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Mr Erik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.


Our ref: 723102 19th October 2011

Dear Mr Ribsskog Thank you for your email received on 7 October 2011. How BT provides a service to you, and on what terms, are commercial decisions. For example, if a company decides to introduce a charge for providing a monthly itemised paper bill, this is a commercial decision. We cannot look at this complaint for the following reasons; As you are signed into a contract with BT and you request early cancellation, this would incur a cancellation charge which you are liable to pay. This is stated in BTs terms and conditions. Your complaint also refers the cancellation of your Flickr account, as a result of BT ceasing your phone and broadband account. Flickr is a service that BT does not provide and therefore BT is not responsible for the cancellation of the Flickr account. The attached booklets explain what complaints we can deal with. Yours sincerely

Michael Pirks Enquiry Officer

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