Survey Questionnaire

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Instructions: Please circle your answer and leave your comment on the empty space given below the

answer if applicable. Name: _________________________________________________ Age____________ Male / Female

1. Have you ever played golf? a) Yes b) No

2. Have you ever seen a game of golf? a) Yes b) No

3. How much do you spend on entertainment purpose monthly on average? a) Below 500 b) 500-1500 c) 1500-3000 d) above 3000

4. How many times on average do you avail entertainment service outside home in a month? a) ______________________________ 5. Have you ever heard of miniature golf? a) Yes b) No

6. Have you ever played miniature golf? If yes, where? a) Yes, ________________________________ 7. Do you want a mini-golf facility in your locality? a) Yes b) No b)No

8. If the answer of question 7 is yes, then how much you are willing to pay for a game of mini-golf? a) 100-200 b) 200-500 c) 500 +

9. What time do you prefer for playing? a) Daytime b) Afternoon c) Evening d) Night

10. What time during the week do you prefer playing? a) Weekdays b) weekends

11. Which type of other indoor sports would you like to be served in the future? a) _______________________________________________________

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