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> a conversation between Tony Fry and Marjetica Potrc.


> Tony Fry:


> The proposition of redirective practice is that it has to reach beyond

> art, its institutional spaces and cultural activism. I would suggest

> that for something to be attained there always has to be something at

> stake.


> Redirective practice is in general terms is any practice

> redirecting us away from the direction in which we, en mass, are

> currently traveling (increasing unsustainability) and toward the

> direction we need to go (the sustainable). More specifically, it is

> the naming of a common practice to which cultural producers can

> subscribe through which they share a collective intent that is able to

> be expressed by different means. Thus, as artists, designers,

> architects, writers etc we can declare their common aim and their

> solidarity.



> Marjetica Potrc:


> To sidestep a little, let me make a note about the exhibition 'Designs

> for the Real World' organized by the Generali Foundation in Vienna in

> 2002, where I built a structure 'Rural Studio: Butterfly House'. The
> Generali Foundation is one of the institutions that I find highly

> relevant. I find it old fashioned not to include cultural institutions

> in the mainstream of debates on practices beyond neoliberalism,

> including bottom-up, or individual initiatives in

> architecture. Raising awareness might be old fashioned educational

> strategy, but it still works and is necessary today. I am not into

> institutional critique. I think it's important to distribute and share

> the knowledge, so we can all learn from practices of others. And of

> course it is important to practice what you talk about. That's how I

> understand redirective practice you talk about: 'Redirective practice

> is name for collective and individual forms of action employed to

> usher in a process of cultural remaking'. Take a quote of Jean Luc

> Nancy: 'Existence of an individual is understood essentially as

> co-existence. Being is always 'being with,' and 'I' is not prior to

> 'we.' Can we say that the may core of redirective practice is

> responsibility to themselves and to others?

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