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Making Connections

Readers make personal connections with the text by using their background knowledge. There are three main types of connections we make while reading text.

Text-to-Self (T-S) refers to connections made between the text and the reader's personal experience. Text-to-Text (T-T) refers to connections made between a text being read to a text that was previously read. Text-to-World (T-W) refers to connections made between a text being read and something that occurs in the world.

YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Text-to-Self (T-S) Make a text-to-self connection. Good readers make personal connections to a story. It helps them understand how the characters feel and makes them understand the book better! Text-to-Text (T-T) Make a text-to-text connection. Think of a book we have read together in class or during the summer (see list). Make a connection between setting, characters, or conflict.

Use this format for both connections: The author said (quote from book) That reminds me of

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