Letter To Students and Families Restructuring - May15

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Office of the Chancellor

825 North Capitol Street, NE, 9th Floor, Washington, D.C., 20002-1994
(202) 442-5885 – fax: (202) 442-5026

May 15, 2008

To Students and Families of ___________ School,

As you know, your school is in restructuring status according to the No Child Left Behind
Act. This means that for the past five years, students’ achievement levels at your school
have not shown the kind of progress that matches our students’ capabilities. With input
from your school community, we have created an exciting new plan in order to raise student
achievement levels in your school. Today, Mayor Fenty and I announced plans for all
schools in restructuring status.

These decisions mean significant changes for 27 of our schools for the upcoming 2008-2009
school year. I am confident that these plans have significant potential to improve students’
educational experiences and will increase student achievement at your school.

The changes announced today will not impact teacher or students during the current school
year. However, we will begin working with the individual school communities on transition
and implementation plans as we go forward.

Your school principal has details about the restructuring plan for your school. You may also
view your school’s plan on the DCPS website, http://www.k12.dc.us.

We look forward to working with you as we begin to close out the current school year and
continue planning for the upcoming school year.


Michelle Rhee

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