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QUESTIONNAIRE (after 3 weeks of class)

Answer in English as much as you can but when you want to say something important you dont know how to say in English, write in one of the other languages. 1 How do you feel when youre in class? Positive: happy, interested, enthusiastic, motivated, stimulated, satisfied, ..? Negative: bored, worried, frightened, confused, lost, ignored, indifferent, dissatisfied, frustrated? 2 Please tell me more especially if youve circled negative points.

3 What about the work youre doing: how would you describe it? Easy, difficult, impossible, correct for the level youre in, too high, too low, interesting, boring, useful, useless, .. 4 Please tell me more especially if your answers are negative 5 When I speak English, do you understand me more or less? Do I speak too quickly?

6 When I explain something, do you understand my explanation (with repetitions etc)? Do I explain clearly? Would you like more explanation?

7 Do you feel that youre making progress? Do you feel that you learn something new every day? Do you feel more confident now than you did in September or do you still feel the same?

8 Do you like the book? Are you happy using it? Do you do all the exercises I set you for homework in the Workbook? 9 Do you think that the atmosphere in class is conducive to learning? If not, what do you think should be done to improve it? 10 What do you think about the layout of the class? Do you like it? If not, how would you like the layout? 11Do you like working in pairs? practising oral work? Do you think its a good idea to change pairs for

12 What other things would you like to comment on?

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