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My Name: Yasmin Yunos

My partners name: Ishtiaq

Peer Assessment
I think peer assessment is: When you give someone an advice that can improve their work or make it better. To make my feedback constructive I will: Read it a couple times, look at the mistakes carefully, and make sure my feedback is useful.

I am assessing Ishtiaqs work. Their success criteria for this learning opportunity are;

1. Understand how Iqbal lived. 2. Construct a well-explained and good biography. 3. To be able to research to answer your own questions

What do you like about your partners work? Write down 3 things you like. For example; I really liked the way that you used empathy, the post between Iqbal and the carpet worker demonstrated how strongly Iqbal felt. 1. I liked the way you described his working conditions. 2. His life was put in a simple but interesting way. 3. You had lots of information, and you put them in order. Did your partner achieve their success criteria? Think about their success criteria; did they achieve them all? How and why? Or why not? You had achieved them all. Well done! You achieved them by getting all you information in order; you did construct your biography the correct way! You did do good research to be able to answer your questions.

What could your partner do to improve their learning? Give 2 targets for improvement. Think about being constructive in your comments. Look back at their success criteria, what areas could they still develop? 1. Probably you explained something a little bit too much. You can fix it by

My Name: Yasmin Yunos

My partners name: Ishtiaq


simplifying it. Put in more pictures so we can actually see the conditions or anything to do him. So we can empathise it more!

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