Fr. Abraham Pallivathukkal - one of the Wales, Queensland and the Australian

The new JY National team, Australia ‘Shine Jesus Shine’, Malaysia ‘Youth Alive’, New Zealand

JULY 2006 PAGE 15


The new JY National Team, Singapore JY Retreat, Italy JY leaders at Bangna Campus, Thailand

Capital Territory (ACT) - came together in Fr. William Goh (SACCRE Spiritual Director),
Sydney for the first National Meeting on 5th Oka (Asst. Co-odinator - SACCRE Youth),
May 2006. Manoj Sunny animated the Edwin D‘Souza (Singapore Diocesan Youth
meeting while Fr. Mathew Thekkedath, In-charge), Mathew Jacob and Manoj Sunny.
Chaplain to the Syro-Malabar community and The new National Team members are Biju
JY Sydney, concelebrated Mass along with Joseph (Co-ordinator), Lejen James (Asst.
Fr. John Aravankara, Pastor, JY Australia. Co-ordinator), Roy Peter (Ex-offcio),
A national team was formed with Rajesh Thomson (Animator), Andrew (Animator), Joy
Thalappillil as Co-ordinator, Mayrose Pius as
Asst. Co-ordinator, Fr. John Aravankara as
Thomas, Rosmy, Joshy, Jays John, Michael
Koshy, Ajith Jacob, Davis, Dexon J Netto,
Pastor, and Dr. Preshy and Gene Thallappillil
as Animators. Other members include
Seema, Minto and Jeril Joseph.
n Growth Retreat for Leaders
of blessings!
Suzette Morris, Milan Chacko, Cicily Ponnor, A Growth Retreat for 60 leaders was held Jesus Youth congratulates Cardinal
Stephen Ratnakaran, Ajith Lobo, Maria Paul, from 7th to 9th April 2006 at the Choice Ivan Dias, Archbishop of Bombay, on
Cinnil Thomas, Tito Jose and Bony Abraham. Retreat Centre, Boon Lay led by his appointment by Pope Benedict XVI
as the Prefect of the Congregation for
Following this there was a meeting with Rev. Fr. Abraham Pallivathukal SJ.
Evangelization of Peoples. His Eminence
elders and families of the Kerala Catholic n Jesus Net
has always been an inspiration to Jesus
Community (Sydney) to discuss WYD 2008 Jesus Net - JY Singapore’s central prayer
Youth. We gratefully acknowledge his
and present the role of Jesus Youth in WYD gathering which was started in April 2006 is
encouragement and support, and specially
2008. conducted on the first Saturday of each
cherish the catecheses he led for us at the
n Couples’ Meet month in the Novena Church. It includes an WYD 2005, held in Cologne, on the theme
A Couples’ Meet based on the theme of input session based on the JY Bible calendar ‘Searching for truth, the deepest meaning
‘Becoming a true Christian in our family and concludes with the general Novena held of human existence’. We pledge our
lives’ was held at Liverpool on 3rd May 2006. in the Church. prayers as His Eminence takes charge of
n Leadership Workshop - Biju Joseph his new office at the Vatican.
A one-day workshop on leadership was held THAILAND
on 7th May 2006 at McKillop Conference Hall, n Training Programme
St. Francis Church, Melbourne, with 20 The Jesus Youth in Bangkok organized and
participants who had earlier attended the conducted a training programme for potential
‘Yes Lord’ retreat in December. leaders and the music ministry on 9th and 10th
n Children & Teens’ Workshop July 2006. Students of different nationalities
A three-day workshop ‘Jesus for Me’ for 25 studying in Assumption University
children and 20 teens was carried out along participated in the trainings. Manoj Sunny
with the church community retreat at Box was the main resource person for both the
Hill, Melbourne from 10th to 12th June 2006. days. The participants left with a deep
-Mayrose Pius conviction of the love and mercy of the Lord.
SINGAPORE -George Devassy
n National Team Re-constitution ITALY
The new Jesus Youth National Team was re- n Youth Retreat
constituted during a 3-day programme held Jesus Youth in Rome organised a half-day O Mary our Mother,
from 18th to 20th May 2006 at Choice Retreat retreat for 65 participants on 18th June 2006. teach us to wait upon the Spirit
Centre, Boon Lay. 50 key leaders The retreat was led by Fr. George and to go wherever he leads us.
representing the different JY ministries Kumblumootil and Fr. Joshy Mayattil. There Help us on our journey to discern
attended the programme. Two delegates was also a farewell ceremony for Fr. Mathew the signs of God’s powerful hand.
from JY Thailand were also present. The key and Fr. Macqwin. Lead us in joyful proclamation of faith
speakers for the programme included in Christ our Saviour. Pray for us,
- Siju Chacko
your children, now and always!

Printed and Published by Mr. Manoj Sunny on behalf of Jesus Youth International Office, 6F Thadikaran Centre, Palarivattom P.O., Cochin-682 025, Kerala, INDIA, Ph: +91 484- 3295859 / 4054870, Fax: +91-484-2346084, Email :
Website : n Editor-in-charge: Shelton Pinheiro n Editorial Team: Beena Manoj, Anu Pinheiro & Deepa Sabu n Layout: Sanil C.A.n Printed by SR Graphics, Kottayam, Ph :+91 481-2301142

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