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In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) 7722, otherwise known as the "Higher Education Act of 1994" and for the purpose of rationalizing Nursing Education in the country with the end in view of meeting the health needs of the people through quality health services and keeping it relevant and apace with the demands of global competitiveness, the following policies and standards for Nursing Education are hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission.

Section 1. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) curriculum may be amended or revised provided it meets the minimum requirements of the Commission on Higher Education.

FIRST YEAR (Level I)* First Semester Subject Units English 1 (Comm. Skills) 3 Filipino 1 (Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan) 3 General Chemistry (3/2) 5 Mathematics (College Algebra) 3 General Psychology 3 P.E. 1 2 C.M.T./ROTC (1.5) TOTAL 19

Second Semester
Subjects English 2 (Comm. Skills II) Filipino 2 (Panitikang Pilipino) Sociology/Anthropology Anatomy and Physiology (3/2) Physics Natural Science (Biology) P.E. 2 C.M.T./ROTC TOTAL Units 3 3 3 5 3 3 2 (1.5) 22

SECOND YEAR (LEVEL II)* First Semester

Subjects Units

Primary Health Care I (4/3) ** Information Technology (Computer) Health Ethics Philosophy of Man Basic Statistics ( w/ Biostatistics) P.E. 3 C.M.T. / ROTC TOTAL

7 3 3 3 3 2 (1.5) 21

Second Semester
Subjects Units

Introduction to Philippine Lit. Primary Health Care 2 (3/2) ** Health Economics w/ Taxation and Agrarian Reform Science, Technology and Society Logic and Critical Thinking P.E 4. C.M.T. / ROTC TOTAL

3 5 3 3 3 2 (1.5) 19

Subjects Units

Microbiology and Parasitology (3/1) ** 4 NCM 100 (Foundations of Nursing) (2/1) 3 Nutrition 3 TOTAL 10
* Based on the AHSE Curriculum ** lecture/lab

THIRD YEAR (LEVEL III) First Semester Subjects Units NCM 101(Promotive & Preventive Nsg Care Mgmt 8/8)*** 16 Community Health Development* 3 Strategies of Health Education 3 TOTAL 22

Second Semester
Subjects Units

NCM 102 (Curative & Rehabilitative Nsg Care Mgnt I)8/8*** 16 Introduction to Research 3 Philippine History 3 TOTAL 22


NCM 103 (Related Learning Experience)

4 (204 hours)


Subjects Units

NCM 104 (Curative & Rehabilitative Nursing Care Management II) 8/8*** English 3 (Communication Skills III) Philippine Gov. and Constitution TOTAL

3 3 22

Second Semester
Subjects Units

NCM 105 (Nursing Management and Leadership) 8/8*** 16 Rizal 3 Asian Civilization 3 TOTAL 22
*may be integrated in NCM 101, 102, and 103 *** lecture/RLE

The RLE are viewed in terms of changes in the behavior of the students and not just in terms of content. The faculty must be competent in selecting RLE that will provide for continuity, sequence and integration of principles, concepts, skills and values that have been previously learned in the classroom and other situations. In coming up with the proposed formula for determining cost of RLE per student, consideration was given to (a) Rules and Standards of Nursing Education and the prescribed units and hours for the RLE in the BSN Curriculum,(b) faculty preparation, and competence.

The following should be considered: 1. A class is composed of 48-50 students. 2. Faculty-student Ratio per semester and year level 3rd Year level - 1:8-10 students to a group (1st Sem) - 1:8-12 students to a group(2nd Sem) 4th Year level 1:12-15 students to a group


Related Learning Experiences hours required for whole course = 2142 hours
Units 3 2 1 8 8 4 8 8 42 Hours Equivalence 153 hours 102 hours 51 hours 408 hours 408 hours 204 hours 408 hours 408 hours 2, 142 hours

Subjects PHC I PHC II NCM 100 NCM 101 NCM 102 NCM 103 NCM 104 NCM 105 TOTAL

= = = = = = = = =

4. Basis for Computation to Determine RLE


No. of hours assigned to faculty X hourly rate = RLE Fee

5. Computation of RLE Hours

1 unit = 51 hours


No. 14 Series of 2009

In accordance with pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise known as the Higher Education Act of 1994 and pursuant to Commission en Banc Resolution No.170 dated April 19, 2009, and for the purpose of rationalizing Nursing Education in the country to provide relevant and quality health services locally and internationally, the following policies and standards for Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program are hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission.

Section 6. Curriculum. Higher education institutions offering the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program must conform to the standard curriculum embodied in this CMO, provided that program innovations shall be subject to prior review by the Commission.

Section 7. Level Objectives. The student shall be given opportunities to be exposed to the various levels of health care (health promotion, disease prevention, risk reduction, curative and restoration of health) with various client groups (individual, family, population groups and community) in various settings (hospital, community). These opportunities shall be given in graduated experiences to ensure that the competencies per course, per level and for the whole program are developed.

Before graduation, the student shall approximate the competencies of a professional nurse as they assume the various roles and responsibilities. For each year level, the following objectives should be achieved: 7.1 At the end of the first year, the students shall have acquired an understanding and awareness of themselves as an individual and as a member of the family, the community, and the world with emphasis on personal, societal and professional values responsibilities, rights, and an awareness of physical, social and cultural milieu. The student shall have an awareness of the competency-based approach in the curriculum and the core competencies under the 11 key areas of responsibility in nursing.

7.2 At the end of the second year, the student shall have acquired the holistic understanding of the human person as a biopsycho-cultural being focusing on the concept of health and illness as it is related to the care of the mother and child in varied settings. The student shall be able to demonstrate the competencies in the 11 key areas of responsibility in nursing.

7.3 At the end of the third year, given actual clients/situations with various physiologic and psychosocial alterations, the student shall be able to demonstrate the competencies in the following key areas of responsibility in nursing. 7.4 At the end of the 4th year, given actual clients/situations the student shall be able to demonstrate competencies in all the key areas of responsibility in nursing.

Section 8. Curriculum Outline

At the end of the B. S. Nursing program, the total number of related learning experiences, skills laboratory/clinicals shall include the following:


Skills Lab


Health Assessment Community Health Nursing Nursing Research I Nursing Research II Nursing Care Management 100 Nursing Care Management 101

1 0.5 1 2 2 1

0 1.5 0 0 0 3

RLE Contact Hours (1 credit unit =51 hours) 51 102 51 102 102 204

Nursing Care Management 102

Nursing Care Management 103 Nursing Care Management 104 Nursing Care Management 105 Nursing Care Management 106 Nursing Care Management 107-B Intensive Nursing Practicum Total

1 1 0 2 0 0

5 3 2 3 3 8

306 204 102 155 153 408 2,346 hours

12.5 33.5 46 RLE Units

Section 9. Program of Study BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Prototype 4-Year Curriculum

1st Semester
Course Code English 1 Filipino 1 Course Name Communication Skills I Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino General Chemistry (Organic & Inorganic) Theoretical Foundations in Nursing College Algebra General Psychology Physical Education 1 Lec 3 3 Lab 0 0 Units 3 3

Chem 1
TFN Math 1 Psych PE 1

3 3 3 2

0 0 0 0

3 3 3 2


National Service Training Program





Second Semester
Course Code English 2 Filipino 2 Course Name Lec Lab RLE SL C 0 0 0 0 Units

Ana/Physio NCM 100

Chem 2 PE 2 NSTP 2

Communication Skills II Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik Anatomy and Physiology Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Biochemistry Physical Education 2 National Service Training Program Total

3 3

0 0

3 3

3 3

2 0

0 2

0 0

5 5

3 2 3

2 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

5 2 3

Course Code Physics Logic

Course Name
Physics Logic and Critical Thinking Health Assessment Total

2 3 2 7

1 0 0 1 SL 0 0 1 1

C 0 0 0 0

3 3 3 9

1st Semester
Course Code NCM 101 CHN Course Name Care of Mother, Child and Family Community Health Nursing and Lec 4 3 3 3 3 2 18 Lab 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 RLE SL C 1 3 0.5 0 0 0 0 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 4.5 Units 8 5 4 3 3 2 25

Microbiology Micro/Para Parasitology Philo Bioethics PE 3 Philosophy of Man Bioethics Physical Education 3 Total

2nd Semester

Lec 5 Lab 0 SL 1 RLE C 5 Units 11

Course Course Name Code NCM 102 Care of Mother, Child, Family and Population Group At-risk or With Problems NuDiet Nutrition and Diet Therapy Pharma Pharmacology Socio/ Sociology with Anthropology Anthro PE 4 Physical Education 4 Total

3 3 3 2 16

1 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 5

4 3 3 2 23

Course Course Name Code HealthEd Health Education Info Informatics English 3 Speech Communication Total Lec 3 2 3 8 Lab 0 1 0 1 SL 0 0 0 0 RLE C 0 0 0 0 Units 3 3 3 9

1st Semester
Course Course Name Code NCM 103 Care of Clients with Problems in Oxygenation, Fluid & Electrolyte Balance, Metabolism and Endocrine Biostat Biostatistics Economics with Taxation & Econ Land Reform Humaniti Humanities [World es Civilization and Literature] Life, Works and Writings of Rizal Rizal Total Lec 8 Lab 0 SL 1 RLE C 5 Units 14

3 3 3 3 20

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 5

3 3 3 3 26

2nd Semester
Course Course Name Code NCM 104 Care of Clients with Problems in Inflammatory and Immunologic Response, Perception and Coordination NCM 105 Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior Philippine History, PhilHist Government & Constitution Nres 1 Nursing Research 1 Elective1 Elective Course 1 Total Lec 5 Lab 0 RLE Units

SL 1

C 3


3 2 2 16

0 0 0 0

0 1 0 2

0 0 0 5

3 3 2 23

*The clinicals in NCM 105 may be done in Summer for Cross affiliation purposes.

1st Semester
Course Code NCM 106 Course Name
Care of Clients with 6 Problems in Cellular Aberrations, Acute Biologic Crisis including Emergency and Disaster Nursing Competency Appraisal 1 3 4 0 2 15



RLE SL C 2 3


CA 1

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 2 0 4

0 0 0 0 3

3 4 2 2 22

NCM 107- Nursing Leadership and A Management(Lecture) Nres 2 Nursing Research 2 Elective2 Elective Course 2 Total

2nd Semester
Course Code INP CA 2 NCM 107B Course Name Intensive Nursing Practicum Competency Appraisal 2 Nursing Leadership and Management (RLE) Total Lec 0 3 0 3 Lab 0 0 0 0 SL 0 0 0 0 RLE C 8 0 3 11 Units 8 3 3 14


The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) curriculum is a competency-based and community-oriented curriculum. The teaching-learning process is composed of the theoretical/didactic and experiential/RLE. The Related Learning Experiences (RLEs) is composed of Clinicals and Skills Laboratory. The RLE activities are carefully selected to develop competencies utilizing the nursing process in varying health situations. Hence, the challenges depend greatly in the preparedness and ability of the faculty to organize the learning experiences in the classroom or various health situations based on the clearly-defined objectives.

The RLE is viewed in terms of changes in the behavior of the students and not just in terms of content. The faculty must be competent in selecting RLE that will provide for continuity, sequence and integration of principles, concepts, skills and values that have been previously learned in the classroom and other situations. In coming up with the proposed formula for determining cost of RLE per student, considerations were given to (a) Rules and Standards of Nursing Education and the prescribed units and hours for the RLE in the BSN Curriculum, (b) faculty preparation, and competence.

The following should be considered:


A class is composed of 48-50 students. Faculty-student Ratio for RLE (clinicals in hospital/community setting) per semester and year level shall be: 2nd Year level 1:8 students to a group (1st Semester) 1:8 students to a group (2nd Semester) 3rd Year level 1:10-12 students to a group (1st Semester) 1:10-12 students to a group (2nd Semester) 4th Year level 1:12-15 students to a group (1st Semester) 1:12-15 students to a group (2nd Semester)

2. Related Learning Experiences hours required for the whole

program -- 2, 346 hours

Courses Health Assessment Community Health Nursing Nursing Research I Nursing Research II Nursing Care Management 100 Nursing Care Management 101 Nursing Care Management 102 Nursing Care Management 103 Nursing Care Management 104 Nursing Care Management 105 Nursing Care Management 106 Nursing Care Management 107-B Intensive Nursing Practicum Total Skills Lab 1 0.5 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 Clinical 0 1.5 0 0 0 3 5 5 3 2 3 3 8
RLE Contact Hours (1 credit unit =51 hours)

51 102 51 102 102 204 306 306 204 102 155 153 408 2,346 hours

12.5 33.5 46 RLE Units


Basis for Computation to Determine RLE Fee: Number of hours assigned to faculty X hourly rate = RLE Fee Hourly rate shall be specified in the Guidelines for Affiliation promulgated by the Department of Health
Computation of RLE Hours: 1 unit = 51 hours



Theoretical Foundations in Nursing as a new subject. This is a very good preparation for the NLE. Students wont have to cram lots of information on the nursing theories and respective proponents when they review for the boards. This course deals with human in terms of its adaptation, structural framework, with emphasis on physiology regulations adaptive mechanism, integrates lecture with laboratory experiences which provides exercises and techniques necessary in clinical situation

The course name for NCM 100 is no longer Foundations in Nursing but Fundamentals of Nursing Practice. Furthermore, it will no longer be limited to the discussion of Nursing as a Profession, Science, and Art. This course provides the students with the overview of nursing as a science, an art and a profession. It deals with the concept of man as a holistic being comprised of biopshycho-social and spiritual dimensions. It includes a discussion on the different roles of a nurse emphasizing health promotion, maintenance of health as well as prevention of illness utilizing the nursing process. It includes the basic nursing skills needed in the care of individual clients.

Health Assessment.

Thirty six lecture hours and fifty one laboratory hours will be spent going over topics as health history taking and functional assessments using APGAR, MDSI, and other indexes. Review systems, conducting PE, assessment during pregnancy, and patient education will also be covered. This is a very good preparation for Maternal and Child Nursing, and Medical Surgical Nursing. The course deals with concepts, principles and techniques of history taking using various tools, physical examination (head to toe), psychosocial assessment and interpretation of laboratory findings to arrive at a nursing diagnosis on the client across the lifespan in community and hospital settings.

The inclusion of diet therapy in nutrition. Nutrition as a nursing subject will no longer be Basic Nutrition and Diabetics. It will be aptly called Nutrition with Diet Therapy. This is a solid move to better equip students on the essentials of providing appropriate health teachings to their clients. The course outline on NuDiet is very specific, basic nutrition as well as the dietary management of medical conditions and tube findings will be covered. This course deals with the study of food in relation to health. It covers nutrients and other substances and their action, and interaction and balance in relation to health and diseases and the process by which organism ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, utilizes and excretes food substances. It will also focus in the therapeutic and food service aspects of the delivery of nutritional services in hospitals and other healthcare institutions.

Health Education. The course includes discussions on health education concepts, principles, theories, and strategies as they apply in the clinical and classroom situations. Nursing Informatics. Basing on the course outline, it will cover theories on nursing informatics, application of informatics in nursing practice and research, and the different international perspective. Biostatics. This course is designed to meet the introductory statistical needs of students in the health related disciplines. The study includes topics on collection and presentation of the different statistical data used in health administration, frequency, distribution, measures of central tendencies, measures of variability, normal distribution and hypothesis testing.

Competence Appraisal subjects (CA 1 and 2) This course deals with the application of the concepts, principles and processes basic to the practice of nursing with emphasis on health promotion, health maintenance, preventive, risk reduction, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care of sick individual with alterations in cellular aberrations, adjustment problems and maladaptive patterns of behavior, acute biologic crisis, disaster and emergency. It includes the utilization of the nursing process and the core competencies under the eleven (11) key areas of responsibility.

NCM 106 and NCM 107

The nursing curriculum doesnt end at NCM 105. The new BSN curriculum gives special attention to specific areas. Psychiatric Nursing and care of clients with exception and coordination problems are covered in NCM 104 and no longer lumped with other topics. NCM 106 covers cellular aberrations, acute biologic crisis, problems in inflammatory and immunologic reactions, and emergency and disaster nursing. Whereas in the old curriculum Nursing Leadership and Management was NCM 105, it will be NCM 107 effective June 2008.

INTENSIVE NURSING PRACTICUM Actual application of the theories, principles and concepts of clinical nursing practice to groups of clients in varied settings to refine nursing skills in the different basic nursing services including community. Emphasis is placed on integrating the multiple roles of professional nursing as a vehicle to enhance critical thinking and communication skills.

ELECTIVE I: HOSPICE PALLIATIVE CARE/ SPIRITUAL CARE NURSING/ PARENT CHILD NURSING Nursing interventions/strategies for the prevention and/or management of behavioral problems of children arising from parent-child relationships. This course includes the concepts, principles and theories of hospice palliative care. The course deals with the history, philosophy, theories, principles, process, modes, and interventions of spiritual care. Emphasis is made on the process of spiritual formation and the role of nurses in providing spiritual care.

ELECTIVE II: ACUTE / CRITICAL CARE NURSING/ CARE OF THE CRITICCALLY ILL AND THE OLDER PERSON/ QUALITY HEALTH CARE AND NURSING. This course is designed to introduce the student to care for critically ill patients. Emphasis is on rapid assessment, setting priorities, rapid decision-making and appropriate nursing interventions. It may include cases with cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, neurologic, and multisystem alterations. This course also deals with the concepts, principles, and dimensions of quality health care, quality standards for Health Provider Organizations and implementing a Performance Improvement/management program in the health care system. It deals with the concepts, principles and techniques of nursing care management of those chronic illness and the older persons

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