Happiness and Prosperity Throgh Children An Indication by Saptamsha Chart

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natal chart various divisional charts depicts different aspects of the life of the native. The basic concept of evaluating the divisional chart is that the planet or bhav madhya shows different potency at different divisions while evaluating the different aspect of life. Divisional charts are nothing but expansion of a certain house. It is just like a doctor doing various medical tests to know exact nature of disease instead of deciding on the basis of general symptoms. Rishi Parashar has mentioned shodashvargas in Brihat Parashar Horashashtra as under: Shadvarga : Lagna, Hora, Drekkan, Navamansha, Dwadashansha, Trishansha Saptvarga : All shadvarga charts and Saptamansha Dashvarga : All saptavarga charts and Dashansha, Shodhashansha, Shashtansha Shodashvargas : All dashvarga charts and Chaturthansha,, Vishansha,, Chaturvishansha,, Saptvishansha,, Khvedansha, , Akshayvedansha

Saptmansha chart or D-7 chart indicates the happiness and prosperity to the individual on account of his
children and grandchildren and their life and comfort to native from them. BRIHAT PARASHAR HORA SHASHATRA in chapter 8 Shloka 2 saya PUTRA PAUTRADIKANAM VAICHINTANAM SAPTAMANSHAKE Means son and grand sons should be considered from Saptamansha chart. In Mansaagari the Saptamansha chart is associated with the co borns i.e. brother and sisteres. It says SAPTAMANSHA CHANDRAYUTE CHA DRASHTE SAUMAYAKSHITE SYA TA SWASAHODARAHA SYATA ATYUGRATAKANTIYASHODABHI VRADHIMITRANDHIKO MAITRAYUTE PRAGALLABHAHA. i.e.saptamansha lagna lord if aspected or conjucted by moon or benefit planets then brothers of native will be famous, wealthy, royal, having many friends and respectful. Saptamansha lord and different divisions of the saptamansha lagna sign are also associated with the nature of native and his personality. However I shall restrict myself to the study how saptamansha chart is related to the happiness and prosperity to native through the children and grandchildren In Saptmansha chart a sign is divided into 7 equal parts of 4 deg 178.56 each. However saptamansha chart is to be studied with in continuation with the 5H, 5L and Jupiter and malefic and benefic influence on them in the natal D1 chart. In Aries etc odd signs counting starts from same sign and In Taurus etc even signs counting starts from 7th sign from that sign. Rishi Parashar has named these seven divisions as DIVISION NO 1 RANGE 0d 4d 17 ODD SIGNS KSHAR EVEN SIGNS SHUDDHAJAL

2 3 4 5 6 7

4d 17

8d 34 12d 51 17d 08 21d 25 25d 42 30 00



08d 34 12d 51 17d 08 21d 25 25 42 -


KSHAR SAPTAMANSHA : Kshar means alkali. So if natal ascendant falls in kshar saptamansh it indicates little or no comfort from children. Native suffers humilitation, insult, pain, anxiety and grief from children. However in this Saptamansha for first 3 deg in odd sign and 25deg 42 to 27 deg in even sign Dashamansha is Indra and after that upto 4 deg 17 in odd sign and upto 30 deg in even sign dashamansha is agni. Indra dashamansha gives power and lust for power , physical pleasures wealth, arrogance, and inclination to win without considering means, whereas the Agni dashmansha part of Kshar saptamansha gives energy, capacity to perform and limitless apetitie, excessive sexual enrgy and inclination towards sacred deed. Again the Ganesh Dwadashamsha in Kshar Saptamansha (from 0 deg to 2deg 30 in odd signs) confer quality like intelligence, knowledge, brave, noble and pious and faithful to mother and leader of masses. But it give problem intially and parents are in conflict because of him. Ashwini Kumar Dwadashamsha in Kshar saptamansha (2 deg t30 to 4deg 17 in odd sign ) gives beautiful healthy physique and very intelligent and skilled and expert in healing and surgery. However Ahi dwadashamsha from 27deg to 30 deg in even sign gives qualities like revengefulness, cheating and wickedness if having malific influence like snake Takshak but if it has benefic influence give qualities like Sheshnaga i.e denoting love for solitude, cleanliness, satisfaction etc. Yama Dwadashamansha (25 deg 42 to 27deg 30 in even sign ) giving qualities like eqality, social justice, self control and moral value besides the giving power and capacity to punish.


KSHEER SAPTAMANSHA : Ksheer means milk. Milk is satvik and nourishing in nature. Natal ascendant in this saptamansha indicates the children will nourish the social economic status of native and will be well mannered and modest and satvik in nature. Again 4deg 17, to 6 deg in odd sign and from 24deg to 25deg 42 dashmansha is Agni and from 6deg to 8deg 34 in odd sign and 21deg 25 to 24deg dashamansha is Yama. Yama dashmansha gives capacity to punish and is also called Dharmaraj i.e gives qualities like impartieality, justice, determination and spirituality. In Ksheer Saptamansha 4 deg 17 to 5 deg in odd sign and 22deg 30 to 25deg dwadashamansha is Ashwini kumar and 5 deg to 7deg 30in odd signs and 25deg to 25deg 42 in even sign dwadashamsha is Yama, again gives qualities like justice, capacity to punish and self control and from 7deg 30 to 8deg 34' in odd sign dwadashamsha is Ahi giving qualities of Sheshnag or Takshak depending on benefic or malefic influence.


DADHI SAPTMANSHA : Dadhi means curd. It is Satvik and nourishing food . Unlike Ksheer or milk which is flowing and takes shape of vessel. Dadhi is thicker and semi solid. Children of native with natal ascentdant in Dadhi saptamansha maintain their own identity while giving happiness and comfort to native.Children are delicate and attractive. Dadhi Saptamansha has dashamansha of Yama ( from 8deg 34 to 9deg in odd sign and 21 deg to 21deg 25 in even sign ), Rakshasha (9 deg to 12 deg in odd sign and 18




deg to 21 deg in even sign ) and Varun ( 12 deg to 12deg 51 in odd sign and 17 deg 8 min to 18 in even sign ) Here Rakshasha dashamansha denotes raw energy and tamsik in nature with inclination towards wickedness and great physical strength and venegefulness with capacity to destroy the enemy. Whereas Varuna dashamansha denotes expansion and ability to pacify tempers and having hidden strength. So children will have same qualities. Dwadhashamsha in dadhi saptamansha is Ahi ( 8deg 34 to 10deg in odd sign and 17deg 50 to 20 deg in even signs ), Ganesh ( in odd signs from 10 deg to 12deg 30 and in even sign from 20 deg to 21deg 25) and Yama ( from 17deg 08 to 17deg 50 in even signs) and Ashwini kumar ( from 12deg 30 to 12deg 51 in odd sign) AJYAM SAPTMANSHA : Ajyam means Ghrit or ghee. It gives nourishment to body, mind and spirit and offered to God in Yajna or Pooja. So Native having Ajyam saptamamsha in ascendant has children religious and respectful giving name and prosperity to the native. Ajyam saptamansha has dashmansha of Vayu ( from 12deg 51 to 15deg in even sign and 15 deg to 17deg 08 in odd sign ) and Varuna ( from 12deg 51 to 15deg in odd signs and 15 deg to 17 deg 08 in even signs ) . Vaayu dashamansha gives instability and capacity to destabilise the system, children with ajyam saptamansha and vaayu dashmansha have interest in wide range of things and have immense wealth and energy. Ajyam dashamansha has dwadashamsha of Ashwini kumar (from 12deg 51to 15deg in both signs) and Yama ( 15deg to 17deg 08 in both signs ) IKSHURAS SAPTMANSHA : Ikshuras is sugarcane juice which is sweet and energetic. Children of native born in this ascendant with this saptamansha are though rough, firm and strong like sugarcane but sweet natured and helpful and comforting. Ikshuras saptamansha has dashamansha of Vaayu ( from 17deg08 to 18deg in odd signs and 12 deg to 12 deg 51 in even signs ) Kuber ( 18deg to 21deg in odd signs and 9 deg to 12 deg in even signs ) and dashamansha of Ishaan ( from 21 deg to21deg 25 in odd signs and 8 deg34 to 9deg in even signs ). Kuber dashamsha makes children wealthy , prosperous and arrogant ( due to wealth ) where as ishaan dashamsha gives qualities like sacredness, benevolence, auspiciousness etc. So children with ikshurash saptamansha and kuber dashamsha will be more interested in parental wealth rather than helping and serving parents in their sickness. Ikshuras saptamansha has dwadashamsha of Yama, Ahi and Ganesh in odd sign and Ahi, Ganesh and Ashwini kumar in even signs. MADYA SAPTMANSHA : Madya means wine. It is Tamsik in nature. If a native has ascendant with madya saptamansha means children are fun loving and easy going having inclination to joyful life. Children spend its life in own illusion away from the hard realities of life. Madhya has dashamasha of Ishaan ( from 21deg 25 to 24deg in odd signs and 6 deg to 8deg 34 in even signs) and Brahma or Padmaj (from 24deg to 25deg 42 in odd sign and 4deg 17 to 6deg in even signs ) Brahma dashamsha gives qualities like creativity, freshnesh, procreation, power of great learning and ability to spread knowledge. Dwadashamsha in madya saptamansha in odd sign will be Ganesh, Ashwini Kumar and Yama whereas in even signs will be Ashwinikumar, Yama and Ahi. SHUDDHAJAL SAPTMANSHA : Shuddhajal means pure water, So native with ascendant in shuddhajal saptmansha has children has pure character and clear habits. These can be easily polluted and so there is need for protection against the bad company and they easily mix with others. If remain pure they can give happiness and comfort, honour to native and if polluted can cause much trouble to native. Dashamsha in Shuddhajal saptamansha are Padmaj or Brahma ( from 25deg 42 to 27deg in odd signs and 3 deg to 4deg 17 in even signs ) and Ananta ( 27deg to 30deg in odd signs and 0deg to 3deg in even signs) Ananta dashamansha denotes limitlessness, Inner strength and perseverance. Shuddhajal saptamansha with ananta dashamsha and benefic influence can make a son saint. Dashamsha in Shuddhajal saptamansha are Yama and Ahi in odd signs and Ganesh and Ashwini Kumar in even signs.


While evaluating D-7 chart we should also consider following points.


If D-7 ascendant is an odd sign and occupied or aspected by benefic planets the native is likely to get comforts and happiness from the son b) If D-7 ascendant is an even sign occupied or aspected by malefic planets the native is likely to get happiness and comfort from daughter c) If D-7 ascendant is afflicted by malefics by conjuction or aspect, native either may not have children or he will face hardship due to them and happiness and comfort from them will be denied. d) Female planets moon, mercury or venus in Saptamansha lagna indicate native will get daughters e) Males planets Jupiter, sun or mars or Jupiter in saptamnsha lagna indicates native will get sons. f) D7 lagna lord if benefic planet posited in benefic signs in kendra or trines, native will get happiness and comfort and prosperity from his children and children will be talented g) D7 lagna lord if malefic planet posited in enemy sign with malefic influence, native will get bad results regarding happiness and comfort from children

EXAMPLES : Indira Gandhi : Date : Nov 19, 1917 Time 23 15 PM Allahabad Chart D1 lagna cancer 28deg 51, Sun scorpio 4deg 7, moon capricorn 5deg 37, Mars leo 16deg 22.,Mer scorpio 13deg 14Jupiter taurus 15deg, Venus sagitarius 21deg, saturn cancer 21deg 47,Rahu sagitarius 9deg 12 ketu gemini 9deg 12 Ascendant is Cancer 28 15 i.e. Kshar Saptamansha, indicating native will face humilitation, insult, anxiety and grief and pain from children. This is evident from the fact that during her life time Mrs Indira Gandhi faced a lot of criticism due to her son Sanjay Gandhi in her life time and eventually lost election due to the attrocities during emergency by Sanjay Gandhi. Her other son Rajiv Gandhi was most of the time away from her, married against her wishes and was not interested in her political activities. However Indra dashamansha shows lust for power which was evident from her son Sanjay Gandhi which adopted every method to get political mileage including the widespread arrest of opposition party leaders and RSS in emergency. Ahi dwadashamsha also indicates that the Sanjay Gandhi was very revengeful and acted with venegeance to suppress his opponent during before and during emergency. Rajiv Gandhi : DOB Aug 20 1944 time 8.11 BOMBAY D1 Asc Leo 14deg 36 Sun Leo 3deg 49 Moon Leo 17deg 08 Mars Virgo 1deg 11 Mer Leo 28deg 33 Jupiter 12deg 10 Venus leo 18deg 39 Saturn Gemini 14deg 12 Rahu cancer 4deg 9 Ketu capricorn 4deg 9 Ascendant is Leo 14 36 i.e. Ajyam Saptamansha showing that the children will be religious and respectful and will get name and fame This explains the nature of Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi. Dashmansha is varun and dwadashamsha is Ashwini Kumar indicates that children Rahul and Priyanka will have ability to expansion and have great aptitude for learning and ability to encompass the whole political arena with their aptitude for solving the problem Sanjay Gandhi DOB Dec 14 1942 time 9.47 BOMBAY D1 chart Ascendent Capricorn 6deg 46. Sun Scorpio 28 deg 27 Moon Leo 12deg 41, Mars Sagittarius 4 deg 25 Me Scorpio 8 deg 20. Jupiter Libra 23deg 53, Venus Libra 24deg 39. Saturn Cancer 15deg 16 Rahu Taurus 18deg 35 Ketu Scorpio 18 deg 35 Ascendant is Capricorn 6 46 i.e.Madya Saptamansha indicating that the children will live in illusion living far away from hard realities of life and will have tendencies of easy going life. This is clear if we see the life of Varun Gandhi having an illusion towards his political career at present. It has Ishaan Dashmaansha

making him first among the lot and shows prominence. Sanjay Gandhi even dominated her mother Mrs Indira Gandhi in some matters and Yama Dwadashamsha shows that he was having limitless power during his life time. Interestingly both 5th lord venus and Jupiter are in Madya Saptamansha clearly indicate how Sanjay Gandhi in his lifetime lived in illusion through out life. This is further explained by affliction of 5th lord by Rahu. Some other examples are Sheikh Abdullah DOB Dec 5 1905 time 4.15 AM Shrinagar Ascendant is Libra 12 10 i.e. Dadhi Saptamansha indicate that children will have own identity and increase the socio economic status of native which is well explained by the long period of CM status of Farukh Abdullah Farukh Abdullah DOB Oct 21 1937 time 12.30 noon Ascendant is Sagittarius 18 28 i.e. Ikshuras Saptamansha indicating the children will be rough firm and strong but sweet in nature Sunil Dutt : DOB June 6 1931 time 11.30 khurd Ascendant is Leo 10 19 i.e. Dadhi Saptamansha indicating children having own identity and increase socio economic status of native as evident from Sanjay Dutt life.

Motilal Nehtru : date : 6/5/ 1861 time 4.30 am Agra ( UP ) Ascendant is Aries 4 18 i.e. Ksheer Saptamansha indicating that children will increase the socio economic status of the native and will be well mannered and sober in nature and pure as milk. Jawahar Lal Nehru : Date 14 /11/ 1889 Time 11.00 PM Allahabad Ascendant is Cancer 17 54 i.e. Dadhi Saptamansha indicating children will maintain their own identity and increase socio economic status of the native. Indira Gandhi has identity of her own totally different from father

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