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Session 1

Session Name: Rectifiers Author Name: V. Nithya Department: Electronics and Communication Engineering Subject/Course: Electronic Circuits

Session Objectives
At the end of this session, the learner will be able to: Define Rectifier. List the different types of rectifiers. Discuss the working of half-wave and full-wave rectifiers. Compare half-wave and full-wave rectifiers.

Teaching Learning Material

White Board and Markers LCD projector

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Rectifiers M.A.M. College of Engineering

Session Plan
Time (in min) Content Learning Aid and Methodology Faculty Approach Typical Student Activity Learning Outcomes (Blooms + Gardeners) Remembering Intrapersonal Interpersonal Verbal-Linguistic Remembering 05 Types of Rectifiers Board/OHP Lists Listens Intrapersonal Linguistic Applying Working of Different Types of Rectifiers Facilitates Guides Explains Participates Observes Comprehends Intrapersonal Interpersonal Kinesthetic Visual Logical Verbal-Linguistic Analyzing Interpersonal Intrapersonal Logical VerbalLinguistic Remembering Understanding Interpersonal Intrapersonal Verbal


Introduction to Rectifiers

Question and Answer

Facilitates Questions Explains

Listens Participates Discusses Answers




Advantages and Disadvantages of Rectifiers

Choose and Defend

Facilitates Evaluates Consolidates

Participates Discusses Identifies Listens



Pick and Learn


Participates Recalls Answers

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Session Inputs
Introduction to Rectifiers
We can begin the session on Rectifiers by asking a few questions to the learners to introduce them to the basic terms associated with the topic. Suggested Activity: Question and Answer The learners can be divided into three groups based on the number of rows in the class. The facilitator can ask questions to all the groups. Each group can give an answer. Finally, facilitator can provide the correct answer. Sample questions and answers: 1. What is a Power Supply? Group1: Provides DC Supply. Group2: Converts AC supply voltage to DC supply voltage. Group3: It is used in laboratory to provide supply for the experiment that we are doing. 2. Name the blocks in a Power Supply. Group1: Rectifier Group2: Rectifier, Regulator Group3: Transformer, Diode, Regulator. 3. What is a rectifier? Group1: Converts AC into DC Group2: Converts full-wave input signal into half-wave output signal Group3: Inverters 4. Which component acts as a rectifier? Group1: Diode Group2: PN junction diode Group3: Any type of diode

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Power Supply: All electronic circuits need DC power supply either from battery or power pack units. Many electronic equipments contain circuits which convert the AC supply voltage into DC voltage at the required level. The unit containing these circuits is called the Linear Mode Power Supply (LPS). Blocks of Power Supply: Rectifier: The bidirectional AC voltage is converted into a unidirectional pulsating DC. Filter: The unwanted ripple contents of this pulsating DC are removed by a filter to get pure DC voltage. Regulator: The output of the filter is fed to a regulator which gives a steady DC output independent of load variations and input supply fluctuations. Component used as Rectifier: A rectifier utilizes unidirectional conduction device like a vacuum diode or PN junction diode. Rectifier can be defined as an electronic device used for converting AC voltage into unidirectional pulsating DC voltage.

Types of Rectifiers
After introducing and defining the term Rectifier, it would now be appropriate to make the learners familiar with the types of Rectifiers. Types of Rectifier: Half-wave Rectifier Full-wave Rectifier

Working of Different Types of Rectifiers

Having seen the types of rectifiers, the working of different types of rectifiers can be explained with the help of an activity.

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Suggested Activity: Impersonation We can select three learners to pose as the components of a half-wave rectifier. The learners can be instructed to speak as if the components are speaking, i.e. impersonate the component that they are representing. Impersonation for half-wave rectifier: Transformer: Learner A Diode : Learner B Resistor: Learner C Learner A: I am a Transformer. The AC input signal is applied to the diode through me. Mostly Ill be a step-down transformer. (Now, the input signal is applied to the diode.) Learner B: I am a diode. Here, Ill be acting as a rectifying component. During positive input cycle, Ill be forward biased. So, Ill allow the voltage to pass through me. During negative input cycle, Ill be reverse biased. So, Ill not allow the voltage to pass through me. Learner C: I am a resistor. The rectified output is obtained across me. Finally, the circuit explanation can be concluded by the facilitator by showing the circuit diagram and its input and output waveforms using an LCD projector.

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Impersonation for full-wave rectifier: Transformer: Learner A Diode1: Learner B Diode2: Learner C Resistor: Learner D Learner A: I am a Transformer. The AC input signal is applied to the diode through me. Ill be a centre-tapped transformer. (Now, the input signal is applied to the diode.) Learner B: Here, Ill be acting as a rectifying component. During positive input cycle, Ill be forward biased. So, Ill allow the voltage to pass through me. Learner C: Here, Ill be acting as a rectifying component. During positive input cycle, Ill be reverse biased. So, Ill not allow the voltage to pass through me. Learner B: During negative input cycle, Ill be reverse biased. So, Ill not allow the voltage to pass through me. Learner C: During negative input cycle, Ill be forward biased. So, Ill allow

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the voltage to pass through me. Learner D: I am a resistor. The rectified output is obtained across me. Finally, the circuit explanation can be concluded by the facilitator by showing the circuit diagram and its input and output waveforms using an LCD projector.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Rectifiers

Having discussed what a rectifier is and about the working of different types of rectifiers, we can now discuss its advantages and disadvantages with the help of a choose and defend activity. Suggested Activity: Choose and Defend The learners can be formed into two or three groups. Each group can be asked to identify the advantages and disadvantages of different types of rectifiers (half- wave rectifier, full-wave rectifier). The groups can be given 2 minutes for the discussion. The facilitator, along with the learners, can evaluate (debate and defend) the advantages and disadvantages

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mentioned by each group. For each correct answer, 2 points can be given and it can be written on the board. Expected answers form the learners would be: Half-wave rectifier: One diode is used; so cost will be less. Ripples are high. Efficiency is less. Full-wave rectifier: 2 diodes and bulky transformer is used; so cost will be high. Ripples are less. Efficiency is high.

Advantages of half-wave rectifier: It is a simple and low-cost circuit. Disadvantages of half-wave rectifier: The efficiency is low (40.6%). Ripple factor is high (121%). The circuit has low transformer utilization factor (28.7%). Advantages of full-wave rectifier: The circuit has high transformer utilization factor (69.3). Lower ripple factor (48%). Efficiency is high (81.2%). Disadvantages of full-wave rectifier: An additional diode and bulky transformer is needed. Hence cost is high.

We can conclude the session by revising the key concepts discussed during the session through an activity.

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Suggested Activity: Pick and Learn To conduct this activity, we can create a quiz by dividing them into three groups. We can form a grid like the following with numbers or alphabets. A F K P B G L Q C H M R D I N S E J O T

Now, we can ask learners or the groups to select an alphabet and then answer all questions under it. A total of three questions can be asked for each alphabet. Samples: Card A may have the following questions. 1) Name the blocks of a Power Supply. 2) Rectifier 3) What is a filter? Card B may have the following questions. 1) What is a regulator? 2) Which component acts as a rectifier? 3) What are the types of rectifier? Card C may have the following questions. 1) What are the advantages of half-wave rectifier? 2) What are the disadvantages of half-wave rectifier? 3) Compare half-wave rectifier and full-wave rectifier.

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In this session, we learnt to: Define Rectifier. List the different types of rectifiers. o Half-wave rectifier o Full-wave rectifier Discuss the working of half-wave and full-wave rectifiers. Compare half-wave and full-wave rectifiers.

Rectifiers V. Nithya

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1. What is Bridge Rectifier? 2. Explain the concept of Bridge Rectifier. 3. How is Bridge Rectifier different from half-wave and full-wave rectifiers?

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References Millman, J. and Taub.H., Pulse Digital and Switching Waveforms,2nd Edition, TMH 2000.

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