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William Pabst Report Warns of Pentagon Complicity in NWO Takeover of America

By William Pabst February 26, 2007

William Pabst Report Warns of Pentagon Complicity in NWO Takeover of America (Feb. 26, 2007)
Forward courtesy of Pam Schuffert <> Excerpt from William Pabst Report exposing martial law plans and concentration camps Throughout my ten years of intense research across this nation and in various locations throughout the world, I have become aware of many serious revelations. A MAJOR revelation was to understand clearly that this nation and her citizens have been fully betrayed into the NWO AGENDA from the highest levels of the WHITE HOUSE and PENTAGON on down. In fact, there is not a NWO military black op going on across this nation regarding preparation for a NWO MARTIAL LAW MILTARY TAKEOVER, that the Pentagon is not aware of fully and is a part of in varying capacities. The Pentagon houses many offices of various military and intelligence operations, all fully tied in with the US MILITARY and intelligence, and as such are FULLY COMPLICIT in everything from the planning of OKC bombing, to 9/11, to the civilian concentration camp agenda being quietly put into place by the US military, Homeland Security, and FEMA. That is simply the nature of the huge military complex called the Pentagon. While I know for a fact that there are people of sincere character and nature who indeed have worked there and continue to so do, this cannot cancel out the hard core reality of what the Pentagon is implementing regarding the future military takeover of the USA under martial law. Nor does it forgive the involvement of high level military brass in the Pentagon, sympathetic to the NWO agenda, who fully cooperated with the terror of "9/11", the Oklahoma City bombing, WACO, and many other militarily-backed black ops for a NWO hidden agenda. Anyone who attempt to deny this reality about what the Pentagon houses is planting DISINFORMATION for a hidden agenda. Either way, with the large amount of damning evidence linking the Pentagon with the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda, a definite military takeover agenda, involving both the US and the UN/NATO military forces cooperating together, there is no rational excuse to dismiss the Pentagon's complicity in these dark operations and the future takeover of America.

I had a phone discussion with a radio evangelist exposing the NEW WORLD ORDER and martial law. He admitted to me that he received an official looking manila envelope packet from Washington DC one day. It's return address was the PENTAGON. Inside there was a complete transcript of one of his radio broadcasts exposing the NWO and the martial law plans! It also included a terse letter, brief and to the point: : "This is just to let you know that we are monitoring every radio broadcast you put out" -from Pentagon Intelligence" He was shocked and unnerved, but bravely continued to broadcast on the radio. Read the following excerpt from William Pabst who exposed the US concentration camp agenda, the martial law takeover of American and the Pentagon's role in that treason. .-Pamela Schuffert From Ken Adachi: **Pan Schuffert to be interviewed on The American Radio network with Dr. Gianni Hayes on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2007 at 8 PM Pacific time. Go to this link and follow directions to hear the show: ***************************************************************************** Chapter 5: PREPARING TO TAKE PRISONERS The Army has over 350 separate record centers containing substantial information on civilian political activities. Virtually every major army unit has its own set aside from this. The Fifth Army of San Antonio has over 100,000 files of its own. The overall operation command post is a domestic room at the Pentagon. There are 25 million card on individuals and 760,000 on organizations held by the Defense Central Index of investigations alone. And this information includes political, sociological, economic and psychological profiles. All this type of information on 25 million Americans. Since 1970 local county and state police forces all over the country have undertaken crash programs to install various kinds of computerized information systems. A large portion of this is being paid for by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. Beginning in 1970, Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered the destruction of all these data banks, but they were not destroyed. All the outlawed collection is now located at Mt. Weathey, Clark County, West Virginia and similar Pentagon facilities designed as adjuncts to the president's emergency powers under the Executive Orders. The cadre of specialized persons to enforce this plan are found in the U.S. Army Reserves Military Police POW Command at Livonia, Michigan. Mr. Fenren (phonetic spelling) of the 300th Military Police POW Command at Livonia told me, when I called him from the Federal Information Center at Houston, that the camps in the Command were for foreign prisoners of war

and for "enemies of the United States". I asked him if enemies of the United States included U.S. citizens. He became angry, wouldn't deny it and referred me to a very sinister individual at the Army Reserve facility here at Houston who I talked to; who explained to me that the prisoners were called "inventory" and "internees". He would not deny that the camps were for U.S. citizens. I called the Pentagon, spoke with the defendant there, and then with the provost marshal for the Fifth Army, and do you know what? Not one of these persons would deny that the system was for U.S. citizens. The provost marshal for the Fifth Army, when I mentioned the names of all the camp sites, said; "Well at least you've got that right." The names of the detention facilities that I gave him were a list that I had acquired from the 'Ozark Sunbeam'. That list of names was the same list of facilities designated under the old Detention Act of 1950 as "emergency detention centers". But there is only one problem: That act was supposed to have been repealed in 1971. After some research, I found out what the problem was. One Congressman, when the hearings were held for the repeal of the Emergency Detention Act, mentioned that there are 17 other bits of law that provided for the same thing. So it didn't matter whether they ever repealed the Emergency Detention Act. The public was in fact tricked by the Congress of the United States! Here are the designated sites: Tucked away in the Appalachian Mountains of central Pennsylvania is a bustling town of approx. 10,000 people. Fifteen to twenty years ago it was a sleepy village of 400. Allanwood, Pennsylvania is linked to New York City by Interstate U.S. 80. It takes up approximately 400 acres and is surrounded by a 10-foot barbed-wire fence. It now holds approximately 300 minimum security prisoners to keep it in shape. It could hold 12,000 people from one day to the next. Thirty miles from Oklahoma City on U.S. 66 is El Reno, Oklahoma with an approximate population of 12,000. Due west, 6 miles from tow, almost in sight of U.S. 66 is a complex of buildings which could pass for a small school. However, the facility is overshadowed by a guard house which appears to be something like airport control tower, except that it's manned by a vigilant, uniformed guard. This is a federal prison camp or detention center. These camps are all located near super-highways or near railroad tracks or both. The federal prison camp at Florence, Arizona could hold 3,500 prisoners. It is presently kept in condition by approximately 400 legally convicted prisoners. Wickenberg, Arizona is famous for its municipal airport, which was once government-owned. It is now occupied by a private party. It is rumored to be capable of being taken back by the federal government without notice. Now there are a couple other of these facilities which probably exist under the same arrangements. This particular rumor has existed for about 9 or 10 years. The only way it can actually be established is by looking at the local contract for the Wickenberg Municipal Airport itself and the parties that have possession of it.

As I mentioned previously, these names were ratified by the provost marshal of the Fifth Army who is in charge of the 300th Military Police POW Command. He is the one who verified them. He said, as I mentioned before, "Well at least you've got that right." Some of the locations are: Tool Lake in California, now in private hands. It can be retaken without notice. Mill Point, West Virginia. I couldn't find a thing on Mill Point, but in that area we have all kinds of prisons; Alderson, W.V., a women's federal reformatory; Lewisburg, W.V., a federal prison; Greenville, S.C. in Greenville County is now occupied by the State Youthful Offenders Division. Even that is a mystery to the people of that area. At Montgomery, Alabama we have a federal civilian prison camp at Maxwell Air Force Base. Now does that sound right? There's one at Tucson, Arizona, David Munson Air Base. In Alaska we have Elmendorf at Eielson Air Force Base. And that brings us to a facility in Florida called Avon Park, Florida. I sent a representative to see what was there. He found the Avon Park Bombing and Gunnery Range, which is also listed as the Avon Park Correctional Institute. No one is permitted entrance and probably there is no over flight permitted because it is a bombing and gunnery range. This was one of the places ratified by the provost marshal of the Fifth Army. In 1976, as well as on March 20, 1979, I went to the Sheriff's Department in Houston to see if our local Sheriff had been infiltrated by these plans. Well, it appears so. I was put in contact with a Lt. Kiljan (phonetic spelling) who is in charge of some secret unit in the department. I asked him if he had participated in military training or in training with military personnel here in the Sheriff's Department. He denied it, and when I asked him if he would testify so under oath he became angry and stated, "You are just an ordinary citizen. I don't have to tell you anything." I later discovered that Lt. Kiljan is the ex-director of the Houston branch office of the U.S. Secret Service. Now where does his money come from? The area is administered by the HoustonGalveston Area Council. In this regional government plan, each federal region is divided into state clearinghouses, and each state clearinghouse is divided into area clearinghouses. And for our area we have the Houston- Galveston Area Council. It serves as a conduit for federal funds in two major areas: L.E.A.A. and H.E.W. Most everybody thinks this organization (the Houston-Galveston area Council) is for the development of the area; the geographical area here in Houston. It is not. It is for the development of L.E.A.A. and H.E.W. projects. Now this finds its counterpart in every community across the U.S. It provides for these agencies a liaison for intergovernmental communications, interaction and coordination. William Pabst

"Enemy Combatants" or American Freedom Fighters?

By Pamela Schuffert <> October 14, 2005 Many Americans are reading the newly issued legislation written on the subject of torture and how this relates/applies to those termed "enemy combatants", "belligerents," and "cobelligerents." This new legislation makes it plain that the above terms can indeed refer not only to non-Americans, but to the American people as well. And it makes clear that indeed, American citizens may someday stand before military tribunals, stripped of all previous rights guaranteed under the Constitution, to be tried and in many cases condemned as "enemy combatants," "terrorist recruiters," and more. I was fascinated to read one independent journalist's analysis of on the News's media bias/blackout and his comments on the use of such opinion-shaping terminology. He stated, "One's man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." How true this is! The News media bias/blackout is the weapon of choice by the NWO to help form and mold the opinions of the American people for them. By the subtle use of various words and phrases, the subject targeted by the government-controlled press can be either turned into a saint..or a 'terrorist'. . It is not hard to notice this subtle influence daily in the American press and through news broadcasters. There was a time when Afghanis fighting for freedom against Russian military invaders were properly referred to by the press as "Mujahedeen" and "Afghani freedom fighters." Ever since America invaded Afghanistan following 9/11 on various pretenses, those Afghanis who are fighting for their freedom and to oust the foreign troops once again invading their land, are called "insurgents," "militias,""enemy combatants" and other terminology causing them to fall into the category of "enemy" in the minds of the readers. I have noted with increasing interest that the term "Militia" is occurring more frequently, and always in the context of "the enemy" in the press today. I find the term "militia" is frequently being wrongfully used by the American press to refer to the Iraqi Mujahedeen fighting to oust foreign invaders of Iraq, notably the Americans and their UN/NATO allies. These Iraqi Moslems are not "militias" by the American Constitutional definition, yet this term "Militia" is being equated with "enemy combatants" frequently by the news media. This is being done deliberately, to create a negative connotation every time an American reads the daily news and finds the term "militia." Why? As my inside sources revealed, the U.S. government and military hate the organized militias of America. They have determined that well-organized, constitutionally based militias across

America pose a major threat to their New World Order agenda for this nation. Military commentators such as Major Ralph Peters, formerly of Pentagon Intelligence (now retired, but still pursuing the NWO agenda vigorously) has made statements in Army publications such as Parameters referring to the threat of well-organized militias present to their military quest to bring America under NWO domination. Hence, valid and constitutionally-based American militias MUST be vilified in the hearts and minds of the American people. This is why the incorrect term of "Militias" is being constantly applied to Moslems fighting in Iraq and elsewhere. The term "insurgents" and "enemy combatants" are also being used in the same context as "Militias." This should make it clear to the American people exactly HOW our government and the NWO defines them and in what context. Hence, Red Blooded American Patriots who will admittedly will fight to the death to defend their God-given and Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, as the NWO forces of world domination seek to take these freedoms away in the future, will be increasingly referred to as "enemy combatants," "insurgents," "terrorists" and more by the government, the military, and the NWO controlled press in the future. "Enemy combatants" or red blooded American freedom fighters? I will let the reader decide. As for me, all I can say is: "more power to to the All-American freedom fighter and the constitutionally-based militias of today." At least they possess that highly coveted pair of male anatomy commonly associated with 'courage' to take a stand in the face of a corrupt government, rapidly leading America into the direction of a fascist dictatorship. . -Pamela Schuffert reporting from "the land of boxcars and shackles", Montana

Martial Law in New Orleans & Military Death Camps

From: Pamela Shuffert <> September 5, 2005 From: Nancy Lagana <> To: Pamela Shuffert <> Subject: Nancy, Massachusetts (Hurricane victims will be sent to Otis Air Force Base) Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 19:49:34 -0400

Dear Pamela, I just heard on a local radio station that 2,500 victims from hurricane Katrina will be leaving Texas and headed for Massachusetts in the next 72 hours. The original plan last night from the Mayor of Boston, Mayor Minimo said that they would be able to go to the Boston convention Center because there is plenty of room. Today the plan changed to Otis Air Force Base, Camp Edwards. Governor Nick Romney got on the radio today and said that they would be fingerprinted and contained within wire. He used the reason that there is a need for very high security because top secret planes come and go in and out of this base. You and I both know this is bull. I want to know if you could help me inform the mayor of New Orleans of what is going to happen to his people. Do you think he is in on it and it is just a waste of time? I want to let him know that the storm is man made by HAARP Technology and was a direct hit to intentionally make the area uninhabitable in order to begin phase I of martial law. Please respond ASAP. I do not think Jesus our Savior wants us to sit back and let this happen to these people. We can be sure more of the bases will be used. Please write me back. Sincerely, Nancy This last sentence is for anyone who wants to hurt these people and also hurt other people in the future. Read this and read this well. Jesus Christ is the Most High God. Jesus Christ is the Only God. The Kingdom of Jesus will be established. His blood is upon us washing us clean. I rebuke any and all demonic entities that are and will interfere with this e-mail. The blood of the Lamb is covering this e-mail. It has all power. All enemies will not succeed in interfering with this email. It is covered with the blood of the Risen, Living, Son of God. You better hide if you try to interfere with the Blood of The Lamb. Amen. Thank you, Jesus, Thank you God, The Father, Thank You Holy Spirit. All Power. Glory, Honor is Yours. Now and FOREVER. I am a servant of Jesus Christ. He is the Master in charge. Enemies BEWARE. Run to hide from the Eyes of Jesus Christ, The risen, living Son Of God. AMEN ***** From: Pamela Shuffert <> I have long told my fellow Americans that, when Martial Law or a National Emergency is declared, either in a region or in the nation, the camps would be activated. And that for many fellow Americans, they would find themselves facing termination as well in these camps. Many AIR FORCE BASES have gassing/crematoria facilities as well, like TINKER AFB in OK.

What is going to happen to our fellow Americans now at OTIS AFB? Read the following forwarded message. Is an American Holocaust already here? -Pam Schuffert

FBI Pair Tip Off Speaker of Coming Martial Law Scenario

By Pam Schuffert <> July 22, 2001 I have recently spoken to a personal friend of mine, a former fellow Bible College student, Barbara Richmond. Barbara is a wonderful Christian lecturer who stands in support of Israel and the Jews, who also lectures all over the world. She also speaks of endtime events and present occurrences around the world which are tied in with Bible prophecy. Recently, following her lectures, she was approached by a member of the intelligence community who warned her that she was actively being monitored and followed by FBI. WHY would the FBI monitor her??? Are there not enough deadly Satanist hate crime mongers, NWO terrorists, etc., that they must follow and harass peaceful people like Barbara? A few days after the warning, Barbara was approached by two FBI operatives and questioned. One admitted he was assigned to follow her for the past six months to see what kind of information she was disseminating to the public. He admitted one key things was her mentioned that IRAQ WOULD ATTACK AMERICA. This is absolute fact that I have already brought out in my book, Premonitions of An American Holocaust. America and Great Britain have been deliberately provoking Iraq through repeated strikes, so as to generate Iraqi missile strike on American soil. THIS is designed to deliberately plunge America IRREVOCABLY into MARTIAL LAW, as I have been told from sources in the military and Washington DC. In fact, so certain were American and German military sources in 1998 that America would be plunged into martial law through our strikes on Iraq , that German Bundeswehr officers in Alamogordo with Holloman AFB were openly leaking it out when I was interviewing there.

People I had interviewed in the Washington DC area during that year admitted they were being told to take precautionary emergency measures (food/water supply, etc.) should this retaliation occur, according to one source whose family member worked with the DOD in missile development programs. These two FBI admitted that they were part of the Christian element, who were standing with people like Barbara. They warned her that MARTIAL LAW WAS INDEED COMING, and gave her some tips and precautionary measures as to what she could do and how to warn people. For example, knowing she was concerned for the Jews in America, they warned that ONCE MARTIAL LAW CAME DOWN, THE AIRPORTS WOULD BE SEIZED AND US CITIZENS WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO FLEE OUT OF THE COUNTRY FOR REFUGE. (I have published this fact and warned people repeatedly also.) When I asked Barbara's friend, Mike, if they indicated martial law may be soon, he indicated THAT THIS WAS A POSSIBILITY. (This is why I have emphasized the urgency of closely watching the California power crisis, deliberately created to bring forth a power crisis leading to martial law, first California and then triggering others states to follow. Plus, watching closely the Iraq bombings. Frankly, there are so many warning signals to watch for... the increase in strange or deadly plagues or viruses, etc., that I was warned (through certain CIA) would be deliberately released to help foment a martial law crisis and to weaken the people prior to martial law, and more.) In a previous report, I have warned people of FBI harassment of Messianic Jews in Israel, even interfering with their freedom of religious gathering in Israel. (Again, do not the FBI have enough violent terrorists to deal with in Israel, working jointly with MOSSAD, that they have to harass peaceful Messianic Jews there???) I received word from our Pentagon source, Al Cuppett, that even FBI officers have been finding their names already on government lists (such as FEMA'S infamous "RED and BLUE" list) marked for termination under martial law. This follows the government's pattern of the "use and toss" psychology, wherein they will use people for their own agenda and advantages, and then conveniently toss them like so much garbage (into Federal prisons on trumped up charges, or terminate them outright.) Many of my information sources coming out of the CIA and such have been through the "use and toss" cycle and are blowing the whistle after being burned by the same government they once served so faithfully. Pray for my personal friend, Barbara Richmond. Pray for her friends in the FBI who dared to tell her the truth about COMING MARTIAL LAW. (To learn more about her, go to, type in "Barbara Richmond.")

Reporting from the Pacific Islands, Pam Schuffert

NORAD Source Tells of US Military Role Under Coming Martial Law

Report # 1
By Pam Schuffert <> July 17, 2001 I recently interviewed (while in Germany) a former US military source with previous high level security clearances and who was formerly employed at NORAD in Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado. During his period of working there in security, he was shown a glossy military manual illustrating the US military vision for the coming New World Order, with future projections up to the year 2020. In this manual, he noted that the borders between Canada, America and Mexico were ALL ERASED and realigned. He was shown how TEN POWERFUL MEN would be over this New World Order, who were also very powerful in the business/financial world. He was told that all the banks would merge into a "world bank" plus many other things regarding the coming New World Order. While employed at NORAD, he was informed as to how the US Post Offices would be used for REGISTRATION of ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS under MARTIAL LAW. He was assigned to a local Post Office in the event of MARTIAL LAW and trained in "how to execute citizens IF THEY OFFERED RESISTANCE" while registering at the US Post Offices. (One bullet through the back of the head with a high powered military handgun.) He admitted that families would then actually be separated from loved ones during the US Post Office registration procedure, and some would be sent off to "work camps" (concentration camps, even as were the Jews who were only told that it was "work camps"?) Buses and vans would be waiting at the Post Offices to transport them away. When he was invited to become a part of the coming New World Order military agenda, he did many other military men. But many also accepted this offer. He then personally showed me his file with his official military papers indicating his work at NORAD, and his high positions in the military and combat security status. He knows that the US military's role in COMING MARTIAL LAW IS REAL. For the US military, THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS A COMING REALITY. Pam Schuffert

US Soldier in Germany Reports to Pam Schuffert on Globalist Urban Warfare Training

From Pam Schuffert To: Pam Schuffert <> From: Jon Smith <> July 1, 2001 Subject: Re: Hi Pam, Thanks for the email back. I'm stationed here in Friedberg, Germany. We went to Kosovo last year ( my unit ). Much of the MOUT training (urban warfare) goes on in large part because every mission the US military has gotten into since Somalia has been in urban/inner-city areas. Could this be abused and used against Americans? Most definitely. Also - we don't belong in the Balkans, Persian Gulf, etc in my opinion. If America would take care of America first we would have a lot less problems on the home front. The current trend by globalists is, and has been for years, to do everything as NATO, the EU, the UN, etc. National Sovereignty is a very good thing - which is why globalist think-tanks wish to destroy it so very much. I have met members of the German Bundeswehr and other NATO forces - most seem professional and all - but this is not to say that they or NATO would never be used against the US. Personally, I'm not worried about the US military being used against Americans! Most people in the military are too inept - many can't even show up for work on time. And if martial law were imposed it might well be a war. Most veterans are better trained then today's military and many gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, etc, are strong in their beliefs ( a good thing ) . I have to go for now but feel free to ask me any specific questions you may have about Kosovo, the US Army here in Germany, etc. Thanks. Jon From: Pam Schuffert <> To: Jon Smith <> July 2, 2001 Dear Jonathan, God bless you today.

I just flew home from Germany because my mother had a serious accident in which she had to have surgery. Go to and type in "Jake Schuffert." You will see many websites on him . He was my father, famed USAF cartoonist. His cartoons are read to this day in AIRMAN magazine. I grew up totally military, and surrounded in Washington DC by the Pentagon, etc. For years I have done research on the apparent coming martial law scenario. I have interviewed many people from our US military, from Navy Seals to Special Ops Forces to Naval Academy Annapolis and more, and those I have interviewed have confirmed the reality that America is marching towards martial law intended to bring us by force under a world government and UN/NATO multinational forces who are largely receiving their pre-martial law training exercises in former Yugoslavia, through KFOR and SFOR. Partnership for Peace (PFP) is a major work in this. I just spent 6 months living next to a major PFP installation and saw firsthand the reality of ulti-national-task-force troops. German Bundeswehr openly admitted to me that they knew of coming martial law and that their troops in America would be used to arrest, fire upon us and seize our weapons, etc. I know what is coming and continue to research and expose it. Please share with me what you wish to regarding your experience there. Sincerely, Pam Schuffert

Pam Schuffert; USPS Role Under Coming Martial Law

NORAD Source Tells of US Military Role Under Coming Martial Law Report # 1 By Pam Schuffert <> [link to] July 17, 2001 I recently interviewed (while in Germany) a former US military source with previous high level security clearances and who was formerly employed at NORAD in Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado. During his period of working there in security, he was shown a glossy military manual illustrating the US military vision for the coming New World Order, with future projections up to the year 2020. In this manual, he noted that the borders between Canada, America and Mexico were ALL ERASED and realigned. He was shown how TEN POWERFUL MEN would be over this New World Order, who were also very powerful in the business/financial world. He was told that all the banks would merge into a "world bank" plus many other things regarding the coming New World Order. While employed at NORAD, he was informed as to how the US Post Offices would be used for REGISTRATION of ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS under MARTIAL LAW. He was assigned to a local Post Office in the event of MARTIAL LAW and trained in "how to execute citizens IF THEY OFFERED RESISTANCE" while registering at the US Post Offices. (One bullet through the back of the head with a high powered military handgun.) He admitted that families would then actually be separated from loved ones during the US Post Office registration procedure, and some would be sent off to "work camps" (concentration camps, even as were the Jews who were only told that it was "work camps"?) Buses and vans would be

waiting at the Post Offices to transport them away. When he was invited to become a part of the coming New World Order military agenda, he did many other military men. But many also accepted this offer. He then personally showed me his file with his official military papers indicating his work at NORAD, and his high positions in the military and combat security status. He knows that the US military's role in COMING MARTIAL LAW IS REAL. For the US military, THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS A COMING REALITY. Pam Schuffert

COINTELPRO Deceptions on the InternetHARTWELL of the CIA

By Pamela Schuffert <> December 31, 2008

COINTELPRO Deceptions on the Internet-HARTWELL of the CIA by Pam Schuffert

(Dec. 31, 2008) THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO "GOOGLE" ? There is a developing phenomenon on the internet today. Many people (Christians included), delighted to find search engines such as GOOGLE, are now spending hours on the internet performing research. A whole new world has opened up to them for research, news and information. However, what many naive Christians do not seem to understand is, the government is also using the is also using the internet as an effective tool of COINTELPRO, or deliberate government MISINFORMATION designed to lead the American people to the false conclusions based on lies and deception. This misinformation is designed to lead people into thinking JUST LIKE BIG BROTHER GOVERNMENT WANTS THEM TO THINK. Such MISINFORMATION OPERATIONS to deceive the American people are often called COINTELPRO. People are paid by agencies such as the FBI and CIA to write MSINFORMATION/COINTELPRO for various corrupt government purposes. Government agents are also paid to infiltrate various organizations, churches and ministries included, to both SPY and to collect information, and to push hidden agendas, to also cause disruption and division, to perform acts of AGENT PROVOCATEURS and more. NO Christian church or ministry is sacrosanct or exempt, as former members of the CIA informed me. THEY are ALL

infiltrated to a greater or lesser degree, including positions of even leadership and pastors, etc. Millions of dollars are spent every year in the nefarious world of COINTELPRO and presenting MISINFORMATION to the America people to deceive them on many levels. Much of this misinformation is being broadcast regularly through tools of government mind control over the American people such as government/CIA censored CNN and other "news" broadcasting networks. Through the tools of NEWS MEDIA BIAS AND BLACKOUT, a very biased version of world events is presented to the America people, repeatedly conditioning them to think just as the government WANTS them to think about many issues. Part of COINTELPRO actions involve paid government agents who write LIBELOUS AND SLANDEROUS ATTACKS against various individuals involved in INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM AND REPORTING, targeted by the government/military because of the truth they are uncovering and exposing regarding government corruption, etc. This is done with the intent of discrediting legitimate valid researchers and journalists in the minds of their readers, so as to attempt to both halt their funding through donors and to stop people from reading and believing their research as well. Many well meaning people, including Christians, upon discovering the world of search engines like GOOGLE, are delighted to find a wealth of information seemingly at their fingertips. They do not realize, however, that the government ALSO is delighted, because search engines and internet website provide them with ONE MORE TOOL OF COINTELPRO (literally brainwashing in effect) for the unwary and naive. An alarming trend that I have seen among so many Americans today, including MANY Christians, is the conditioning to accept EVERYTHING AS TRUTH that they both HEAR on radio and that they SEE on both television news, various publications and the internet. They FAIL to perform quality BACKGROUND RESEARCH and investigate to see if what they are seeing and hearing is genuine and truthful. And as a tragic result, THEY ARE DECEIVED. And the tools of deception are THE NEWS MEDIA and related information publications. The government knows this weakness and exploits this weakness in the America people for their own dark purposes continually. How successful are they? To the degree that each and every American is able and willing to be deceived, and fails to perform quality background research, is the degree to which they are successful. YOUR actions OR INACTION decide how successful government COINTELPRO will be. -COINTELPRO FINALLY ATTACKS MEWhen I began working in the realm of investigative journalism 13 years ago, I knew that it was inevitable the government COINTELPRO would come out against me. To think otherwise would be unrealistic. Coming from the Washington DC area, I had a very good idea of just how corrupt the US government could be.

In my thirteen years of performing this work on behalf of the American people, to TELL AMERICA THE TRUTH and especially to wake up the American Christians who are endangered in this hour, I have experienced several attacks by government COINTELPRO. In my earlier years of research and reporting, I was infiltrated by DOUG MILLAR, a man I learned later was being used by the government to infiltrate people concerned about and exposing the NWO agenda. As soon as I found out, I severed all ties immediately. Another infiltrator was JIM VASSILOS. All ties with him have been severed as well. More recently, both the CIA and the FBI have used several people to attempt COINTELPRO against me through writing libelous articles regarding me. One writer is Barbara Hartwell from the CIA. The other is Stew Webb with the FBI. A very sick couple from MN, Fred and Katy Sasse, have been working with Hartwell and Webb to lie against me and discredit my reporting. I have met with and performed extensive research on all of the above, and here are my findings. Barbara Hartwell works for the CIA actively. Her bodyguard in the past has been CIA assassin JEFF SWEDENBURG, well protected by the CIA and very dangerous. Hartwell has been performing COINTELPRO against the Christian/Patriot (NWO RESISTER) community for a long time now. Many excellent articles on the internet from valid researchers have exposed this dark woman. Hartwell comes from CIA MIND CONTROL VICTIMS family, with both her sister IRENE ADRIAN (of Winston-Salem NC) and herself exposed to horrific CIA mind control programming, satanic rituals and more. While there are VALID examples of people coming out of such CIA mind control background, such as Cathy O'Brien (Tranceformation of America) and Sue Ford/ Brice Taylor (Thanks for The Memories) and others, there are also now COINTELPRO pretenders, whose purpose is to deceive and then infiltrate valid organizations and movements whose purpose is to EXPOSE the NWO and tell Americans the truth. Barbara Hartwell has repeatedly proven to be bogus, a true CIA infiltrator into this world of former victims turned exposers. In the past I have known her personally. I spent much time witnessing to her about Jesus Christ, and interviewing her sister who IS a bona fide CHRISTIAN and delivered from her background. Her sister Irene admitted to me, "My sister refuses to come to Jesus Christ and is not a Christian. We also were exposed to satanic rituals and abuse...Barbara has let me down again and again........" When I was visiting the home of my previous webmaster, Ron Garon of TULSA, OK, he was attempting to do the website of Barbara Hartwell. She told him on the phone:

"...I am NOT a Christian and will NEVER BE A CHRISTIAN!" She further told him, "...AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN EXPOSED TO SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE!" YET...her own Christian sister, involved in ministries in the past, SAYS THAT HARTWELL WAS INVOLVED IN CIA SATANIC RITUALS. AND Hartwell openly contends in her writings and blog that SHE IS A CHRISTIAN and has NEVER been exposed to satanic ritual abuse! At one time when I was attempting to minister to her, before she starting writing CIA COINTELPRO Libel against me for the government, she even admitted at that time that her bodyguard was JEFF SWEDENBURG. Her sister told me, in fact, how she had given thousands of dollars to SWEDENBURG to protect her on one trip. Jeff Swedenburg has openly bragged to one person in the Christian Patriot community that I am in contact with, even as he was infiltrating them in Denver, Colorado, that "...I do WHACK [assassination] jobs for the CIA..." and he was proud of it! A former CIA of over 30 years in the Denver area admitted further that "...Swedenburg is well protected by the CIA..." I have spoken to this person in Denver personally on several occasions, in fact. Barbara Hartwell constantly presents herself to the public as someone who has "come out of the CIA" to join the Christian/Patriot/NWO resister movement in America, and uses this to constantly attempt to infiltrate related groups and organizations. YET the cold hard facts are in total contradiction of Hartwell's lies! Her own Christian sister has exposed her as a liar. The reality of Barbara being involved in CIA Satanism and rituals was admitted by Irene Adrian, her Christian sister. The reality of Barbara NOT being a BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN was confirmed by her own sister and her former webmaster. YET HARTWELL CONSTANTLY LIES TO US and MISPORTRAYS HERSELF TO THE PATRIOT CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY AS A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN! SHE DENIES IN ALL HER WRITINGS THAT SHE WAS EVER INVOLVED IN CIA SATANIC RITUALS! But in fact she is NOT a Christian "...AND NEVER WILL BE A CHRISTIAN" and WAS involved in satanic rituals in the CIA! And IF she has come out of the CIA, then WHY OH WHY was her own personal bodyguard CIA ASSASSIN JEFF SWEDENBURG?

And because I know the truth about Hartwell, she has been writing CIA COINTELPRO libel against me now for many years. AGAIN, NONE OF THIS COMES AS ANY GREAT SURPRISE TO ME. To coin a secular term, "IT COMES WITH THE TURF:" I expose government corruption and warn my fellow Americans/Christians of what is to come, and they attack me to attempt to discredit me. In fact, most people and researchers by now do not take Barbara Hartwell seriously anymore. Many articles have appeared on the internet by quality writers and researchers investigating and exposing her as a fraud. However, after receiving several inquiries from my readers who stumbled upon her CIA COINTELPRO libel against me, I have decided to write this long-overdue report exposing this person for the infiltrator/COINTELPRO operator that she has sadly been proven to to be. More tragically, HARTWELL is a LOST SINNER, she refuses to come to Jesus Christ for salvation and deliverance from CIA Satanism and from her dark role she now plays in CIA COINTELPRO, she is being PAID TO LIE, and the WORD OF GOD DECLARES: "AND ALL LIARS SHALL HAVE THEIR PART IN THE LAKE OF FIRE..." Because she is lost, I have been praying for her salvation for a long time now. I have chosen to forgive her repeatedly when her articles appear, attempting to discredit and slander me. But in fact IF she continues in this path of deliberate misinformation and lies, along with other COINTELPRO OPERATORS like STEW WEBB (FBI) and accomplices Fred and Katy Sasse and several others, both SHE and THEY WILL PERISH according to the infallible WORD OF GOD. In my future reports, I will be exposing STEW WEBB/FBI COINTELPRO OPERATOR and infiltrator in Christian/Patriot communities, and several people working with both Hartwell and Webb (The SASSE's from MN and CLEO from MONTANA) who are not necessary assets of the intelligence community but are working with them in the same agenda. MANY OF YOU have been my radio listeners/report readers for many years now. You know my credibility and hard labor for the Lord Jesus Christ and my character as a born again Christian for 35 years now, involved in numerous ministries and MUCH sacrifice and suffering for the Gospel and to perform this kind of difficult and dangerous journalism for the Christians in America. Many people, after hearing me on radio, etc., want MORE of my reports. And so they attempt to find them by "GOOGLING" my name up. But what they do not realize is, they will ALSO encounter libelous CIA/FBI COINTELPRO MISINFORMATION published falsely against me, in the government hopes of discrediting my reporting.

AND MANY AMERICAN ARE NAIVE AND DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS. And that sadly INCLUDES CHRISTIANS IN AMERICA. Upon receiving inquiries from Christian sources who read HARTWELL'S and related GOVERNMENT COINTELPRO written against me to deliberately slander and attack my writing and my character, following much prayer, I have decided I will no longer tolerate this kind of attack on my Christian labor and character unchallenged. For years I have said nothing in rebuttal, trusting God for vindication. I continue to trust Him for vindication. BUT BECAUSE of the level of frankly immature Christianity in America I find today, with most Christians no longer following Biblical principles of COMING TO ME FIRST with this kind of slander/accusations, to first INQUIRE as to whether it is true or not before repeating it or republishing it, I am forced to publish rebuttals at this point. SO many Christians FAIL to do their background research to discover the TRUTH. And for SOME, it has become THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO GOOGLE, wherein EVERYTHING found on their search engines and the internet is somehow TRUTH! DEAD Wrong. How many websites are filled with NEW AGE HERESIES, PAGAN TEACHINGS, TEACHINGS THAT DENY JESUS CHRIST AS LORD AND SAVIOR and MORE??? The Bible says to PROVE ALL THINGS. I work hard as an investigative journalist to uncover the truth that American Christians need to hear in this crucial hour. IT is time for the Body of Christ, and my fellow Americans, to quit falling into well laid government traps to DECEIVE and ultimately DESTROY them in the times to come. BEWARE OF CIA/FBI CINTELPRO! It is found EVERYWHERE. And its intent is to deceive and discredit valid journalism/journalists like myself. And to undermine valid Patriotic organizations attempting to tell Americans the truth as well. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS regarding my character, background or work, etc., simply come to me and ASK ME...that's all. It is that simple. -Pamela Schuffert reporting live from Montana

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