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Direct To Home on our Doorstep!!!

A TAM S-Group Exclusive

An initiative from TAM Media Research & IMRB Int ernat ional

About The St udy

Obj ect ive
Underst and t he DTH phenomena as it st ands, come Feb 2006

Cover & Met hodology

St ruct ured quest ionnaire administ ered on t he IMRB Household Panel Covers 13 States (Urban+Rural) + Delhi + Guwahati
119 Towns Sample Size 66,636 homes

Survey Period
February 2006

St ruct ure of t he Present at ion

in t he digit al era Points to the panel discussion

TV Owning Homes in India: 117 Million Number of Cable & Sat ellit e Homes: 71 Million ~ 58% of TV Owning Number of DTH Homes: 2.26 Million Number of Cable operator Set-top box Homes: 0.8 Million

Source: IMRB & TAM S-Group Study & Estimates



Rural ?

Largely Rural, Dish & DD Direct penetration contrasting

Source: IMRB & TAM S-Group Study & Estimates

DTH penetration exhibiting interesting disparities

Source: IMRB & TAM S-Group Study & Estimates

Excluding the outliers

A large clust er of st at es yet t o t ick

Source: IMRB & TAM S-Group Study & Estimates

Relationship betw een Cable & DTH penetrations

Urban: DTH appears to dove-tail C&S


Relationship between Cable & DTH penetrations

Profile of DTH subscribers

Lower SECs lead in t he urban areas while t he higher SEC t ake command in rural

Relationship between Cable & DTH penetrations Profile of DTH subscribers

Aw areness

Awareness : Miles to go
Awareness of DTH

Not Aware 65%

Aware 35%

Base: Non-DTH, TV Homes, All India (~115Mn)

& the awareness drivers ..

Referral/ Word-Of-Mouth counts

Source: IMRB & TAM S-Group Study & Estimates

Relationship between Cable & DTH penetrations Profile of DTH subscribers Awareness

( Lessons from cable..)

Price has been ONE of the factors

Source: IMRB & TAM S-Group Study & Estimates

Despite low(er) price, north has been slow..

Source: IMRB & TAM S-Group Study & Estimates

DTH is largely a Rural phenomena currently Some int erest ing observat ions t o explain disparat e DTH penetration in states
DTH followed cable in Urban while in Rural, it was riding on it s own Lower Urban SEC & Upper Rural SEC were early adopt ers (t he indian middle-class ?) Much ground is t o be covered on t he awareness front Cable penet rat ion has been impact ed by price (& so is DTH)

TAM is technology ready!!!

TAM was expect ing t his digit al shift which is why it started to develop a new Peoplemeter It is expect ed t hat plat forms like CAS, DTH, Cable & Sat ellit e, Broadband etc. will co-exist Hence, TAM designed new digital TVM5 Peoplemeters:
TVM5 is Technology/ Plat form neut ral caters to DTH, CAS, Broadband etc. Compat ible wit h bot h GSM and Landline Polling of dat a Tested and successfully implemented in many countries including Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Korea, Malaysia, etc. Implemented in world s most successful DTH market United Kingdom To be implemented in India through what will be the world s first Elite TV Panel. Elite Panel is a separate parallel panel that is being set up by TAM to measure t he TV viewing behavior of t he Elit e/ Premium segment of the society.

Thank You!!!

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