Transcription Notes

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Transcription (General) Initiation: 1) Binding of the RNA polymerase to the promoter sequence.

2) Denaturation of the double-helix 3) RNA polymerase catalyses the creation of the phosphodiester bonds between the first two RNucleo. Elongation: 1) Addition of RNucleos from 5 to 3. 2) Continued denaturation of DNA. (Transcription bubble always around 14 nucleo long) 3) Phosphodiester linkages form. Termination: 1) RNA polymerase stops at a stop site sequence. 2) Release of completed RNA strand. 3) RNA polymerase dissociates with the DNA template strand. Prokaryotes: RNA Polymerase Transcription Initiation Simple enzyme (4 or 5 subunits) Must be assisted by sigma factor. Operon, few non-coding gaps, generally no introns, co-regulation None miRNA, siRNA Unstable, decays in few minutes Needs sigma factors (70 and 54) to help RNA Polymerase bind Same time as transcription 70S, 3 different rRNA molecules Eukaryotes Complex, 3 RNA Polymerases (I, II, III) RNA Polymerase assisted by general transcription factors. These proteins help initiate transcription. Introns and exons. Genes involved in same function are on different chromosomes. Introns, 5 cap, 3 Poly A Cytoplasmic polyadenylation (unique), miRNA, siRNA Stable and can last hours, days or months or a lifetime. No sigma factors. RNA polymerase subunits has similar functions. Separate processes. mRNA must be exported before translation can occur 80S, 4 different rRNA molecules

Gene organization

RNA processing Post-transcriptional regulation mRNA Sigma factors Translation


1) Tatabox binding protein binds to Tatabox.

2) TFIIB binds to DNA and TBP to secure both. 3) TFIIF binds to RNA Polymerase II and both bind to DNA just downstream of Tatabox as TBP recognizes RNA polymerase. 4) TFIIE binds. 5) TFIIH binds. Its subunit, kinase phosphorylates the CTD, promoting elongation. 6) After initiation, everything dissociated except TBP.

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