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CATIA Certified Professional Exams

Sample Questions

Dassault Systmes - CATIA Certified Professional exams - Sample Questions

Dassault Systmes - CATIA Certified Professional exams - Sample Questions

Objective of the document

This document is meant to give you an idea of what our exams look like. Questions are multiple choices with single answer. They may include images. The types of questions you will find below is similar in all exams, but the proportion may vary depending on the level of the exam. Expert exams include more context-based and problem solving questions than the Specialist ones.

Dassault Systmes - CATIA Certified Professional exams - Sample Questions


Which one of these menu or short cut will exit CATIA? A. B. C. D. E. Start and Exit File and Quit Crtl + G Crtl + X File and Close


Of the following items which will rename an object? A. B. C. D. E. Double-click its name in the specification tree Edit the objects definition Use the Rename option in the contextual menu Edit the objects properties Overwrite its name in the specification tree


What is this tool used for? A. B. C. D. E. To calculate and display mean dimensions To fix or lock all the part dimensions To display all the numerical tolerances To define numerical tolerances on dimensions To remove all the numerical constraints

Dassault Systmes - CATIA Certified Professional exams - Sample Questions


Which tool is used to get information on the threads and taps that have been created on a part?

A. B. C. D. E.

Dassault Systmes - CATIA Certified Professional exams - Sample Questions


What would be the result of a draft angle with the following parameters?





Dassault Systmes - CATIA Certified Professional exams - Sample Questions


Using the part above, what would be the result of the following pocket operation?





Dassault Systmes - CATIA Certified Professional exams - Sample Questions


Using the sketch profile above, which tool is activated to propagate the offset as shown?

A. B. C. D. E.

Dassault Systmes - CATIA Certified Professional exams - Sample Questions


When constraining a profile element, what does the default color of purple signify? A. B. C. D. E. Being projected from 3D Needing to be updated Published for sharing Currently being selected Being over constrained


What are the conditions to be able to re-limit a loft ? A. The plane normal to the spine defined at the relimitation point must intersect the guide(s) and the point(s) resulting from this intersection must belong to the section The point(s) resulting from this intersection must belong to the section The plane parallel to the spine defined at the relimitation point must intersect the guide(s) and the point(s) resulting from this intersection must belong to the section The plane normal to the spine defined at the relimitation point must intersect the guide

B. C.



Which of the following tools will Split a curve or a surface?

A. D.

B. E.


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