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Lesson Plan - 1 Class 6 and/or 7 Teaching points: Target: To ensure the basic understanding of English Alphabets To explain the concept of Phoneme sounds in English language To ensure proper pronunciation of different sounds of a Introduction of Alphabets (Consonants & Vowels) Introduction to Phonetics in English language Vowel sounds of a

Keywords/Vocabulary: Sound /a/ Am An At Cat Mat Bat Materials: The Phonics Handbook, Jolly Phonics wordbook, Flash cards and Coloured Chalks Sound /a-e/ Ate Gate Date Hate Game Name Sound /ay/ Day Hay Ray May Say Play

Warm up: Ask students to remember Alphabets and make them guess about possible sounds of vowels Procedure: Write Alphabets on the Green board and read out loudly with students Circle vowels and take them out separately To explain different sounds of a orally then ask the students to repeat the same Write sound wise words of a on the Green board To explain Gujarati meaning of each word Show students related objects as per words within classroom or school

Pupil Activity: Basic Alphabets game in a group of students Jumbling of words covered in lesson Recap: Evaluation: Asking few students randomly to make different sounds of a with examples already covered Write few more words on the Green board and ask weaker students to pronounce it loudly Revise the concept of Phoneme Revise the different sounds of a with examples of previously taught words

Extension: Instruct students to come up with more words from their resources or dictionary of similar kinds for a sound and the same will be discussed in the next session

By Vijay Tita

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