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Research Write Ups Biographical Data -Acknowledgement -abstract -List of Figures -List of Tables -List of Appendices -Introducation Significance

of the study Objectives of the Study Time and Place of the Study Scope and Limitation of the Study -Defination of Terms -Review of Related Literature -Materials and Methods Source of Information -Methods Design Considerations why GSM2100 Selection Justification of RBS, ERecson, tower number of Cell -Results and Discussion Cell Assignment Frequency Computations Graphs Comparison Clustering of Cells Identification of BTS, BSC and MSC +---------------------------------+ Cell Site Class Frequency +------------+--------+-----------+ Site 1 BTS/BSC 1396.9 +------------+--------+-----------+ Site 2 MSC 1397.2 +------------+--------+-----------+ Interconnection of Cell sites Microwave Link Computations Cost computation -Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations Summary Conclusion answers the objectives of the study... The objectives of the study The general objective of the this study is to design the GSM 2100 cellul ar planning for the 6th District of Cavite. The writers specifically aims to : 1. Determint the no. fo cell sites possible to the whole district. 2. Determine the suitable GSm RBS for the whole area. 3. Plot the Cell assignement using freq. reuse. 4. Design the micro wave connection between bts, bsc, and msc 5. compute the over-all cost of the system Recommendations for the system for the next researchers

for the advancement of the technology at hand... Bibliography (APA) Appendices -pictures -spec sheets -drawings -tables -articles =============================++++++++++++ submit hard (1) and soft (2) copy ++++++++++++++++++++============================

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