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I|rst I|ve Weeks SeL varlaLlon Weekly kep|t|t|on rogress|on Set rogress|on Speed

Monday ChesL and Shoulders

Lxerclse SeLs 8eps 8esL noLe
SLreLchlng Lxerclses
10mln Cardlo
8arbell or uumbell 8ench ress 3 12 12 13 1
llaL uumbell flyers 3 12 12 13 1
lncllne uumbell/8arbell ress 3 12 12 13 1
8arbell uprlghL 8ow 3 12 12 13 1
Slde LaLeral uumbell 8alse 3 12 12 13 1
Lhe funny lean over reverse benchpress Lhlngy
SLreLchlng Lxerclses
1uesday Cardlo Abs Calves
Lxerclse SeLs 8eps 8esL noLe
SLreLchlng Lxerclses
20 MlnuLes Cardlo 2023mln
Panglng Leg 8alses 3 12 12 13 2mln
Crunches 3 12 12 13 2mln
SLandlng Calf 8alses 3 12 12 13 2mln
SeaLed Calf 8alses 3 12 12 13 2mln
SeaLed Leg Curls 3 13 12 13 2mln
SLandlng Leg Curls 3 14 12 13 2mln
SLreLchlng Lxerclses 3 13 12 13 2mln
Wednesday Legs and 1rlceps
Lxerclse SeLs 8eps 8esL noLe
SLreLchlng Lxerclses
10mln Cardlo
8arbell SquaLs 3 12 12 13 2mln
Leg ress 3 12 12 13 2mln
Leg LxLenslons 3 12 12 13 2mln
Lylng Leg Curls 3 12 12 13 2mln
Lylng uumbell 1rlcep LxLenslons 3 12 12 13 2mln
1rlcep ush uowns 3 12 12 13 2mln
AbducLor lnner (Lhe corner clrculL machlne) 3 13 12 13 2mln
AbducLor CuLer 3 14 12 13 2mln
SLreLchlng Lxerclses
1hursday 8ack and 8lceps
Lxerclse SeLs 8eps 8esL noLe
SLreLchlng Lxerclses
10mln Cardlo
narrow Clp LaL ull downs
Wlde Crlp LaL ull down hLLp//Lhedrclayshowco
Medlum Crlp ull uowns
8enL Cver 8ow
8arbell ueadllfL
8arbell Curls
SeaLed AlLernaLlve uumbell Curls
lrlday Cardlo Abs Calves
Lxerclse SeLs 8eps 8esL noLe
SLreLchlng Lxerclses
20 MlnuLes Cardlo 2omln
Panglng Leg 8alses
SLandlng Calf 8alse
lncllneSlLups (knees 8enL)
SeaLed Calf 8alses
SLreLchlng Lxerclses
lrlday nlghL Sunday Llver unlshmenL
llsh Lagle
Monday 1lme Meal no Meal
Wake up 330am 3 hedra CuL 4 1esLoMeLhox
Cym 67am
8reakfasL 7308am 1
AfLer8reakfasL 2 CLA Caps
MldMornlng Meal 2 Meal 8eplacemenL Shake
30 Mln 8efore Lunch 3 hedra CuL
Lunch 3
AfLerLunch 2 CLA Caps
30 Mln 8efore Mld AfLernoon Meal 3 hedra CuL
MldAfLernoon Meal 4 Meal 8eplacemenL Shake
ulnner 3
AfLer ulnner 2 CLA Caps
uesserL 6 roLeln uesserL
1uesday Meal
Wake up 3 hedra CuL 4 1esLoMeLhox
AfLer8reakfasL 2 CLA Caps
Wednesday Meal
Wake up 3 hedra CuL 4 1esLoMeLhox
AfLer8reakfasL 2 CLA Caps
1hursday Meal
Wake up 3 hedra CuL 4 1esLoMeLhox
AfLer8reakfasL 2 CLA Caps
lrlday Meal
Wake up 3 hedra CuL 4 1esLoMeLhox
AfLer8reakfasL 2 CLA Caps

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