RAN White Paper

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managing site and frequency evolution to tomorrows mobile broadband world

Single RAN made simple

White paper

02 Executive Summary:

Simplifying Energy Solutions networks to reduce costs broadband world frequency use

04 Evolving to the mobile 05 The changing demands on 08 Evolving to software-defined

Executive Summary: Simplifying networks to reduce costs

Rapidly rising demand for wider coverage and ever more bandwidth places severe pressure on communications service providers (CSPs). A range of different radio technologies needs to be catered for, while ever more frequency allocations make it even more complex to control and reduce costs. Protecting existing investments is vital, as is the need to simplify networks. Meeting all these demands is a tall order. The solution is Nokia Siemens Networks Single RAN, a combination of common base station (BTS) and controller (BSC/RNC) platforms for all mobile technologies and a software only evolution toward LTE. Our holistic approach, known as Network of One, is about boosting efficiency and experience. From a network point of view this is largely achieved with our Single RAN offering which aims to simplify radio access network by reducing the apparent complexity of multiple network layers. A key element in Single RAN is the Nokia Siemens Networks Flexi BTS. Its software-defined radio capability enables a Flexi BTS to provide all radio technologies from one base station making it truly an agnostic investment. Similarly, Flexi BTS comes with integrated IP/Ethernet transport interfaces that enable a smooth migration to IP transport through a software upgrade.

site capabilities

11 Transport Evolution 13 Managing the Evolution 14 Conclusion: The single RAN

for today and tomorrow

15 Glossary

HSPA Nokia Siemens Networks Single RAN EDGE LTE HSPA+ EDGE

Figure 1: Single RAN boosts efficiency by integrating formerly separated network layers

Single RAN made simple

Mobile broadband tomorrow

Large capacity for urban areas



Coverage expectation as with voice (i.e. GSM-like coverage) Dramatic increase in bandwidth demand in urban areas (DSL-like bandwidth)
Figure 2: Two broadband opportunities urban and rural

Managing the complete network as its capabilities evolve is made simple by Nokia Siemens Networks NetAct and Self Organizing Network (SON) functionality. This common Operational Support System (OSS) optimizes all components and services across radio, transport and core networks as new technologies are adopted and capacity is expanded. With the continued growth of mobile broadband data volumes, frequency

spectrum remains the ultimate scarce resource. CSPs need to optimize overall spectral efficiency across all their frequency bands. This entails the introduction of LTE in new frequency bands, as well as the refarming and the optimization of spectral efficiency within 2G and 3G deployments. In this white paper we examine the main aspects that need to be considered to achieve the necessary network simplification.

Single RAN made simple

Evolving to the mobile . broadband world

From the devices point of view, the further spread of WCDMA and the future spread of LTE will take years until they reach the penetration of GSM. Thus, we are facing a long period in which the three technologies will coexist. During this period, Single RAN will help CSPs to manage complexity and increase efficiency. There are two key criteria for a CSP to consider when analyzing the most effective way to evolve to WCDMA/HSPA or LTE: the strategies for frequency evolution and for site evolution. Frequency evolution strategy An increasing number of radio bands are being allocated for mobile networks. In addition, the traditional GSM band is being considered for use by WCDMA and LTE technologies as a means of expanding broadband coverage cost-effectively and to provide better indoor coverage than the higher frequency bands can achieve. UMTS 900 can provide about a 2.8 times (figure 4) larger cell area than WCDMA 2100. Refarming part of the current GSM 900 bandwidth to WCDMA enables CSPs to deploy HSPA, or HSPA+, with more efficient radio and network architectures. Site evolution strategy Base stations continue to get smaller yet offer higher performance. One of the most significant advances in base station technology is a flexible platform that supports multiple radio access technologies in a single RAN concept, through the use of software-defined radio running on multistandard baseband and RF hardware. Advances in power amplifier technology, discussed later in this paper, will drive the development of cost-optimized modular site solutions that are smaller and lighter than ever. These developments enable CSPs to re-use previous infrastructure investments as part of their evolution strategy. Real value is achieved by adopting a common platform that can be evolved to higher performance and ever higher energy efficiency. Energy saving, which brings clear operational cost benefits, is also crucial for environmentally sustainable solutions. Mobile CSPs have an opportunity to build their brand as an environmentally responsible organization by utilizing the latest developments in energy efficient products that consume less power and cause less CO2 emissions.

High performance LTE High peak rates up to 173 Mbps, in the first release, achieved with efficient OFDMA radio access and wide bandwidth Low latency (round trip delays of 10-20 ms) Cost-effective handling of volume data traffic (excellent spectral efficiency) Scalable bandwidth from 1.4 up to 20 MHz and flexible spectrum allocation. LTE can also be deployed in the low-bandwidth frequency bands, thus enabling refarming of GSM frequencies LTE supports the MIMO antenna system which increases data rate and cell-edge performance

Single RAN made simple

The changing demands . on frequency use

Radio spectrum is limited and needs to be managed as efficiently as possible. The entire wireless industry depends on the availability of spectrum in which to operate its service. The pressure on this precious resource is intense owing to the rapid growth in mobile broadband services, which have great potential to boost the economy, quality of life and social development, especially in underserved rural areas. Policies governing the use of spectrum, as well as the way it is packaged, sold, licensed and traded, are critically important. The harmonization of spectrum use, both regionally and globally, may be challenging, but bring major rewards. The benefits of harmonized frequency bands and band plans include: Higher network quality because of lower potential for radio interference Eliminates fragmented markets Achieves huge economies of scale Creates a wide choice of service providers and devices for consumers Maximizes the total economic value for the industry and its customers Enables roaming for easier mobility across geographical regions Increases the potential for roaming revenues Flexible spectrum harmonization Communications is characterized by rapid technology and business development. Spectrum policy and licensing needs to be flexible to support new services, technologies and business models. The convergence of the telecoms, internet and broadcast sectors in particular create new regulatory challenges for the management of spectrum to avoid radio interference and maximize spectrum efficiency. Dividing spectrum into separate subbands for similar types of use (such as broadcasting, mobile or fixed satellite applications) is an important technical condition for managing spectrum resources efficiently. For consumers, harmonized spectrum brings more choice of device brands/models and economies of scale resulting in lower device prices. In addition, harmonization supports roaming in different countries and between different networks inside one country. Governments and network operators also benefit from easier cross-border co-ordination and better spectral efficiency within one country owing to the elimination of the need for empty spectrum (guard bands) between networks operating in adjacent channels. More flexible spectrum licensing Until relatively recently, regulatory practice has been to define license conditions very closely, with licenses being tied to specific technologies (for example in Europe GSM900 licenses were tied to GSM technology). Increasingly today, more open license conditions are being pursued, enabling CSPs to use different technologies, and even change technology without needing to have their license re-issued. This development allows more flexibility and a more dynamic market to flourish. This development allows more flexibility and a more dynamic market to flourish and emphasize the need of software defined evolution with Single RAN.

Single RAN made simple

Co-ordinated usage of FDD and TDD in the same spectrum 3GPP defined several frequency bands for FDD and TDD operation (figure 3). Most of the operating networks around the globe are FDD, which provide a 3dB improvement of the link budget over TDD, partly due to its separate transmit and receive frequency bands. TDD is more suited to achieving capacity over shorter ranges than providing wide area coverage. Furthermore, TDD requires timesynchronization of both Base Stations (BS) and Mobile Stations (MS) in the network. There are significant engineering challenges associated with operating TDD and FDD in adjacent channels, making these duplex access methods impractical to mix in the same spectrum band. The possibility of a transmitting TDD terminal being in close proximity
E-UTRA Band 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 17 20

to a receiving FDD terminal places severe requirements on the filtering performance and adjacent channel spectrum masks, complicating equipment implementation considerably. Furthermore, every FDD-TDD boundary requires a guard band (unused spectrum), which in turn reduces the amount of available spectrum for carrying traffic. In particular, a narrow spectrum band of a few tens of MHz makes it inefficient to accommodate both TDD and FDD. Refarming to the traditional GSM band Higher frequency bands (> 2 GHz) are well suited to providing large capacity. Lower spectrum bands have favorable propagation characteristics and are therefore excellent for covering wide areas and providing cost-effective indoor penetration.

Nokia Siemens Networks achieves exceptionally high spectral efficiency, especially when WCDMA is refarmed to the GSM band, that increases voice capacity by up to five times with interference reduction features and unique features such as DFCA (Dynamic Frequency Channel Allocation) and OSC (Orthogonal Sub Channel). OSC alone doubles voice capacity and is an innovation driven by Nokia Siemens Networks. For further information, please refer to the OSC technology brief Doubling GSM voice capacity with the Orthonogal Sub Channel.

Total [MHz] 2X60 2X60 2X75 2X45 2X25 2X10 2X70 2X35 2X35 2X60 2X25 2X10 2X10 2X30

Uplink [MHz] 1920-1980 1850-1910 1710-1785 1710-1755 824-849 830-840 2500-2570 880-915 1710-1770 1427.9-1452.9 777-787 704-716 832-862

Downlink [MHz] 2110-2170 1930-1990 1805-1880 2110-2155 869-894 875-885 2620-2690 925-960 2110-2170 1475.9-1500.9 746-756 734-746 791-821 FDD FDD FDD FDD FDD FDD FDD FDD FDD FDD FDD FDD FDD FDD

UMTS core US PCS 1800 US AWS US 850 Japan 800 2600 900 Japan 1700 Extended AWS Japan 1500 US upper 700 MHz US lower 700 MHz EU 800 MHz Digital Dividend

1749.9-1784.9 1844.9-1879.9

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

1X20 1X15 1X60 1X60 1X20 1X50 1X40 1X100

1900-1920 2010-2025 1850-1910 1930-1990 1900-1930 2570-2620 1800-1920 2300-2400

1900-1920 2010-2025 1850-1910 1930-1990 1900-1930 2570-2620 1800-1920 2300-2400


UMTS Core TDD UMTS Core TDD US (TDD alternative to FDD) US (TDD alternative to FDD) US 2600 TDD China UMTS TDD China

Figure 3: Main LTE frequency variants in 3GPP

Single RAN made simple

WCDMA 2100 MHz


2.8 x greater coverage

Figure 4: WCDMA Refarming

WCDMA and LTE refarming into the GSM 900MHz band increases coverage, which is especially beneficial in bringing mobile broadband to underserved rural areas that are too costly to reach with higher frequency band technologies. At 900 MHz only a third of the number of 2100 MHz base stations are needed to achieve the same coverage. Fewer base stations dramatically reduce network rollout and operational costs, improving the rural broadband business case considerably. However, in refarming adequate service should be ensured in GSM with spectral efficiency features, like OSC.

The uplink connection is the limiting factor in the interference between adjacent GSM and UMTS systems due to GSM UE limited power control. The improved Flexi BTS filtering reduces the interference from GSM UE to UMTS uplink enabling WCDMA deployment in 4.2 MHz rather than a standard deployment of 5.4 MHz (guard band included).

Modulated WCDMA Carrier


4.2 MHz 5 MHz


Figure 5: Flexi BTS advanced filtering

Single RAN made simple

Evolving to software-defined . site capabilities

When GSM and early WCDMA were introduced, sites were based on base stations housed in cabinets. Each technology had its own dedicated hardware which resulted in bulky installations and significant feeder losses with lengthy feeders being needed to connect the antennas. In addition, these installations suffered relatively high power consumption and needed frequent site visits for capacity and functionality upgrades. Nokia Siemens Networks have translated the continuous progress of silicon technology into the highest integrated base station on the market Compared to cabinet-based installations, our Flexi BTS platform has made innovative site models possible, such as distributed and modular architectures due to its lightweight and extreme compact design. In the future, mobile networks will depend on software-defined radio with advanced baseband and radio capabilities able to concurrently run more then one radio access technology (Multiradio) in the same band and at the same time. Such solutions will dramatically reduce the cost per bit. Cost per bit can be further reduced through the deployment of flat network architecture, small and modular equipment, and cost-optimized site models. Flat architectures introduced by the Nokia Siemens Networks I-HSPA solution have been shown to reduce overall total cost of ownership by about 10 percent with fewer RNC and SGSN capacity expansions needed to meet high data traffic demands. This rapid and ongoing evolution of site technology is putting mobile CSPs in an excellent position to select the best way to upgrade their mobile radio and transport networks efficiently to the next level: the mobile broadband experience. Means of securing investment and efficiency CSPs have made huge investments over the years in their network infrastructure, deploying cabinets, power backup systems, antenna lines and other hardware. Some of this installed equipment is at, or is nearing its end of life, creating an opportunity to invest efficiently in mobile broadband, while also re-using as much existing infrastructure as possible to protect the bottom line. The 3GPP standard defines the HSDPA and HSUPA radio interface (3GPP R5 and R6), adding complexity and performance requirements to the existing installed base. However, by choosing adaptable base station hardware, many CSPs have been able to modernize their network through simple software upgrades. This is a great example of how CSPs can minimize capital costs and protect their previous investments while expanding into new technologies and services based on HSPA. A similar pattern lies ahead with LTE. Through the deployment of common platforms with multiple radio access technology capabilities, eliminates the need for dedicated hardware for each technology. Modular, multiradio, flexible and efficient base stations promise to solve many future challenges for CSPs. Modular base station designs are the foundation of efficient long-term investments. The same is true for 2G and 3G radio network controllers (RNC) which, with a common platform, can evolve through software upgrades The use of multi-controller platforms enables the GERAN to be upgraded smoothly to the UTRAN type of network, bringing a new level of performance to radio controllers to support high peak rate data connections.

Single RAN made simple

Modular Site Architecture Large, centralized BTS cabinets have high power consumption and restrict installation options due to their large size and weight. Modular base station architecture has changed the way that networks are built and operated, and revolutionized the costs. The Nokia Siemens Networks Flexi Multiradio BTS, is capable of delivering sites at 80 percent lower costs than traditional cabinet-based BTSs and with up to 30 percent fewer sites required in the network.

The SM accommodates all the processing power and the transport interfaces to the core network. The RF Module, which hosts the power amplifiers, is connected to the antenna system with standard RF cables. The two units communicate with each other via a standard optical interface which enables flexible installation. These highly efficient base stations can now be accommodated easily almost anywhere, or even distributed over a surface separating the baseband from the radio module. Locating the entire base station as close as possible to the antenna connectors brings improved radio performance, with better coverage compared to centralized cabinet designs. The savings generated by such feederless installations are estimated to be up to 25 percent, owing to fewer sites being needed to provide coverage. Their compact size also speeds up network implementation and considerably increases the success of gaining site permissions from local authorities and property owners. Further savings are achieved through extreme low power consumption, which not only lessens the CSPs operational costs but also contributes to lower CO2 emissions.

GSM or DCS band



Figure 7: Multi-carrier power amplifier concept

that provide more than one radio access technology with software-defined capabilities from the same unit are much more suited to todays and tomorrows demands than dedicated hardware and ad-hoc software. The concurrent operation of networks, in which two cellular systems share a baseband unit, enables CSPs to deliver WCDMA/HSPA services today and, when available, LTE broadband services without any major infrastructure investment. This concurrent and multi-standard mode of operating base stations brings even more benefits when combined with advanced RF units, which can handle multiple technologies at the same time. A concept called Multi Carrier Power Amplifier, MCPA, is becoming a vital technology for operating several radio access technologies on frequency bands 850/900/1800/1900 MHz. The same technology may need to be deployed on more than one frequency band, requiring base stations that can support multiple technologies on different bands concurrently. Radio components, however, cannot support infinite bandwidth so several RF modules will need to be made available according the different bands in each market.

Figure 6: Flexi Multiradio BTS in a 6-sector site configuration

With modular site architecture, base station functionalities are divided into two main functional blocks: Baseband Unit or System Module (SM) Radio Frequency Unit or RF Module (RF)

With such all-encompassing benefits, modular architecture is the must-have site solution of any new deployed base station. Multi-technology base stations The SM provides the processing power and intelligence needed to handle cellular transmissions. Base stations

Single RAN made simple

Nokia Siemens Networks Flexi BTS platform supports multiple technologies, enabling CSPs to use the same efficient site solution for GSM, WCDMA and LTE. Introducing new technology through software upgrades enables: Fast rollout of capacity extensions, features and new technologies Substantially reduced number of site visits Fast time to revenue

Multi-Carrier Power Amplifiers The main function of the RF Module is to amplify a low-power signal to enable it to be used for radio transmission. In GSM traditional power amplifiers are designed to transmit over a carrier per time. So, a transmitter (TRX) is required for each frequency. From the very beginning of 3GPP R99 standardization multi-carrier power amplifiers have been defined for WCDMA systems. The MCPA is based on the idea of transmitting multiple carriers, wideband or narrowband, simultaneously with a single power amplifier. The term Multicarrier base station (MCBTS) derives from the 3GPP GERAN organization, which is responsible for defining appropriate RF performance requirements for multicarrier scenarios in GSM. Currently, only the single-carrier base station is described by the GERAN specification and this would, if left unchanged, restrict the design of MCPA equipment. For this reason, transmitter and receiver specifications need to be relaxed with regard to compliance with modulation requirements, spurious emission (transmitter side) and blocking on the receiver side. Two classes of equipment have been specified covering two different levels of relaxation. The multistandard base station (MSR BTS) derives from 3GPP RAN4 which studies the coexistence of one or more radio access technologies in the same band. 3GPP defined two categories for FDD:

Category 1: Bands without GSM presence, e.g. WCDMA/LTE Category 2: Bands with GSM presence, e.g. GSM/WCDMA/LTE 3GPP has defined a third category for TDD band with TD-SCDMA and TD-LTE presence.

RF architecture evolution

The base band unit, in both options, can be accommodated anywhere, provided it is outdoor capable, and connected via a fiber optic link without affecting link budgets or radio performance. A compact, outdoor-capable base band unit such as the Nokia Siemens Networks Flexi Base Station, provides the greatest flexibility in evolving existing base station sites. A future development may be that of active antenna technology, which integrates the functionality of a base stations active radio frequency components and passive antenna into one enclosure. Active antennas evolve traditional radiating systems into smart antennas with beam forming features that improve network capacity. Another beneficial development is MIMO technology, which has come to prominence with the development of HSPA. MIMO is a powerful method for increasing data rates and cell-edge performance. LTE introduces MIMO in the terminal and network specification from the very first release. The first step is MIMO 2x2, which requires two transmitters and two receivers, and is implemented using RRH or RF modules and a cross polarized antenna. Sites suitable for deploying MIMO should have cross polarized antennas and the capability for a software upgrade. If not, deploying MIMO 2x2 will require a site visit for major improvement, as will be the case for MIMO 4x4 implementation.

In order to meet the needs of CSPs and their demands for installation flexibility, RF unit design is evolving in two directions: Multisector Integration levels or commonly known as RF modules. In a standard 19 and 25 liters module, CSPs can benefit from the most integrated and compact 3-sector site solution. This solution enables zerofootprint, feederless and very adaptive installations. The module may be equipped with Single or Multicarrier power amplifiers featuring 3 radio technologies in 1. With a nominal power of 210W to be spread across three sectors, the RF module is the optimal solution for GSM/WCDMA/ LTE base station sites which are easier to install and more likely to be granted planning permission. Single Sector based or Remote Radio Head (RRH) which are power amplifiers, single or multicarrier, outdoor capable and optimized for single sector solution.


Single RAN made simple

Transport Evolution
With the increasing adoption of broadband data services, traffic loads in mobile networks are rising dramatically. Mobile CSPs face the challenge of providing much more capacity within their transport networks and doing it not only ahead of the wave of demand from data services, but at a cost that will maintain profitability. I-HSPA and LTE are inherently IP-based technologies for data-dominated traffic. For this reason it is vital that base stations provide Ethernet interfaces, making them ready for evolution to IP-based transport solutions. Simply adding E1 leased lines to increase capacity is not economically viable because doubling the capacity means doubling the cost. A new architecture needs to be adopted to break this linear relationship between capacity and cost. The evolutionary path for most CSPs to migrate smoothly to all-Ethernet mobile backhaul is via an intermediate hybrid backhaul network. This is likely to be the most costeffective evolutionary path for existing CSPs, although some greenfield CSPs may have the opportunity to build a full packet-based backhaul network from scratch. The hybrid backhaul solution, known also as Dual Iub, is based on packet transport for bandwidth-hungry data services over HSPA. Packet-based transport is the key technology for next-generation mobile networks. The transition to packet backhaul brings the challenge of time synchronization to microsecond accuracy. The need for such high accuracy has led to the development of a solution for synchronizing base stations over packet networks. Known as Timing over Packet based on Precision Time Protocol PTP (PTP, IEEE 1588v2), the solution provides simplified, cost-effective and future-proof mobile network synchronization. Nokia Siemens Networks Flexi BTS offers integrated IP transport features that eliminate the need for external equipment, reducing the amount of hardware required on site. Site installation is easier and faster, with fewer upgrades needed. IP transport can be activated just through software.






Figure 8: Mobile backhaul evolution



Single RAN made simple


Base Station

Packet Network RNC Timing packets (unicast)

1588 master

2MHz/2Mbps GPS

Base Station
Figure 9: Timing over Packet solution

There are two additional options for synchronization: Synchronous Ethernet (ITU-T G.8261/2/4) TDM-based synchronization Synchronous Ethernet is implemented mainly on various access and aggregation platforms. The drawback of this standard is that it must be supported at every hop along the chain of nodes between the switching office and the cell site. TDM-based

synchronization, the traditional approach, is compatible with packet networks providing existing SDH networks are upgraded to Next Generation SDH. However, PTP and Synchronous Ethernet should not be regarded as being contradictory, rather they complement each other. It is also essential that overall site design remains lean, with transport requirements that do not entail external boxes being installed at the base station site.


Single RAN made simple

Managing the Evolution

The evolution of radio networks has raised new challenges in an already competitive market. Having several network layers increases the overall complexity. Managing this complexity requires Operational Support Systems (OSS) that feature a common system for monitoring, measuring and configuring networks and services. The OSS must also be flexible to support a high level of integration of different architectures in mobile CSPs infrastructure. A good example of how an OSS can meet these new challenges is the case of WCDMA frequency refarming to the traditional GSM band. The aim of refarming is to move the WCDMA network to the 900 MHz band, and run it in parallel with the existing cellular network, typically GSM based or WCDMA, at another frequency layer. Smooth transition depends on system-level support to optimize the interoperability between the different system and frequency layers. With refarming it is vitally important to be able to operate the new radio system in as narrow a slot as possible in order to control interference between co-existing systems. This type of coordinated network deployment requires efficient hardware modules with sharp filtering and a flexible OSS that can treat the two technologies as a whole. Further automation of recurrent and time-consuming tasks to improve network performance comes in the form of the Self-Organizing Network (SON), which can be integrated into the OSS. An important building block of the SON network is the self-management area, including self-configuration, self-optimization and self-healing. For example, with the introduction of LTE, the planning of neighboring cells and their mutual interaction will be performed automatically. LTE networks will be then auto-configurable and self-optimizing using statistically reliable data derived from measurements collected by terminals. The aim is to reduce human interaction and effort during network build, operation and maintenance phases in order to accelerate operational activities and to decouple processes between manufacturer, field service and CSP.

World-first WCDMA refarming Nokia Siemens Networks NetAct manages the complete network, from the services delivered across radio, transport and core. This powerful tool meets the challenges of expansion due to data traffic increase by managing and optimizing all components in a single management system. The CSP needs fewer staff, with correspondingly less training investment to operate the whole network. NetAct Optimizer is designed for automated, measurement-based optimization of operational GSM, GPRS and WCDMA network performance and capacity. Such automation and real-time result monitoring reduces the need for expensive drive test verification. During the worlds first WCDMA refarming project, by Elisa in Finland, NetAct was used to optimize the frequencies of the existing GSM network to successfully deploy WCDMA into the same frequency area.

Nokia Siemens Networks solutions: Benefits in brief Compact Flexi BTS platform Low site costs Compact size opens up new site options High capacity BTS sites RF Module or RRH - the future for network deployments Distributed modular architecture Multiradio, multi-technology and multi-standard modules No cabinets means low capital and operational costs Software-based evolution Eliminates the need for new hardware for technology migration Protects existing investments Future-proof hardware LTE hardware ready now Energy efficiency Lower OPEX and low cost of ancillary equipment Supports off-grid power supplies No active cooling, lower maintenance Transport with standardized Sync Standardized Synchronization solutions, ToP Transport features software upgrades for migration from E1 to IP NetAct best-in-class Supports multiple technologies and multi-vendor networks LTE ready Supports interworking of different radio access technologies

Single RAN made simple


Conclusion: The single RAN for . today and tomorrow

Making the best and most efficient use of available spectrum ultimately demands a technological evolution of base station sites. Innovation is needed to optimize the total cost of ownership (TCO) for CSPs in four key areas: Antenna equipment Radio frequency and base band infrastructure Backhaul Operational Support System The lowest TCO will be achieved by making the greatest re-use of existing installations, by deploying modular BTS designs to extend into new frequency bands, and by adopting software-based technologies for radio, transport and OSS. The concept of the single RAN is available today and is being evolved to bring further capabilities to CSPs.


Single RAN made simple

2G 3G 3GPP AWS BSC BSS BTS CDMA CO2 CSP DCS DFCA DSL EDGE FDD GERAN GPRS GPS GSM HSDPA HSPA HSPA+ HSUPA IEEE I-HSPA IP LTE MCBTS 2nd generation mobile communications 3rd generation mobile communications 3rd Generation Partnership Project Advanced Wireless Service Base Station Controller Base Station Subsystem Base Transceiver Station Code Division Multiple Access Carbon dioxide Communications Service Provider Digital Cellular System Dynamic Frequency Channel Allocation Digital Subscriber Line Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution Frequency Division Duple Gsm/Edge Radio Access Network General Packet Radio Service Global Positioning System Global System for Mobile Communications High-Speed Downlink Packet Access High-Speed Packet Access High-Speed Packet Acces Evolution High-Speed Uplink Packet Access The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc Internet High-Speed Packet Acces Internet Protocol Long-Term Evolution Multicarrier Base Station MCPA MIMO OFDMA OPEX OSC OSS PCS PDH PTP RAN RF RNC RRH SDH SGSN SON TCO TDD TD-LTE TDM TD-SCDMA ToP TRX UE UTRAN WCDMA Multi Carrier Power Amplifier Multiple Input Multiple Output Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access Operating Expenditure Orthogonal Sub Channel Operation Support Systems Personal Communication Services Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy Precision Time Protocol Radio Access Network Radio Frequency Radio Network Controller Remote Radio Head Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Serving GPRS Support Node Self Organizing Network Total Cost of Ownership Time Division Duplex Time Division Long-Term Evolution Time-Division Multiplexing Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access Timing over Packet Transceiver User Equipment Umts Terrestrial Radio Access Network Wideband CDMA

Single RAN made simple


Nokia Siemens Networks Corporation P.O. Box 1 FI-02022 NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORKS Finland Visiting address: Karaportti 3, ESPOO, Finland Switchboard +358 71 400 4000 (Finland) Copyright 2009 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved.
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Product code. C401-00519-WP-200910-1-EN Nokia Siemens Networks - Alphabet Consulting


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