9/11 Project: Essential Questions: We Will Explore These Questions and Begin To Answer Them

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9/11 Project

Essential Questions: We will explore these questions and begin to answer them - What does 9/11 teach us, or should have taught us, about ourselves and our communities? - What does the art reveal about our society and how we deal with tragedy? - Although the attacks occurred in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, are there events or consequences from 9/11 that affect North Carolina in particular ways?

Choose two of the above questions to answer using evidence from the articles collected by our class. Open a document for each question and use parenthetical notation in your essay response. Use easy bib to help you with works cited. You must use a minimum of three sources per question. You may discuss ideas freely, but each person is responsible for their own written response. Double space your response. 9/11 taught me that even thought these things happen that we can be ready for them and make our country even stronger from this tragic event. This major catastrophe taught me that our country while deeply saddened by this event can still breathe and move on. While we in america were pretty much all affected.

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