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Sweep a Simple Ring

Create a basic ring with a ring rail, profiles and sweep function. Learn to use the Ring Rail and Profile Placer tools to draw a simple ring at the desired ring size. Practice adjusting the profiles (also known as cross-section curves) that make up this ring to create a tapered shank. Then, use Sweep 1 with History to complete the shank.

Ring Rail

Profile Placer

Sweep 1 History

Cap Planar

Begin with Ring Rail

Click on the Tools fly-out menu and select the Ring Rail tool. Select a Size 7 ring rail from the drop down menu and click on the green arrow button to place it in the viewports.

Add to Profile Placer Open the Profile Placer builder, also found in the Tools fly-out menu, and select the rail curve that was already placed in the viewports, clicking on it once so that it is highlighted in pink. Click on the In arrow beneath the Curve preview window in the Profile Placer builder and the curve will appear in the box. Now it is ready for a profile!

Profiles and VCH Youll notice a default DOME profile has already appeared in the view port on the Ring Rail. Included with the profile are a variety of controls that will scale, move and rotate the profiles. These are called Viewport Control Handles (VCH).

Profile Placer Menu A series of graphics and an Interactive Control slider bar (IC controls) are also available under the Profile Placer menu for editing capabilities. When you click on the builder menu graphic representing the dimension you wish to change (Width, shown above), the slider control will change to that dimension, allowing you to adjust it.

Editing & Adding Profiles To adjust the IC controls, click and drag the slider control by left-clicking on the white cube and, holding down the left mouse button. Move the mouse left or right to drag the slider to the position needed. Release the left mouse button to set the slider. As you do this, the corresponding VCH on the screen will turn red and identify the handle.

After editing and positioning the first profile, you may add more profiles by clicking on the Add button. You must then click on the Position on Curve graphic (or VCH) to re-position the additional profile higher on the Ring Rail.

Matrix Tutorials

Sweep a Simple Ring 1

Mirroring Profiles
With the additional profile added to the Ring Rail, click on the Add Mirror button in the Profile Placer menu and an identical profile will appear on the opposite side of the rail. You can again utilize either the IC controls or the VCH

to make adjustments to the height, width and location of the top profiles. Once you have them in place, you must hit the ENTER key to set the profiles. The VCH on the screen will disappear. Now you are ready to sweep the rail!

Sweeping the Ring

Click on the Sweep 1 with History icon in the Surface flyout menu and instructions will appear in the Command Line to Select Rail. Click on the Ring Rail in the viewports and directional arrows will appear on the rail.

Sweeping the Ring

The Command Line will instruct you to Select Profile. You must select each profile following the direction of the arrows (in this example, in a clockwise direction). When you have selected all three profiles, hit ENTER.

Shade your model

You now have a swept surface. Right click on the Shade button and you will see a solid model in all four view ports. Right click again to turn shade off.

History and F6 Key

History allows the user to make changes to many different elements of a model and receive immediate feedback on the results of those updates. To change the profile, click on the profile curve, press F6 and a list box will appear. Select the MSR option (Move, Scale and Rotate). new profile shape will appear in the viewport. You may again resize or position your new profile shape, or simply press ENTER to accept the changes and the ring will update to a new model.

Changing the model

When MSR is selected, the VCH reappear, allowing you the ability to resize, move or change the profile shape. Make the profile taller and wider using the VCH or the IC controls in the menu. When you are finished updating the profiles, press ENTER and the ring will automatically update (or re-sweep). To change the shape

of the profile, click again on the profile curve and press F6. Select MSR from the list box. When the VCH reappear, click on the yellow shaped icon near the handles. It will turn red when selected. This will open the Profile Browser - a library of profile shapes to choose from. Select a new shape by clicking on an image with your left mouse button. The

Matrix Tutorials

Sweep a Simple Ring 2

Selecting a model
In order to save your model, you must first select it. There are two methods to select objects on the screen. The first is called Region Selecting. To region select, click

The second method is called Crossing. To select a model with this method, simply click and drag the mouse from the upper right-hand corner of the model down toward the lower left-hand corner. When Region Selecting Solid line

and drag the mouse from the upper left-hand corner of a model down to the lower right-hand corner of the model to draw a selection box around it. When using this technique, you MUST SURROUND the ENTIRE MODEL with the selection box!! **This selection method is denoted by a solid line.

using this technique, ANYTHING YOU CROSS with the selection box will be highlighted during the selection!! In other words, the item need not be surrounded by the box: it needs to just be touched or crossed by the box in order to be selected. **This selection method is denoted by a dotted line.

Crossing Dotted line Note: The model will change to a bright pink color when selected.

Saving Models Save this model by using the Project Manager. To begin, select the model using one of the methods described. With the model selected, click on the white IN arrow beneath an open Job Bag.

Do NOT put an object into a job bag that is already full (has a preview in it), or else you will overwrite the contents of that job bag, and you will not be able to get them back. Only put an object into an empty job bag, unless you are POSITIVE you dont need the contents of the job bag you are going to overwrite!!

Deleting the Mesh Now click on just the green wire frame surface of the model, highlighting it, and press Delete on your keyboard. This will leave just the rail (peach colored) and profiles (yellow) that you placed there earlier.

the upper right, down and around to the upper left, of the ring. Select each one, then refer to the Command Line above the view ports. An option is listed there titled Closed = Yes. Click on that option and it will change to Closed = No.
Press ENTER.

Before Cap Planar:

After Cap Planar:

Select this item and Job Bag it as well.

Open Sweep Were now going to do what is known as an open sweep. Click on the Sweep 1 with History button found in the Surface fly-out menu. Now, click on the ring rail to select it. Then, working in the sequence shown above, click on each profile, working your way from

The result is an open shank. When the open sweep appears, select the surface and click on Cap Planar found in the Solids menu to create a solid ring.

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Sweep a Simple Ring 3

Profile Cap Another option to cap the ends of your open shank is Profile Cap. Instead of using Cap Planar, simply click one of the open profiles at the top of the shank and press F6. The list box will appear, offering a choice between MSR and Profile Cap. Choose Profile Cap.

An end cap will appear with a white, cone shaped control handle. Click and hold the handle with your left mouse button and pull away from the end of the shank. A round, blended cap will appear at the end of the shank! Pull it to the length you desire, but be sure to make a note of the length you assigned and follow the same steps for the other end of the shank. Press Enter to set it. Be sure to Job Bag your model.

If you decide to make any changes to the details of your shank, such as the shape, size or location of your top profiles, you can do so without affecting the end caps. Since History is present, your end caps will recalculate and blend according to the changes you make.

NOTE: Once you join your surfaces together, History is no longer active. If you need to make any adjustments to your shank, you must do so before you use Join.

With two end caps on your shank, you now have three open surfaces: the shank and both end caps. In order for these to become one, solid shank, you will need to select everything and click on the Join tool.

Matrix Tutorials

Sweep a Simple Ring 4

Copy, Move, Rotate and Mirror

Create a three-stone head design using the techniques listed below.

Practice using the Copy, Rotate, and Mirror commands to create a three-stone head design. Mid- and End- O-Snaps assist in this tutorial, as well. Icon Key:
Copy Mirror Move End O-Snaps Mid O-Snaps Rotate

the grid. That location has been mapped to a specific shortcut key which is F4. This is called The Center
of the Universe. From the Looking Down view, press F4. A second bezel will appear in the viewport. To place the second bezel straight out from the first, simply move the mouse the right. To keep it on the same plane, you must also hold down the shift key to engage Ortho. Click once on your left mouse button to set the second bezel in place.

Open Tutorial File Click on the Open icon in the File flyout menu. In the Matrix 6 > Demos folder found in My Documents, click on the Models folder and open up the Copy, Move, Rotate, Mirror tutorial to see it in the viewports. We will begin by copying this bezel so that we can start arranging our design.

Duplicate Bezel Go to the Duplicate command and click on it. The Command line says Select objects to copy: Highlight the bezel and the gem in the Through Finger viewport and press Enter. The prompt now reads: Point to copy from: Matrix needs a reference and at this point it is at the center of

Move Bezel and Gem Highlight the second bezel and the gem in the Through Finger viewport and press Enter. The prompt now reads: Point to copy from: We want to snap to the Mid O-Snap on the left side of the selected bezel. When the Mid-point appears, click your left mouse button once. You are now holding the gem and bezel from that point to be repositioned.

The prompt now reads: Point to move to: With the mouse, drag the bezel and gem toward the other bezel. You will need to snap to the End O-Snap of the center bezel. When the End point appears, click the left mouse button and the two bezels will be precisely connected at those points.

Rotate Bezel and Gem Go to Rotate. When the Command line prompts you to Select objects to rotate: highlight the bezel on the right. Press Enter. The prompt is now looking for the Center of rotation: We want to rotate this so that the two bezels are flush on the sides. Snap to the top left of the bezel on the right.

Matrix Tutorials

Copy, Move, Rotate and Mirror | 1

When the Command line prompts you for the Angle or first reference point: snap to the bottom left of the same bezel, which is the Mid O-Snap. Now the prompt reads Second reference point: Youll notice as you

move your mouse across the screen that it will spin the bezel until you click your mouse button again. Snap to the bottom left of the bezel on the left to finish the Rotate command.

Be sure to Job Bag this.

Mirror Now we want to copy this bezel over to the other side. Go to Mirror, select the rotated bezel and press Enter when the Command line prompts you to Select object to mirror:

When prompted for the Start of mirror plane: select F4 in the Through Finger viewport. Holding the Shift key down, move your mouse up over top of the bezel and click once to indicate the End of mirror plane: This is what it should look like.

Render of completed head assembly

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Copy, Move, Rotate and Mirror | 2

Loading Gems, M.S.R. and Bezel Builder

Learn how to choose gems of various styles and sizes and build a variety of custom bezels Learn how to load basic gems into the viewports, manipulate them using special controls for gems only (MSR or Gem Positioner), and build a bezel. Once a bezel is added to a gem, experience History by moving the gem and watching its bezel follow. Or, edit the bezel further using F6 > Edit Bezel. To add the same style of bezel to another gem, select the new gem, run Match Attributes, and select the gem with the bezel already applied to it. Choose style labeled Bezel to add it to the new gem. Icon Key: Gem Loader Bezel Builder Duplicate Mirror

library will appear, offering a large range of sizes for each Cut Type and Shape of gem. To load a one carat round gem, click on the Round Shape image in the library. Click then on Tab 2 of the round diamond page. Mouse over the wheel of gems and click on the 1.02ct round (6.5mm) gem.

M.S. R. (Move, Scale & Rotate)

While your gem remains selected in the viewport, press F6 for the list box and the MSR option. VCH will appear allowing you to move, scale and rotate your gem as needed. Once your gem is in position, press ENTER and handles will disappear. Then select the gem and from the Settings menu, click on Bezel Builder.

The gem will then appear at F4 in the viewports.

Gem Loader Under the Gem menu, click on the Gem Loader icon. The Gem Loader

Bezel Builder
A bezel will immediately appear on the gem, along with VCH and the IC control menu. Adjust the scale and style of the bezel using the control handles and remember you can change the profile shape for a completely different style. Press Enter when finished.
Matrix Tutorials

Editing a Bezel
You can easily edit newly made bezels or those saved in Job Bags. To do so, simply ensure the item is in the viewport. Click on the bezel only NOT the gem and press F6. A list box will appear with several choices. Click on Edit Bezel and your VCH and IC controls will reappear. You may again edit your model as you wish. Press ENTER when finished and save the new model in a Job Bag.

Editing a Gem in a Bezel

From any viewport, select the gem only and press F6. Choose MSR from the list box and VCH handles will appear. Because History is present for both the gem and the bezel, when you adjust the gems scale or position in any way then press ENTER - the bezel will update in scale and position as well!!

Gem Loader, MSR and Bezel Builder | 1

Multiple Gems
Begin by loading a 2 carat Princess Cut gem (6.5mm) from Gem Loader onto the grid. Click on the Duplicate tool, select the gem when prompted in the Command Line and press Enter. When prompted for Point to Copy from, press F4. A second gem will appear. Hold Shift and move the second gem directly below the first. Then select the bottom gem and mirror it to the top of the gems. Select all three gems and Job Bag them.

Match Attributes
Match Attributes is a highly effective tool which allows you to reuse design elements and match them to similar parts of your model. In this exercise, select the top gem in this layout and place it into the Bezel Builder under the Settings menu. Adjust handles to achieve the desired look for

your bezel. Press ENTER when finished. To apply this same design to the two remaining gems, select both and press F6. The list box will appear again - choose Match Attributes. The Command Line will then prompt you to Select objects to take style sheets from. Click on the top gem with a bezel. Another list box will appear providing a list of attributes to

match. In this example, only one choice (Bezel) is shown. Click on Bezel and then click on Create Styles. The bezel you designed will generate on the two remaining gems making a nice pendant design. Job Bag this piece.

Changing Gems
Next, we will change the cut type of the existing gems - while still maintaining the same gem size. You will first need to delete the current bezels. Then, select the gem you want to replace. For this exercise, select the top princess cut - which is 6.5mm wide. From the Gems menu, click

on Gem Loader and choose the round diamond cut. To replace your princess cut gem with a round cut of the same size, click on the Keep Original Size option. Then simply click on any of the gems displayed in the menu wheel and it will replace the princess cut with a 6.5mm round. Do the same with the bottom gem, but replace it with a trillion. Again, the trillion will automatically generate at 6.5mm wide. Job Bag this gem layout.

Now, select the round gem and place it into the Bezel Builder. The builder will apply the same settings for your previous bezel. You may adjust if needed; however for this model, we will maintain the same settings. Press ENTER to set the bezel. Again, select the two bottom gems and hit F6. Select Match Attributes and click on the round Diamond when prompted. Select Match Attributes and click on the round diamond when prompted to Select objects to take

style sheets from. Again, choose Bezel, then Create Styles and matching bezels will generate for the princess and trillion gems. As you can see, the gems may appear too close together:

Select the round gem and hit F6 choose MSR. You can adjust the space between the gems and because History is active, when you hit ENTER to set your changes, the bezel will regenerate to the gems new location. Do the same for the trillion and Job Bag your final piece.

Matrix Tutorials

Gem Loader, MSR and Bezel Builder | 2

Put a Bezel into a Shank

Create a basic single stone ring by adding a gem and bezel to an open shank you have already built and saved.

History will play a key role in the creation of this model as you refer back to an open shank you had previously saved in a Job Bag. Now you will add a gem and a custom bezel to very quickly and easily produce a basic solitaire ring. Icon Key:
Gem Loader Bezel Builder

Retrieve Saved Shank Begin by referring back to the Open Shank that you saved in a previous Job Bag. Click on the Job Bag image to export it to the view ports.

Add Gem Under the Gem menu, go to Gem Loader and load a .5 carat Round gem. While it remains selected, hold Shift and with your mouse, click and drag the gem upward to position it above the ring rail. Let go of the mouse to drop it in place. Job Bag this step.

Create Bezel Select the gem and place it into the Bezel Builder under the Settings menu. The VCH and IC controls will appear. Adjust the measurements and profile shape of your bezel to your preferences.

HINT: It is often much easier to use your VCH handles and adjust through the Perspective window. We recommend you double click on the perspective viewports title bar to open the view port fully. This provides a closer, clearer view of the adjustments you are making. After adjusting the settings on your bezel, refer to the Command Line area. A setting option exists titled BooleanFingerRail=No. You will want to click on this option to change it to BooleanFingerRail = Yes. This Adjusting the Shank Working in the non-shaded mode, (wire mesh) select one of the top profiles and press F6. Choose MSR from the list box. Using the VCH, position the top profiles up the shank and into the bezel. You may need to temporarily turn OFF your O-Snaps to prevent your profiles from snapping to ON undesired Mid OFF and End points.

will automatically cut the bezel to the Finger Rail. Ensure your bezel height drops below the finger rail, then hit ENTER to set the bezel.

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Put a Bezel into a Shank | 1

the model and select the profile curve and press F6. This time, click on the profile icon to open the profile library. Select a new profile for your shank by clicking on the image. You can change the height and width of it as well, then
Press ENTER. Shade your model again.

Next, adjust your profile height and width to fit within the bezel. Press ENTER when finished and the capped shank will update. It will not however remain capped. Shade the model to check your work. You may notice that the shank is protruding from the bezel.

To correct this, un-shade your model, select the profile, hit F6 for MSR and make the adjustment. Hit ENTER and keep your changes. Dont forget to Job Bag this design! This same approach can be taken if you decide to change the profile shape of your shank to change the design. Again, un-shade

You could also select the profile at the base of the shank and adjust it. When you click on the profile curve, you may see this list box appear. Simply click on the item you want to select. Then press F6 and choose MSR. Make the profile wider to see its impact on the design. Job Bag this model.

Matrix Tutorials

Put a Bezel into a Shank | 2

3-Stone Bezel Set Ring

Take full advantage of the power of History and MSR to create a 3-stone ring using an existing model. Begin with an existing ring and create a completely new piece by combining History with tools such as Gem Loader, MSR, Bezel Builder and Mirror. Icon Key:

Gem Loader

Profile Placer / MSR

Bezel Builder


Adjusting your Gem Bring out a saved Open Shank ring with gem and bezel. To set the stone higher, select it and hit F6 for MSR. Use the VCH to lift it slightly. Hit ENTER. Since History is present,

the bezel will follow. If, in addition, you choose to change the bezel, select it and hit F6. From the list box, select Edit Bezel. Make your changes with the VCH and press ENTER. Then remember to Job Bag it.

Adding a Gem From the Gem menu, use Gem Loader to bring out a 4.0mm trillion. It will load at F4 in the viewport. Click on the gem and hold down the left mouse button while you drag it up to the top of the ring beside the center stone.

While the gem is selected, hit F6 and choose MSR to rotate the gem and adjust its placement and direction. Use all four viewports to orient the gem accurately.

Match Attributes Rotate the trillion at a downward angle from the center stone. Hit ENTER when finished. Re-select the trillion, press
F6 and choose Match Attributes. When prompted, select the center stone. A list box will appear. Choose Bezel, then Create Styles to create a matching bezel for the trillion.

Adjusting gems You may need to edit your gems position somewhat so that bezels line up appropriately. To do so, click on the trillion and press F6 for MSR. Make the adjustment and hit ENTER. Again, the bezel will follow.

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3 Stone Bezel Set Ring | 1

Editing the Bezel Again, if you need to edit your bezel, simply select it, press F6 and choose Edit Bezel. VCH reappear for you to make changes.

Using Mirror Next, select the trillion gem and bezel and click on the Mirror tool. From the Through Finger View, Hit F4 when prompted for Start of Mirror Plane. Hold down the Shift key and bring the cursor above the gems to set the second bezel.

Adjusting the Shank Now, using History, select a top profile and use F6 and MSR to change the profiles and adjust their width and height to better suit the new head assembly. Do the same for the base Profile. Dont forget to Job Bag!

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3 Stone Bezel Set Ring | 2

Creating Curves
Learn how to use simple tools from the Curves menu to create curves on different layer colors. Use End O-Snaps and Grid Snaps to create closed curves and unique, interactive shapes. Icon Key:
Polyline Circle Square Arc

Arc Direction


Interp Curve

Whats This? Open the Demo Go to the File menu; click on Open and find My Documents. Click on Matrix 6. Double click on the Demos folder. Double click on the Curves sub-folder and then double click on the Creating Curves file. This will bring up the Curves Demo in the Looking Down view on your screen. The screen shot to the left shows the curves youll see onscreen. Press F7 on the keyboard if you wish to hide the grid lines. Be aware of specific notes listed at the top of the page that instruct you to turn Grid Snaps ON and set them to 0.5mm.

The left side windows show the EXAMPLES of the curves you need to create, their dimensions on the grid and their color(s). The center windows indicate which tools to use. See the key at the base of the demo to match the numbers with the required tools.

The window to the far right provides WORK SPACE to recreate the curve EXAMPLES. Remember that, to draw in a certain layer color, you need to first click on the name of the color before clicking on the tool name in the Curve fly-out menu. Before drawing each curve, select its layer color from the Layers Menu so that it is highlighted in light blue. This makes it the active color.

Creating a Circle Click on the Circle tool and when prompted for the Center of Circle, click on the point provided in the work space. The Command Line will then ask for the Radius of the circle. For an exact size circle, enter the Radius, which in this example is 1.5, and hit ENTER. This will create a 3.0 diameter
circle match the one in the EXAMPLE.

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Creating Curves | 1

The Rectangle Create a rectangle by clicking on the Rectangle tool. Your first click will be the upper- left corner of the rectangle, and your second click will define the bottom-right corner. Use the grid as your guide.

Polyline (straight curve) To create straight lines (these are still called curves!), click on the Curve menu and select the Polyline tool. Click once on the point where you want your line to begin. Click again on the point where you want your line to end. Press Enter on your keyboard to complete your curve and let go of the Polyline tool.

The Grid Snaps and End O-Snaps work together to ensure your curves are drawn straight; water tight, and to specifications. Remember to change layer colors as you create each curve.

of the curve, click a final time to set the Arc. Continue working your way through the examples. When finished, click on Open File again to restart the demo. (Be careful NOT to save your work, or you will save your finished work over the empty file! And we want to give you LOTS of practice creating curves!!) The Arc To create the Arc, select this tool and left mouse-click where you want to place the center of the arc. Click again at the location where you want the curve to start. Now, swing the arc around to the location where the curve will end. Click once more to complete the arc. Arc Direction To use the Arc Direction tool, select it and click where the arc will BEGIN, then where it will END. As you pull the cursor away from the END point, an arc direction handle will appear and cause the curve to bend. The more you pull, the larger the arc. When you reach a 1mm distance from the center Tips for Drawing Curves & Using Layers: 1 - It is a good idea to determine first if you will need the Grid Snap on and what distance you will want it set to (e.g., 0.5 mm). This tool helps you control where you are drawing your lines and curves by causing them to snap to a distance (indicated in millimeters) on the grid.

2 - It will be important in your future

designs to know how to make Closed Curves - or, curves where the starting curve and the ending point are identical. To do this, make sure your End OSnap is on. As you are drawing and you near the end of a curve with your mouse, the End indicator will appear and you can click your left mouse button once to snap your new curve to the end indicated.

3- It will also be very important to

your future designs to know how to change objects layer color. To do so, you can one of two things: A) Click on a new layer name, like User 01 (RED), to highlight it in bright blue before choosing the tool you will use to create your item B) Select the item after it has been created (by clicking on it with the left mouse button so it is highlighted), and then click on the arrow beside the color box to indicate the color change.

4 - While clicking directly on the

arrow is the way to place a highlighted object on a given layer color, the swatch of color next to the arrow has another purpose entirely. Right mouseclick on the swatch of color to highlight all of the curves on that layer. This is a quick way to highlight everything you need at once, without painstaking individual clicks onscreen. It also shows the usefulness of layers: when modeling, choose your layers carefully so you can better control your model with methods like this!
Creating Curves | 2

Matrix Tutorials

Working with Bitmaps

Import images into Matrix and trace the objects for a variety of design uses. Learn to place a background bitmap in the viewports and trace it with Curve tools, creating a closed curve. Use the Edit Points or Control Points commands to fine-tune the shape once you are done. Icon Key:
Place Background Hide Background Interp Curve Show Background Edit Points Remove Background Control Points

Find the File It is very easy to bring a bitmap image into Matrix. First, start with a fresh viewport by clicking on File and New. Go to the View fly-out menu. Click on the Place Background Bitmap icon. The bitmap file is located in My Documents > Matrix6 > Demos > Curves folder. Select the files called The M and double click to open.

Bring the Image Out You will now be prompted to create a rectangle in the Looking Down viewport that will tell Matrix where you want the Background Bitmap to be placed. The Command line at the top of your screen should now say First Corner. In the Looking Down viewport, click your left mouse button wherever youd like to position the first corner of your bitmap.

Then it will say Second corner or length: in the Command Line. Pull the cursor in a diagonal direction (opposite corner) until you arrive at the desired size. Click the mouse one more time to position your bitmap. The M will appear in the viewport.

More points

Tracing the Image Now, using the Interp Curve tool, trace the M. It is a good idea to turn your Grid Snaps OFF at this point so that you can follow the curve of the M faithfully. Each time you click, you create an edit point. Space these points closer together to create tight curves and leave more space between each for gradual curves. Trace completely until you reach the start point.
Matrix Tutorials

Edit Points When your tracing is completed, remember that you can edit an Interp Curve using Edit Points or Control Points. Edit Points allows you to move each edit point independently. You can highlight several points if you wish to move them as a group.

Control Points Control Points allows you to control the steepness of the curve. When youre done adjusting your curve with these commands, you have to tell Matrix to stop the command. This is done by hitting the Escape key twice.

The M Bitmap | 1

Hide Click on Hide Background Bitmap in the View fly-out menu to check your work. This temporarily removes the bitmap revealing only your curve.

and Show If you Hide your Bitmap, it is similar to turning out the lights. You must remember to click on Show Background to turn the lights (or image) back ON. If you try to Place another Background Bitmap in your viewports and Hide Background is still active, it will never appear on the screen!

Remove Background Be sure to Job Bag your work! Only AFTER you have done so should you click on Remove Background. This will permanently remove the bitmap from the screen. Even Undo will not bring it back, so be certain you are finished with it before removing it.

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The M Bitmap | 2

How to Use O-Snaps

Open the O-Snaps demo file found in My Documents>Matrix6> Demos>Curves folder and use the indicated O-Snap tools to practice each function by recreating the shape.
Icon Key:

Practice using all of the O-Snaps that are shown here. If at any time while working, the cursor isnt snapping to the desired location, simply click on the OSnap tool twice and try again. Sometimes it just needs a little coaxing. (Note: You do not need to quit the current command to turn on or off the O-Snaps.)

Matrix Tutorials

How to Use O-Snaps | 1

Using Trim
Learn how to use the Trim and Join tools in this easy step-by-step demo.

Find the Trim Demo file under the path listed: Desktop > My Documents>Matrix6>Demos. From there, follow the steps provided. Icon Key: File Trim Join

Open the Demo

Double click on the Trim file to open the demo. Then follow the simple steps listed in this demo. When finished, click the File Open button to re-open the Trim file and try it again!

Useful Information The demo is again split between an Example area and a Work Space. As you work, it is helpful to remember that Trim only works on curves and surfaces. Also, when using Trim, first select everything you want to trim, and then click on the Trim button. Steps must be accomplished in that order for Trim to work. If you click on the wrong curve and accidentally delete it, simply click on Undo and the curve will return. When you have the shapes just the way you want them, you will notice that when you click on a shape, only one part of it will be selected in bright pink. Different curves may also be in different colors, even if they are not selected. To join these curves, simply click on all of the curves youd like to join so they are highlighted and select the Join command. The separate curves will now be joined into one curve so that they appear on one layer color, and, if you click on one part of the shape, the whole shape will be connected. You can also change the color of your curves by selecting them, then click on the arrow next to the layer color to change it.

Matrix Tutorials

Using Trim | 1

Using Split
Learn how to use the Split and Join tools in this easy step-by-step demo.

Find the Split Demo file under the path listed: Desktop > My Documents>Matrix6>Demos. From there, follow the steps provided. Icon Key: File Split Join

Open the Demo

Double click on the Trim file to open the demo. Then follow the simple steps listed in this demo. When finished, click the File Open button to reopen the Split file and try it again!

Follow the Steps Follow the five steps listed at the top of the demo. For each example given, a cutting curve must first be created in order to split the object in the Work Space. Use the Orange Cutting layer for this. When using Split, first make sure that nothing is selected (click on the black grid space to un-select anything you may have had selected), and then click on the Split button. Follow the directions in the Command line that will prompt you to complete the split. Remember; when you are finished with the Split instructions, you must select all curves and hit Join. This will ensure Closed Curves which create water tight models!

This is where it is important to make sure that youve been using your End O-Snaps so that your curves will be Closed Curves. Join will not work if your curves are not touching exactly using End O-Snaps.

Matrix Tutorials

Using Split| 1

Head Builder
Create a custom head for a round stone using Head Builder.

Create beautiful custom heads by first determining what gem you will be working with. Load your gem from Gem Loader; then, under the Settings menu, place your gem into Head Builder. You will utilize several Design Levels (1-4) to create your model. Icon Key:
Gem Loader Head Builder

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Which Mode? You also have a choice as to how many prongs you want for the cut type of gem you have chosen. For this gem, Matrix delivered a default head with a four corner prongs style. As you begin, we suggest that you practice first with this style. You may also choose how many rails you want. Again, we suggest you begin with two.

Levels in Head Builder Loading a Gem Begin by selecting a .5carat round diamond from the Gem Loader. You will then place the gem into the Head Builder, found under the Settings menu. A default, 4-Prong Head will appear in the view ports with VCH ready for use. Before you make changes, be aware that there are four levels of control within Head Builder. Level 1 allows for basic adjustments to overall size and placement of the head in relation to the gem. Each Level then allows for increasingly broader control - with Level 4 allowing ultimate control over every aspect of the head (individual shapes and sizes of prongs and rails, as well as the positioning of each).

Level 1

Level 1 Level 1 allows you to make changes to a variety of elements within the head such as: Prong Height above the gem, Prong and Rail thickness, overall height of the Head, Head Angle and Prong Angles (angled in or out).
Matrix Tutorials

Even the most basic control can create some very elegant head designs.

Whats This? Included within all levels of the Head Builder is the option for Half Bezel. By clicking on this symbol, you are given handles to create half bezel shapes on each prong however wide you choose.

Head Builder | 1

Level 2 This Level offers additional control for Prongs and Rails. You may select the yellow P or R to obtain VCH and IC controls for editing. Level 2 provides control for the shapes, sizes and positions of all four prongs and both rails. Prongs If you select the P for Prongs, VCH and a profile icon will appear. Choose the profile shape you want and adjust the width, height and angle if you wish. Changes will affect all prongs.

Rails Click on the R provided to alter the Rail shape, size and placement. VCH and IC appear for editing purposes. Again, changes made will affect both of the rails. However, the placement of the top rail (Rail Drop) is independent of the lower rail, which cannot be moved in Level 2. The Lower Rail size was changed on this level by clicking on the lower R in the viewport and using the VCH to edit the rails height.

Level 3 Level 3 provides advanced control for the shapes, sizes and positions of all four prongs as well as details for the tip and base. That is, the top and bottom profile shapes and measurements for Prongs can differ. This allows for an interesting transition and/or taper from top to bottom. This individualized control also exists for each rail including shape, position, and size.

IMPORTANT DETAILS TO NOTE Level 4 As you can see from the graphic on the left, Level 4 is options on steroids! You have full control of every element that can be edited in this model. In most cases, you wont even utilize this level, but it has been made available to you as design requirements dictate. Once you are finished designing your head, hit ENTER. Anytime you need to make more adjustments to it, simply select it, press F6 and youre editing! All Levels of Head Builder are available to you at any given time. When a change is made in one level, you can move freely to another level to make other adjustments as some editing capabilities are limited to certain levels. History is NOT present in Head Builder! If you change your gem in any way, you must click on the gem, press F6 for Match Attributes, select the SAME gem, and then select Head and Create Styles to re-load the same design to the updated gem.

Matrix Tutorials

Head Builder | 2

Learning Sweep 2 with History

Build a uniquely shaped ring with the power of Sweep 2 using inside AND outside ring rails!

Within the Ring Rail Tool, assign a Ring Size and place a Standard Rail on the grid. With the Outer Rail Tool choose the Dip 03 shape. Using Profile Placer Builder, select a profile shape and auto set the height to match the outer (or second) rail. Choose a width, and then add another profile at the very top of the shank. Complete the ring using Sweep 2 with History. Select the inner and outer rails, and then select the two profiles. Icon Key:
Ring Rail Outside Ring Rail Profile Placer Sweep 2 with History

Ring Rail Go to the Ring Rail tool found in the Tools fly-out menu and place a ring rail, Size 7, in the viewports. From there, click on the Outside Ring Rail tool and when the menu appears, click on the Rail Profile preview window to open the rail library.

A wide assortment of Rail shapes are

provided there. Just as with the profile

library, simply click on the image you want to use. For this demo, choose the dip-03 Rail profile. You will need to press Start to place the Rail into the viewports.

The Outside Rail When the Outside Ring Rail appears, VCH and IC controls are also available for editing the top, side and bottom thicknesses. We recommend you work to maintain a 2 mm Side and Bottom distance from the Inside Ring Rail. Hit ENTER to set the rails dimensions.

Setting Profiles From there, open the Profile Placer tool. Select only the Inside Rail and place it into the Curve box. Both rails will appear in that box, but only the Inside Rail has been entered. A Profile will appear at the base of the rail with VCH. At this point you need to lock in the height of the profile.

Setting Profile Height By locking in the height, your profiles will maintain an exact height distance between the inside and outside rails, regardless of their position on the rail. To do so, click on the Second Rail button in the Profile Placer menu. A prompt in the Command line will tell you to Select Second Rail Curve.

Simply click on the Outside Rail and this will lock the profile height to that curve. Now this profile and every profile you add will be locked in. Click on Add and move the additional profile up the rail, click Add Mirror, and a second profile will appear. With the VCH, change the profile shapes, width and position as you desire. Remember: you cant adjust height! Hit ENTER when you are satisfied with your settings.
Learning Sweep 2 with History | 1

Matrix Tutorials

Sweep 2 with History You are ready to sweep! Because you have two rails, Sweep 2 with History will be used. Click on the icon and follow the Command line prompt, Select Rail Curves (2). Select the inside, then outside rail and directional arrows will appear. Next, select your profiles following the direction of the arrows. When finished, press Enter and the ring will sweep! Job Bag it!

Changes with History With the power of History, you can again click on your profiles, press F6 for MSR and change your profile shapes and widths on the top and bottom for a completely different ring.

Again, you cannot change the height of the profiles, but you do have the option to select the outside rail and with F6, edit the top, side or bottom height with the control handles. As always, press Enter to see the changes update your model with History.

You also have the choice to change the outside rail shape to obtain another design. Your creative options are wide open!

Matrix Tutorials

Learning Sweep 2 with History | 2

Bezel Cutter
Begin with a bezel for your gem, and then apply the Gem Cutter to create a wide array of distinctively different designs. Within Gem Loader, start with a round diamond, then build a custom Bezel for it in Bezel Builder. Once completed, access the Bezel Cutter tool to create a unique bezel with decorative cut outs applied.

Icon Key:
Gem Loader Bezel Builder Bezel Cutter

Begin with a Gem Go to the Gem Loader under the Gems menu to bring out a round diamond cut, whatever size you prefer. Then import your gem into Bezel Builder in the Settings menu. Use the VCH to create a bezel. Save your Bezel Job Bag the finished piece.

Bezel Cutter Under the Settings menu, click on the Bezel Cutter Builder. You will need to select your bezel and import it into the builder.

Each time you make a change, pause and allow the auto Boolean feature to update the bezel. The cutters can be adjusted in many different ways to achieve a wide range of designs. You can change the number of cutters to 2,4,6 or 8 by clicking on the Prong Count option in the Command line. Making adjustments A default bezel cutter will immediately appear. You will see that the shape of just one cutter is available with VCH to make adjustments. The cutters impact on the bezel is already visible. This is because the auto Boolean feature is active. This feature allows you to have immediate feedback on how your bezel will appear each time you make a change to the cutter. Once you begin working the controls, all the cutters will appear. We recommend you use the sliders in the Bezel Cutter menu to familiarize yourself with how each VCH works.

Be sure to Job Bag each phase!

Matrix Tutorials

Bezel Cutter | 1

Boolean Demo
Learn the important process of Boolean which can remove, cut into, or join pieces and parts of your model.

Open the Boolean Demo file found in the Demos / Models folder located under My Documents in Matrix6. Then, practice using all the features within Boolean Builder to create this ring with a bridge (Boolean Union), space for a bezel (Boolean Difference), and two-tone insets (Boolean Intersection). Icon Key:
File Open Boolean Builder Cap Planar Boolean Union

Boolean Difference

Boolean Intersection

Auto Move

Open the Demo Begin by opening the Boolean Demo file found under the My Documents> Matrix6>Demos>Models path.

Boolean Union - Shank Open Boolean Builder, found in the Builder fly out menu. The first order of business is to Boolean Union the shank to the bridge. Select this option from the builder menu. Then, select the shank from the center model (located beneath the Boolean Union label in the viewports) and input it into the first Object preview window by clicking on the IN arrow beneath the window.

Boolean Union - Bridge Similarly, input the bridge from this same model into the second Object preview window. As indicated by the red i (for incomplete), this object will not pass! That is because, in order to be accepted for a Boolean operation, an object must be completely closed or, solid. To continue, click OK at the Selected Objects did NOT pass! warning that appears.

Correcting the error This object did not pass because it is open, or, just a surface not a closed solid. If you hide the ring shank and bezel, you can shade the model and zoom in close and see that it is hollow, like a tube. To make this object solid, select it and click on the Cap Planar command found in the Solid menu. Now, two end caps will be added to either end of the surface, making it closed.

Before Cap Planar

After Cap Planar

If you were curious and inspected your model like I did, above, then Show everything that you Hid (or turn back on their layer colors) before continuing. Select the newly closed object and reinsert it into the second Object window. This time, it will pass.

Auto Move Before running the Boolean Union operation, select the AutoMove function found at the bottom of the builder menu. Make sure it is selected for the correct object, or, the number corresponding to the Object window in which the bridge was placed!

Matrix Tutorials

Boolean Demo | 1

About AutoMove:
This feature allows the user to assign how far and in what direction the bridge is nudged during the Boolean operation to make the Boolean successful. Booleans will not succeed if objects are co-planar, or, if they share the same location in space, as the bridge and the shank do at this moment. So, turning on AutoMove will automatically move the bridge a microscopic amount in the direction assigned by the user so it is no longer coplanar with the shank.

Finally, click on the green Do Boolean GO arrow to see the results. The bridge and the ring shank will become a single piece.

To assign a direction and distance for the AutoMove operation, type 0 into both the X and Y text boxes. This will move the bridge in ONLY the Z direction, ensuring the ring is not badly skewed by the AutoMove feature. Next, type 0.01 into the text beside Z to nudge the bridge just 0.01 mm in the Z direction during the command. In a similar way, select the bezel and input it into the Cutter preview window. In the builder screen, make sure that the Keep Cutter option is turned on. Then, click on the green Do Boolean Go arrow to see the results.

Boolean Difference Next, its time to Boolean Difference the bezel from the ring to create a cutaway in the shank that will accommodate the bezel. Thanks to this operation, the bezel can be snapped into the shank and can therefore be cast in a different metal from the ring shank. To begin, select Boolean Difference from the builder screen and input the unioned ring into the Object preview window.

After Boolean Difference (with head and gem turned off) note space for bezel to snap into shank.

Boolean Intersection The next step is to run a Boolean Intersection on the final model onscreen. Select this command from the builder menu and input the shank into the Object window. Select the two orange cutters and input them into the second Object window. This time, turn OFF Keep Cutter. Click on Do Boolean to see the results.

Undo Boolean

Two inset pieces will be made. Place them on a different layer color and input them into a Job Bag for future use.

Now, click the Undo Boolean button found in the builder. This will put the model back into the original state it was in prior to the last Boolean operation.

Matrix Tutorials

Boolean Demo | 2

Select Boolean Difference this time and input the same shank into the Objects preview window and the same cutters into the Cutters preview window. There is no need to keep these cutters when performing this Boolean Difference. Refer back to Job Bag Finally, bring the two inset pieces back out of the Job Bag in which you placed them during Step 8. They will be located perfectly in the cutaway portions of the shank to create two inset pieces in another metal for rendering and/or production.

You are ready for production!

A note about Boolean and History:

It is important to note that when Boolean is performed (Union, Difference or Intersection) on Matrix models, History will be broken. That is, History is no longer present. If you decide to alter the model in any way, you can no longer change a profile, the position of a gem, etc and have Matrix auto-update your model. Therefore, it is critical that you save all models prior to Boolean operations.

Matrix Tutorials

Boolean Demo | 3

Two Tone Notch Ring

Create a Bezel and Open Shank, and then use Sphere and Boolean Builder to create a notched, two-tone ring.

Use the Sphere and Boolean Builder tools to create a notch-and-key relationship between a shank and a bezel and complete this two-tone ring. Icon Key:
Ring Rail Sweep 1 with History Outside Ring Rail Cap Planar Bezel Builder Boolean Builder Profile Placer Mirror Sphere

Select the diamond in the Through Finger viewport and, holding down Shift, slide it straight up in space till its a few millimeters above the ring.

Ring Rail and Gem Place a Ring Rail, Size 7, in the viewports and go to the Gem Loader builder to place a 5.2 mm round diamond at F4. Select the cut type (Diamond), shape (Round) and size (5.2 mm) from the menu; then click on Add Gem to see the gem appear at F4.

Bezel Builder Click on Bezel Builder, found in the Settings fly out menu, to open it. Select the gem and input it into the Gem/Line preview window in the builder. Click on the Profile icon from the VCH and select the #27 profile from the Matrix Library Browser that appears at the bottom of your screen. Again, change your profiles shape if you wish and adjust their location, height and width to fit them fully inside the bezel. It is helpful at this point to turn off your O-Snaps to help you move the profiles into the bezel freely as you position them. Be sure to set profiles fully inside the bezel.

Adjust Settings Using your VCH controls, adjust your bezel settings to your preferences. You will want to confirm that the auto Boolean feature is active and the height of the Bezel should extend below the ring rail.

Add Profiles Input your ring rail into the Profile Placer to begin building the shank. Click on the profile icon to change the profile shape if you like and set the measurements. Your bottom profile should not exceed 2mm. Click on Add profile then Add Mirror to insert two more profiles at the top of the rail.
Two Tone Notch Ring | 1

Matrix Tutorials

Check your Model Turn your layer colors back on and shade your model to check its validity. Are the profiles protruding from the Bezel? If so, simply select the profile, press F6 for MSR and make the necessary adjustments. Hit Enter to update the shank.

Layer colors Before you sweep the ring rail, it is a good idea to turn off both your Bezel (head) and Gem (Gem 03) layer colors. This makes the curve selection process easier during the sweep function. Sweep 1 with History Select the Sweep 1 with History function from the Surface menu and click on the ring rail to sweep it. To select the cross-section curves, select the profiles following the directional arrows. Begin at the top of the rail. Remember to choose Closed=No in the Command line for an open shank.

Cap Planar Once your shank settings are correct, select the Cap Planar tool from the Solids menu. When prompted, click on the shank surface and press Enter. Job Bag it!

Boolean Difference To run the first Boolean operation on this ring, open up Boolean Builder from the Tools flyout menu and select Boolean Difference from the builder menu. Click on the shank to highlight it and insert it into the Objects preview window. In a similar way, select the bezel and insert it into the Cutter preview window. Select the Keep Cutter option and click on the green arrow beside Do Boolean GO to run the command.

Before Boolean

After Boolean

Do NOT delete profile curves!!

If any scraps remain after Boolean , simply select and delete them.

Create Spheres Now that the shank matches the contour of the bezel, the next step is to create the notch and key to snap the bezel into the shank upon creation. Select a new active layer color (Metal 02) turn off the Head layer and click on the Sphere tool found in the Solid fly out menu. Working in the Through Finger viewport, at the top center of
Matrix Tutorials

the shank, draw a 1mm diameter sphere. In the un-shaded view, click on the sphere and place it in the center

of the left side of the shank. Use the isocurves of the mesh to guide your placement.

Two Tone Notch Ring | 2

Mirror You may at this point want to shade your model and check the positioning of the sphere. Once it looks good to you, select the sphere in the Through Finger viewport and click on Mirror holding down the Shift key to place a copy of the sphere that is a mirror image of the original. Turn all layer colors back on and Job Bag your model at this phase.

Shaded model.

Boolean Difference And now back to Boolean Builder select the Boolean Difference option once more. This time, the bezel is the Object and the two spheres are the Cutters. You may want to turn off the Metal 01 layer to make the selection process easier. Be sure that the Keep Cutter option is turned on and click Do Boolean.

Mirroring the sphere.

You used Keep Cutter so you would retain your spheres. Use Boolean Union to union the spheres to the shank. You now have matching notches in the bezel together with matching keys in the shank. Your model is now complete. Turn all layer colors back on and once again, Job Bag it!

Matrix Tutorials

Two Tone Notch Ring | 3

Star Ring
Create this Star Ring with cutters you build and array around the surface of the shank. Make a simple ring with Sweep 1. Then, use the Polygon curve tool to create a star centered at F4. Use Extrude Planar Curves to turn the star into a 3-D Cutter. Rotate and move the star cutter in the Side View viewport so that it intersects part of one side of the ring. Then, in Through Finger, Polar Array the star to create a number of them around the outside edge of the ring. Mirror them to the other side and rotate them on one side of the ring to create an alternating pattern. In Boolean Builder, the ring is the Object and the stars are the Cutters. Click on Boolean Difference. Icon Key:
Ring Rail Rotate Profile Placer Polar Array Polygon Boolean Extrude

Rail and Profile Go to the Ring Rail tool found in the Tools fly-out menu and place a ring rail, size 7, in the viewports. Next, select the Profile Placer tool and input the rail into the preview window found in the builder menu. When the default profile appears on the screen, click on the profile iconnd select the #30 Profile (triangle).

Sweep 1 with History

Use Sweep 1 with History to create the ring.

Using the Shift key move your mouse straight up from F4. Click once with your left mouse button and a new shape will appear. Move the cursor inward, towards the center of the shape, and a 5-point star will appear.

Extrude Curve Straight Create Star Change to the orange Cutting layer color in the layers menu. Click on the second level of the Curves menu and choose the Polygon tool. You must then click on the Star option in the Command line. Zoom into the center of the ring for a better working view. When prompted, press F4 for the center of the star. Select the Star curve and under the Solid menu, click on the Extrude Curve Straight tool. This function will create a solid object from your curve as you assign its depth. Before doing so, go to the Command line arguments area to ensure Both Sides=Yes is active. This will cause the extrusion tool to extend out on either side of the curve simultaneously. The star cutter need not be much wider than the band. Extrude from the Looking Down view and click your mouse to set its depth.

When you are happy with the shape, click again to set it. Be sure to size your star no larger than 3 or 3.5 mm high. You have just been promoted to the level of a Hollywood Executive: youre a star maker!

Matrix Tutorials

Star Ring | 1

Position Star Cutter Go to the Side View viewport and select your orange star cutter. Move it up and to the left of the ring. Now, go to Rotate and rotate the piece to be at the same angle as the top surface of the ring.

Then click and drag it into the ring to the desired depth for the cut, as shown below:

Polar Array Its VERY IMPORTANT that you switch now to the Through Finger view (double-click the viewport name to maximize it) and leave your cursor in this view until the action is completed. With the star cutter still selected, click on the Polar Array tool under the Transform menu. When prompted, press F4 for the center of the Polar Array. The next prompt will ask for the number of items. Type in the value 10 and press Enter.

When prompted for the Angle to Fill, 360 is the default value (to array in a full circle). Hit Enter to accept this value. Your star cutter is now arrayed around the band on one side!

Mirror Cutters From the Looking Down view, select all cutters and click on the Mirror tool. Mirror the cutters to the other side of the ring. Hold down Shift to engage Ortho and ensure correct placement. Your original set of cutters remains highlighted.

Rotate Cutters At this point, if you wish, you can alternate the star pattern from the other side. Go to Rotate and move your cursor into the Through Finger viewport - to answer the nagging prompt for Center of rotation. At this point you should know it, cause Im not tellin ya! Hold down Shift and slowly rotate the group of cutters to the right. When positioned to your liking, click your mouse to set.

Using Boolean Now, we will use the stars to cut material out of the ring. Click on the Cutters menu and go to Boolean Builder. Select the ring surface and place it in the Object box. Whatever is showing in this box will be cut. Select the stars and place them in the Cutter box. A trick to selecting all items in one color is to Right click your mouse on the color layer box.

Job Bag your model at this phase!

Matrix Tutorials

Star Ring | 2

This will select all your star cutters. Place them into the Cutter box. Be sure that Boolean Difference is selected and Keep Cutters is Off. Because you have so many cutters working for this model, it is important to help Matrix organize its approach to the task; click on One by One; then

click on Do Boolean. A status bar will appear as Boolean processes each cutter. When you are finished, you will have a very cool Star Ring!

Job Bag it!

Matrix Tutorials

Star Ring | 3

Gem on Curve
Learn how to apply Gem on a Curve to create a beautiful flowing array of gemstones Begin with a flowing line created by Interp Curve; then, under the Gems menu, apply the curve to the Gem on Curve tool. Add to the model with Under Bezel Builder and Prong Placer for a lovely pendant design.

Icon Key:
Interp Curve Gem on Curve Prong Builder Un-Group

Group Boolean Builder

Bezel Builder

Under Bezel Builder

Plane and Cube Cutter

Gem on Curve From there, select the Gem on Curve tool in the Gems fly out menu. Insert the curve into the Curve box and gems will immediately appear on the curve in the viewports. Your first step is to assign the gem culet direction in the command line. You can point the gem culets Down or toward F4 or toward an Object that you assign. Select

Interp Curve Under the Curves fly out menu, choose Interp Curve and in the Looking Down view, draw a flowing curve. Be sure to Job Bag this curve before going any further!

Create Primitive Shapes In the Looking Down view, you can adjust the Start and End positions of your gems, as well as their size and spacing. As you make adjustments, a status box gives real time feedback about your gem size, count and total weight.

Tapered Gems You also have the option to Taper the flow of gems from small to large by clicking on the option in the Command line. VCH controls appear for each end. Adjust to your preferences and hit Enter to set gems. Dont forget to Job Bag it!

Prong Builder The next step is to plug your gems into the Prong Builder, found under the Gems fly out menu. These gems are grouped so when you click on one gem, all become selected. Place gems into the builder and select your Mode. In this demo, select 2 Shared Prongs.

Prongs will appear in your viewport with VCH to assign your preferences. Adjust Height, Width, Angle and Nudge distance. You can also determine the Fillet or roundness of your prongs. When you are finished, press Enter to set prongs. Job Bag it!

Matrix Tutorials

Gem on Curve | 1


Breaking up is hard to do Now you need to design your Under Bezels. Your first step is to UnGroup these gems as the builder only allows one gem at a time. Click on a gem to select the group and in the Utilities menu, click on Un-Group.

Bezel Builder With an array of different sized gems that will share similar settings through Match Attributes, it is best to begin with the smallest gem when using Bezel Builder. Import the gem and begin with the Bezel Mode; then

adjust your settings using the VCH. For this demo, it is best that the angle be set at 0 so that the bezel is parallel to the prongs. When using the VCH for angle, you can move in 5 degree increments by holding down the Shift key for greater control.

Using History History functionality MUST be utilized prior to trimming the bezels in the next step with Boolean Builder. Select a gem, press F6, and use MSR to change its position. Underbezels and prongs will follow. After you run a Boolean, Split, Trim, or Join function on a model, History will no longer keep up. Of course, if you do Trim bezels and then realize you didnt Job Bag but need to make changes with History (tsk, tsk!), you may delete the trimmed bezels and run Match Attributes between the gem and itself to get back the bezel before Booleans. Now you need to create a cutter to finish the piece. Under the Cutters menu, choose the Plane & Cube Cutter tool. Select the Z Half Cube Cutter icon in the menu on the left and it will create a large, solid cube just below the Z plane in your viewports. Click on the cube and position it just below the bezels. Trim Bezels Because of the percentages applied to the prongs as they transition from small to large gems, it will be necessary to trim them so they are completely flush with the bezels. This will be accomplished by creating a cutter and using Boolean Difference.
Matrix Tutorials

Under Bezel Mode When your settings have been determined, switch to the Under Bezel Mode. You may need to adjust the bezel height slightly, then press Enter to complete.

Match Attributes Now, select the remaining gems in the viewport and press F6. Choose Match Attributes and select the smallest gem when prompted for Object to Take Style Sheets From. Job Bag this stage of completion.

Before accomplishing that however, you will need to adjust the bezels on the smaller stones to ensure they are the same height as the largest gems bezel. Select a bezel and press F6. Select Edit Bezel to get controls back for this bezel, and edit the Bezel Height VCH or Builder Menu slider. Job Bag this stage!
Gem on Curve | 2

Prong Editor As you review your finished pendant, if you want to make any changes to the placement of individual prongs, you must first Un-Group the prongs just as you did the gems. Then open the Boolean Builder and input the rectangle into the Cutter box. Right click on the Heads layer color to select the bezels and prongs and place them in the Objects box. Make sure One by One is on and Keep Cutters is off. Then click Do Boolean. Job Bag it!

Select one prong at a time and input it into the Prong Editor tool found in the Settings Menu. The prong editor options & controls are the same as in Prong Placer, but they only work on 1 prong at a time, so that you may adjust its Angle (the one extra control) around the gem, rotating it around the center of the gem. Press enter when you are done adjusting the Prong, and input another prong you wish to edit, editing them one at a time.

Again, when you are finished, Job Bag your piece and you are done!

Matrix Tutorials

Gem on Curve | 3

Channel Setting
Quickly and easily create a Channel set ring using Sweep 1 with History, Channel Builder and Gem Cutters.

Make a simple ring using the ledge profile and Sweep 1 with History. Draw an arc, and then use Pullback to pull it onto the surface of your ring. Proceed to Gem on Curve and create a gem line on the surface of the ring using the arc that was placed onto the ring. In Channel Builder, input the gems and select settings for the channel. Use auto Boolean and Gem Cutters to create both the Channel and Azures. Icon Key:
Ring Rail Profile Placer Gem On Curve Arc Channel Builder Pullback Gem Cutters

Drawing the Arc Before you do anything else, it is very important that you change your layer color to User 02 (Bright Green). It will play a key role in this exercise. Then click on the Arc tool under the Curves menu. Press F4 when prompted for Center of Arc and begin drawing the arc to close to the surface of the ring on the left side (hold down Shift to engage Ortho). Let go of Shift and draw the arc over to the other side, hold down Shift and click again. This curve will become the path for your gems but first it has to be placed on the Surface of the ring.

While still under the Curve menu, click on the Pullback tool. The Command line will ask you to Select Curves and points that pull click on the arc curve and press Enter. You will then be prompted to Select surfaces and meshes that pull. Be sure to click on the top surface of the ring near the center to select the correct surface. Press Enter.

Create Basic Ring Go to the Ring Rail tool found in the Tools fly-out menu and place a ring rail, size 7, in the viewports. Input the ring rail into the Profile Placer and begin with a #13 Profile. Then, use Sweep 1 with History to create your ring. Remember to follow the directional arrows.

See how the Arc curve has been copied to the surface of the ring? With the Pullback tool, the surface acts like a magnet to PULL the curve to itself. The Arc curve is separate from, but resting directly on top of the rings surface. Because this is a brightly colored curve, it is easy to identify from the surface of the ring.

In order to have your gem tops resting flush with the surface of the ring, click on the Gem Tops button in the menu. You also have the option to click Mirror=-Yes up top. This will set a stone in the center of the curve and as you run your VCH, stones will layout symmetrically on either side. Press Enter to set gems when ready. Gem on Curve With your new curve still selected, open the Gem on Curve tool under the Gems menu. Input this curve into the Curve box and a row of gems will appear on the surface of the ring. Youll note the culet directions default to F4 keep this as is.
Channel Setting | 1

Matrix Tutorials

appear with VCH and IC controls. You may want to run the IC sliders in the builder to familiarize yourself with the VCH functions. You have several choices available for your channel settings. Note the Mirror option is on. Controls will work symmetrically on

Channel Builder Next go to the Channel Builder found under the Cutters menu. Click on your gems (which are grouped) and place them into the Gems window in the builder. A channel cutter will For a standard channel, your width should be set at 90%. Set your depth, height and end length to your liking using your IC controls or VCH. You can also change the profile shape of the channel if you wish. Auto Boolean With your settings in place, refer to the Command line for the auto Boolean option. Click on the Boolean=Off to change it to On. You will then need to tell Matrix what Surface to Boolean. Click on the Surface option and then click on the ring when prompted to Select surface to cut out. Now the channel has cut into the surface of the ring and, as you run your control handles, it will update in real time to show the impact of your changes to the cutter. When you are satisfied with your channel dimensions, hit Enter and your channel is cut! Be sure to Job Bag it. either end of the channel with this setting activated which is appropriate for this gem layout. You can also choose from round, square, sharp or flat ends for your channel.

Gem Cutter The next step is to create azures for your gems with the Gem Cutter, found under the Cutters menu. Click on your gems and place them into the Gems box in the builder. Your cutter previews will appear. Again, you

may make adjustments to multiple aspects of the cutters: Lower Taper, Lower Depth, Lower Seat Size, Girdle Scale, Z Offset (which moves the cutter up and away from the gem) and Girdle Width. Be sure that the Lower Depth is set so that the cutters exit out of the metal.

You also have the option to change the shape of the cutter as it exits the metal. Do so by clicking on the Gem option box in the menu area and change it to Azure. An Edge Profile box will appear, allowing access to a library of profile shapes to choose from. Or you can simply leave them at the default round shape!

Matrix Tutorials

Channel Setting | 2

window. Make sure that Keep Cutter is Off and One By One is On. Then click on Do Boolean to finish the ring.

Boolean Difference Once you are happy with your Gem Cutter settings, click on the Boolean Builder tool under the Cutters menu. Right click on the orange cutting layer and place the Cutters in the Cutter window. Place the ring in the Object

Matrix Tutorials

Channel Setting | 3

Dual and Quad Flip Tapered Channel

Create a dual or quad Channel set ring using Sweep 1 with History, Channel Builder and Gem Cutters.

Begin with the ring you created for the Channel Setting exercise. Draw an arc on one side, then use Pullback to pull it onto the surface of your ring. Proceed to Gem on Curve and create a gem line on the surface of the ring. In Channel Builder, input the gems and select settings for the channel. Add Gem Cutters, then Mirror or Quad flip these elements for two new versions. Icon Key:
Ring Rail Channel Builder Profile Placer Gem Cutters Arc Pullback Quad Flip Gem On Curve Boolean


Start with Basic Ring Lets begin by bringing the basic ring you created for your Channel Set ring out of the Job Bag you saved it in. Once again, you need to change to the Bright Green User 02 layer color. Under the Curve menu, select the Arc tool. Center of Arc is F4. Draw an Arc along one side of the ring.

Pullback Just as with your previous channel ring, use the Pullback tool under the Curve menu. Click first on the curve, press Enter, and then choose the TOP surface of the ring and press Enter. A copy of that curve will be applied to the rings surface.

Gem on Curve Proceed next to Gem on Curve in the Gems menu and place your curve in the Curve box. Gems will appear on your curve and their culet directions are assigned to F4. That works. To Taper your gems, refer to the Taper Gems button in your menu. Click on it and VCH will appear at each end of the gem line for adjusting. You also have the option to assign different depths for your channel when the Mirror option is Off so larger gems can have a slightly deeper channel then the smaller gems. When you are ready, press Enter to set your channel.

Gems and Channel Create your tapered gem layout with the largest gem measuring no larger than 2.1mm. Press Enter when you are finished. Be sure to Job Bag this! Now place your gems in the Channel Builder Gem box and begin setting your parameters. This is an asymmetrical layout so make sure the Mirror option is turned Off.
Matrix Tutorials

This will allow you to set different End Caps for your channel (i.e. Square at the top and Round at the bottom). Each end is labeled A or B. If you find that B is at the top and A is at the bottom, and you want A at the top instead, simply click on the Flip button in the menu and their orientations will change. Each cap can then be set how you prefer. For this channel, A is Square, B is Round.
Dual and Quad Flip Tapered Channel | 1

Gem Cutters Now go to the Gem Cutters tool under the Cutters menu. Select your gems and place them into the Gem box. Your Gem cutters will appear. Again, assign your cutter settings to your preferences and press Enter when you are finished. You see how Matrix automatically creates all cutters on the Orange cutting layer? Thats why you colored your channel cutter RED to differentiate it from the gems cutters during the Boolean process which is next. But first.. the Mirror option and press F4 when prompted for the Start of the Mirror Plane. Hold down Shift to engage Ortho and mirror those items to the other side. Click to set in place. Again, Job Bag this ring at this stage!!
Hey look! Its in Job Bag #16!

Before you go to the next step. You need to change the layer color of your Channel cutter. You will understand why in a moment. Select the cutter and click on the arrow for the Red User 01 layer color. Do NOT use Boolean yet! Job Bag it.

You absolutely, positively MUST..

JOB BAG this!!!

This is a very important Job Bag! Make note of where you saved it!!

Boolean Difference You will now Boolean your piece. However, it will need to accomplished in stages. A rule within Boolean is that cutters cannot intersect. If they do, Boolean will not work. Begin with the channel cutters. Right click on the Red User 01 layer color to select them. Input them into the Cutter box of the Boolean Builder. Place the ring into the Objects box. Keep Cutters is Off, One By One is On. Do Boolean. Then its off to Boolean again! Boolean your channels, inspect them and, if you are satisfied, select your gem cutters (right click on the Orange color) and place them into the Cutters box. The ring again goes into the Objects box. Do Boolean! Job Bag your finished piece.

Mirror Now you will need to select just the gems, channel cutter and gem cutters. Use region selecting to do so (drag selection box from left to right and only surround those items). Click on Inspect your channels carefully. If you determine that you want to change your channels in any way, now is your opportunity to do so! Simply click on Undo Boolean and it will undo the process and return your cutters. Note: Undo Boolean is an option that must be done immediately as you will not have an opportunity to do so at a later time. To make changes, delete the channel cutters, select your original gems ONLY and place them back into the Channel Builder and make your adjustments. Press Enter to set your channel and remember to change the

layer color to User 01. You can then mirror your new channel cutter to the gems on the opposite side. Then Job Bag it again!!

Matrix Tutorials

Dual and Quad Flip Tapered Channel | 2

Center Plane

Quad Flip Lets make another one! With your original ring saved to a Job Bag, clear your view ports and bring out the ring from your special Job Bag (Yes! Its Job Bag #16!!). You will again want to region select just the gems and cutters, as you did in Step 6. Next move to the Side view port. Click on the selected items and while holding Shift, move the objects to the left of the center plane. Unclick to drop them in place.

If you move to the Looking Down view and closely examine the grid, you can see that it is divided into four quadrants. The objects on your ring are located in the lower left quadrant. Quad Flip is a tool located in the Cutters menu that allows you to copy items from one quadrant to all four. Click on the Quad Flip button and a

menu will appear. You will need to click on the graphic that corresponds to the same quadrant as your selected items. Click on Apply and, with the items to flip selected, they will be copied to the remaining quadrants just that quick! Job Bag it!!

Boolean Again Your last step is to Boolean Difference your pieces just as you did in Step 7. Remember, Boolean your channel cutters first, then your gem cutters. When completed, Job Bag your finished ring!

With Prongs For this version, bring out Job Bag #16, delete the channel cutter and input your gems back into the Channel Builder. This will allow you to set the Width parameter wider than your gems to allow for Prongs. Hit Enter to set. Next, select your grouped gems and put them into Prong Placer located under the Settings menu. The Two Shared Prong mode works best.

Run your VCH to create prongs that fit best with your gems and your channel. When finished, hit Enter to set your prongs. Once all your elements are created, you can Mirror your gems, cutters, and prongs to the other side. Job Bag again, and proceed to Boolean Difference. Boolean your channels and your gem cutters and you should be left with a great looking Tapered Channel Set ring, accented by prongs! Dont forget to what?? YesJob Bag it!!

Matrix Tutorials

Dual and Quad Flip Tapered Channel | 3

Custom Rail
Create an organic style ring with a gentle curve using Custom Rail.

Using the Custom Rail tool, sketch a shape for a custom-shaped ring rail and place profiles on it. Use Sweep 1 with History to sweep the top and bottom of the ring. Then Join the two together. Icon Key:
Ring Rail Sweep 1 with History Custom Rail Builder Join Profile Placer

Open Custom Rail Start by clicking on the Custom Rail button found on the Tools fly out menu. In the menu that appears onscreen, click on the Ring Rail button. A Set Ring Rail box will appear with the option to choose your rail size. Click the green arrow and a Size 7 rail will appear in the view port.

Guidelines Next, turn on the Ring Size Reference. Type 11 into the Millimeters text box below Ring Width Reference, and turn it on as well. Choosing the latter two settings will cause guidelines to appear in the viewports. The horizontal lines indicate the 10-mm width you assigned to the ring; the vertical lines indicate the ring size (Size 7).

Create a Curve Now, the shape you draw for the custom-shaped rail must fit within the central box formed by the two sets of lines. Start up the Interp Curve command found in this menu and draw a free flowing curve in Looking Down view.

Make Rail When your curve is created, select it and click on Make Rail. This function will create two new 3-D ring rails (top and bottom).

Profile Placer Next, select the TOP curve only and insert it into the Profile Placer Curve box. Position the default profile at one end of the curve, and then determine its shape with the VCH. By clicking Add Mirror, another profile will appear at the other end of the rail. Size

your end profiles at 2mm high by 3.5mm wide, then click Add again and position a third profile at the top of the curve. Select another profile shape if you like and size it 3.5mm wide by 5.5mm high. Select a different profile shape if you want or leave as is. Make sure that you Job Bag all of your curves!!!

Matrix Tutorials

Custom Rail | 1

Sweep 1 with History Click on Sweep 1 with History under the Surface menu and select the top ring rail when prompted, then follow the directional arrows to select the profiles. Press Enter when finished. Job Bag the results.

Before sweeping the bottom portion of your ring, switch from the Metal 01 layer color to Metal 02. Then turn Metal 01 Off. Click again on Sweep 1 with History, but this time select the bottom rail and follow the directional arrows to select one side profile and then the other. You now have a second (bottom) surface for your ring. These are two separate surfaces that need to be joined.

Join To join your two surfaces, draw a selection box from the right (Crossing) and cross over both surfaces. Then click on Join. Your rings surface color will likely switch to Metal 02 when you join it. To assign Metal 01 to the entire surface, simply click on the mesh (polysurface only) and click on the arrow next to Metal 01. Then Job Bag your ring!

Reminder about Join and History: Remember, as soon as you Join surfaces together, History is broken. You cannot make changes to profiles and expect History to re-sweep your ring. If you need to make changes to the profiles, delete the surface of the ring, click on the profiles for MSR, make your changes, then re-Sweep manually as you did in Step 7 and reJoin as you did in Step 8. Again, be sure to Job Bag any changes.

Matrix Tutorials

Custom Rail | 2

Custom Rail with Tapered Channel

Begin with your organic Custom Rail ring, add a row of tapered gems and create a channel and azures for a new look.

Using the Custom Rail ring you built, extract an Isocurve from the rings surface to create a path for a Tapered Gem layout. Place tapered gems into Channel Builder and Gem Cutter then finish with Boolean to create a newly styled ring. Icon Key:
Extract Isocurve Gem Cutter Gem on Curve Channel Builder Gem Reporter Metal Weights


Extract Isocurve Proceed to the Extract Isocurve tool located under the Curve menu. You will be prompted to Select Surface for Isocurve Extraction. Click on the top surface of the ring near the center profile. As you approach the profile with your cursor, the Mid O-Snap of the profile will appear. Click to extract that Isocurve, and then press Enter to finish the process.

Gem on Curve Under the Gems menu, you will want to proceed to Gem on Curve and place your newly extracted curve into the builder. Your preview gems will appear on the screen. Be sure to set gems to Mirror, Gem Tops and Taper Gems. Set your Gem Culet direction to Object and assign your rings surface as the Object by clicking on it. Press Enter to set your gems.

Begin with Ring Begin by bringing your Custom Rail ring out of its Job Bag. Switch your active layer color to Bright Green User 02.

Channel Builder Select your gems by clicking on just one of them and place them into the Channel Builder found under the Cutters menu. Make your adjustments to the channel with your VCH or IC handles.

Auto Boolean Do you want to see the immediate impact of your channel cut? Again, simply click on the Boolean Button in the builder, click then on the Surface button and, when prompted, click on the mesh and you will see the auto Boolean preview. When satisfied with your channel cutter, hit Enter.
Custom Rail with Tapered Channel | 1

Matrix Tutorials

Gem Cutter Your last step is Gem Cutter. Select your gems and place them into the builder. Determine your cutter shape and size, and then press Enter to set.

Boolean Difference Go to Boolean, right click on Orange layer square to select gem cutters and place in the Cutter box. Place the ring in the object box. Make sure One By One is On then Do Boolean. You now have a finished piece!

Gem Reporter So exactly what size gems are present in this ring and where are they set? You can answer those questions easily using Gem Reporter, which youll find under the Gems menu. By simply opening the tool, it will immediately tell you the total Gem Weight and Count of your ring. If you then click on the arrow beneath, more detailed information is revealed.

With Gem Reporter, every stone is detailed by length and width and total carat weight. How many of each size of gem is also listed. You will note a green arrow to the right of the gem info. If you click on an arrow, look to your view ports. There displayed is the location of the listed gem(s).

Metal Weights Just as with Gem Reporter, Metal Weights (located under the Tools menu) will also provide information about your piece. Simply click on the tool and it will appear in the menu area below. Instructions state to Highlight the item you want to find the weight for then press go or Calculate.

When you do, a full list of metal types are listed from A to Z by Grams and Penny weight for your model! Use the arrow on the right to scroll through the list. This provides a terrific tool when calculating cost.

Matrix Tutorials

Custom Rail with Tapered Channel | 2

Curve from Two Views with History

Create a wrap around ring using the Curve from Two Views feature and Bezel Builder.

Begin by creating a wrap around ring rail using Curve from Two views with History. Add a Gem and create a bezel for it, then add Profiles to your Rail curve and use Sweep 1 with History to create a mesh. copy and Rotate your partial rail and use Sweep 1 to finish the piece. Icon Key:
Ring Rail Gem Loader Interp Curve Bezel Builder Curve from 2 Views s/ History Rotate Sweep 1 w/History Profile Placer

Sweep 1

2ND layer

Curve from 2 Views Bezel Builder and Curve Add your gem to the Bezel Builder and create a basic bezel. Be sure to pull the height of the bezel below the ring rail. Auto Boolean should cut the bezel to the rail. Job Bag at this stage. Next, choose Interp Curve from the Curve menu and from the Looking Down view, draw a curve that begins to the left of the gem and bezel and gently wraps around those items, After Job Bagging those items, the Curve from 2 Views tool can be found under the 2nd layer of the Curve menu. This tool combines the properties of two individual curves from different views to make a new, 3-D curve. When you click the tool, you will be prompted to select the curves you want to combine. You will also have the option to select Full=True or Full = False. What does this mean?

Ring Rail and Gem Go to the Ring Rail tool found in the Tools fly-out menu and place a ring rail, size 7, in the viewports. Add a round .5 carat diamond from the Gem Loader and holding down Shift, move it up above the Ring Rail.

Because one curve is a ring rail, you will have the option to create a Full curve or a Partial curve when both are combined. See examples below:

(Full) your VCH. Then add a profile and place it on the other end of the curve, near the bezel. You may need to use the Roll control to position your profile more appropriately.

Profile Placer Use Full=False to combine your curves. Then be sure and Job Bag that stage of completion! Next, move to Profile Placer under the Tools menu. Place your 3D curve into the Curve box to obtain a profile. Drive it down to the side of the ring and adjust


Matrix Tutorials

Curve from 2 Views w/ History | 1

Results of Sweep

Sweep 1 with History Go to Sweep 1 with History under the Surface menu and sweep your profiles and rail to see the results. Be sure to follow the directional arrows as you sweep. Youll find there may concerns of how the sweep surrounds the bezel (i.e. wrapped too tightly in certain places. With your control points available You can make slight adjustments to that original curve and as you do so, the swept rail will follow!

Using History If concerns arise with your swept rail, you can use History to adjust it. To do so, click on the original planar curve you created at the beginning of the exercise. Then click on the Edit Points tool.

Tight at the top

Now you have a smoother, looser sweep around your bezel.

Profile Cap To finish of the top of the rail, click on the top profile and press F6. Choose When you are finished adjusting, be Profile Cap and extrude it to the sure and press the Escape key twice to desired distance. You will then need turn your Edit Points Off. to select both the rail and the cap and Join them together. Job Bag it. Remember:
Join breaks History!

To not only rotate the item, but produce a copy of the object as you do so. Click on the Copy option.

Rotate with Copy From the Looking Down view, draw a Region selection box around just the rail (mesh and curves). Then click Rotate. You have a option available

When prompted for Center of Rotation, press F4. A compass-like circle will appear around the objects. Bring your cursor to the left of the objects and hold down Shift. Let go of Shift, bring your cursor to the right of the objects and a second rail will appear as you do. Hold down Shift again to lock in Ortho and click to

drop in place. Then press Enter. You now have a complete wrap style rail set around your gem and bezel. To finish it, we need to sweep the bottom portion of the rail.

Matrix Tutorials

Curve from 2 Views w/ History | 2

Twist from Sweep 1 w/ History

Sweep 1 Because a portion of this top rail set was copied and rotated into place, the side profile is not oriented correctly and will cause a twist in the lower band if Sweep 1 with History is used. Therefore, Sweep 1 (without History) enters the scene.

You will need to change to a different layer color to make the sweep process easier. Click on Metal 02 and turn Off Metal 01. Now just your base curves are visible. Click on Sweep 1. When you do so, you will be prompted to select the rail, when you do so, directional arrows will not appear, but you will be prompted to select cross section curves. Click on the both of side profiles and press Enter. Now directional arrows appear.

Its important that the arrows are pointing in the same direction. If they are not, simply approach one of the arrows with your cursor until it becomes a double arrow and click once. The direction of the arrow will change. If the arrows are oriented the same, simply press Enter.

When you press Enter, a dialog box will appear. Make sure that the Closed Sweep option is UN-checked, then And here is your finished ring! Dont forget to Job Bag it!

click OK and your lower rail will sweep. Turn the Metal 01 layer color back On and you are ready to join the top and bottom rails.

Matrix Tutorials

Curve from 2 Views w/ History | 3

Creating a Custom Shaped Bezel

Create a custom fitting bezel for uniquely shaped gems or objects. Learn how to create a custom shaped bezel using curves you generate and Bezel Builder. This is extremely useful for unique shaped gems or items that require a custom designed Bezel. Icon Key:
Interp Curve Adjusted Closed Curve Seam

Profile Tool

Bezel Builder

Draw a Curve
You will need to begin by drawing a closed curve using the Interp Curve tool from the Curve menu. As you complete your curve, be sure that the end of your curve touches its beginning point. When this occurs, a Point fly out appears simply click on that point to close the curve.

Check the Curve

To check your curve, click on the second level button in the Curve menu to reach the Adjusted Closed Curve Seam tool. Select your curve and click on the button. An arrow will appear on your curve with an End O-Snap. Click on the End Point of the arrow and begin moving it toward the 3 oclock position on the curve. An OnCrv fly out appears as you move the arrow

around. When you reach the 3 oclock position, click again to drop the arrow in place. If the arrow is pointing counter clockwise, its direction must be changed to point clockwise. To do this, approach the tip of the arrow with your cursor. A double arrow will appear. Click once and hit Enter to set the arrows new direction.

Add to Profile Tool

To turn this into a curve that can be recognized by Bezel Builder, start up the Profile tool found in the Tools menu and input the curve into the In-Box in the builder by selecting it in the viewports and clicking the In arrow beneath this box. Handles will appear on the curve in the viewports, but all you need to do is press Enter to validate the curve for use in Bezel Builder.

Create a Bezel
Now that your curve has been validated, it is ready for use in the Bezel Builder. Place the curve into the Bezel Builder and a bezel will automatically generate. You will note that as with standard bezels, you have complete control over the size, position and settings of this bezel.

About History
With your curve validated as it was in Step 3, it can actually be used with Profile Placer (select curve and use MSR) handles to scale and move it, and the bezel will follow. Also, you may use it just like a gem with all of the Match Attributes and Style Sheets functionality. Good trick, huh?! Dont forget to Job Bag this model: History loves to work days, weeks, or months later as long as you diligently saved your model in a Job Bag for future use!

Matrix Tutorials

Creating a Custom-Shaped Bezel | 1

Multi-rail Sweep and Edit Points

Use Multi-Rail Sweep and Edit Points to create a unique surface for your model.

Begin with a Size 7 Ring Rail, and add an Outside rail. Add your profiles, then sweep your ring using Multi-rail Sweep. The use of Multi-rail Sweep allows for increased flexibility as to how your ring will sweep from profile to profile using the Edit Points feature found in Profile Placer. Some very attractive patterns can be accomplished with these features that are not available with other Sweep options. Icon Key:
Ring Rail Profile Placer Outside Ring Rail Multi-Rail Sweep

Ring Rail and Outside Rail Go to the Ring Rail tool found in the Tools fly-out menu and place a ring rail, Size 7, in the viewports. Click on Outside Ring Rail and, when the menu appears, click on the Rail Profile box to bring up the Outside rail library. Choose a profile shape by clicking on it, then click on Start to place it in the viewports. Second Rail Add Profiles Next, select your ring rail and place it into Profile Placer found under the Tools menu. A profile will appear on the rail. To lock in the exact height of your profiles to the distance between the inside and outside rails, you will need to utilize the Second Rail option. By locking in the height, your profiles will maintain an exact height distance between the inside and outside rails, regardless of their position on the rail. So click on the Second Rail button in the Profile Placer menu. A prompt in the Command line will tell you to Select Second Rail Curve. Click on the outside rail and the profile is set. Next, select the profiles in order and press Enter again. Your ring sweeps just like it did when you used Sweep 2 with History, and History is available with this sweep option as well. To make changes, select your profiles, press F6 and make your adjustments. Press Enter to re-sweep your ring.

Sweep Multi Now you are ready to sweep. Because you have two rails, you could use the Sweep 2 with History option; however, in this case, we will use the Sweep Multi option. Sweep Multi allows you to sweep a ring with anywhere from one to four rails. Here is how it works: Click on the Sweep Multi button. You are prompted to select the rail(s). Because it works with 1, 2, 3 or 4 rails, you need to select the rails, then press Enter when done. (Follow Command Line)

Adjust your profile Determine what profile shape you want using the profile icon to access the profile library. Then adjust your VCH for their width and position on the rail. Remember: You cannot adjust height its locked in to the second (or outside) rail. Add another profile at the top and choose a different profile shape. Job Bag it.

First sweep with Multi-Rail. Job Bag it.

Matrix Tutorials

Multi- rail Sweep and Edit Points | 1

Move Out ward

Edit Points Another feature available in Profile Placer is Edit Points. This only affects the surface when Sweep Multi is used, and it provides you increased control as to how your profiles sweep to one another. You will find the Edit Points option when you select a profile and choose MSR.

There in your VCH handles is the letter E. When you click on the E, a series of points are displayed on that profile. These points can be repositioned on your profile for different sweep effects. Select a point and move it. Many profiles are symmetrical and therefore have mirrored points. We recommend you do not break the mirrored points but if you must, please do so with CARE. Repeat the same steps with your bottom profile and see what impact it has. Here, points were moved Inward.

When you have moved points, press Enter to see how the sweep pattern changes on your ring.

Continue to experiment. Every profile you use will have different Edit Points and therefore, a wide range of sweeping results.
Awkward surface finish

Before After See how the surface finish changed?

Smoother surface finish

More Changes Try a new profile on the top, something more flowing to add interest. Press Enter to view changes

Matrix Tutorials

Multi- rail Sweep and Edit Points | 2

Access Edit Points to adjust the sweep.

New outcome. Job Bag it!!

Add a Gem and a Bezel for another style.

Matrix Tutorials

Multi- rail Sweep and Edit Points | 3

Profile Editor
Create your own custom profiles and use them to build unique models. Begin by bringing out a Size 7 Ring Rail, add a Profile, then access the Edit options to create your own uniquely shaped profile. Save it to your library of profiles or simply return back to the model in progress. Use your VCH handles (just as you would with any other profile) to adjust its scale and position, and see the results of your creativity! Icon Key:
Ring Rail Circle Curve Profile Placer Trim Interp Curve Join Rectangle Curve Sweep 1 w/ History

Ring Rail and Profile Go to the Ring Rail tool found in the Tools fly-out menu and place a ring rail, size 7, in the viewports. Place the ring rail into the Profile Placer also located under the Tools menu and a profile will appear on your screen. NOTE: Leave the VCH handles active do NOT hit Enter!

Edit Profile Now that you have a profile on the ring rail, click the word Edit under the Edge Profile box in the Profile Placer menu. NOTE: You MUST have a profile on the screen to access the Edit option of Profile Placer or it will not work.

The Profile Editor application will appear on your screen with a planar (or flat) view of the same profile you placed on the ring rail. To the left are many tools needed to edit your profile.

Format your Profile In order to align and format your profile correctly, the Options section of the Profile Editor makes the process extremely easy.

Make Some Changes You may begin editing your profile by adding shapes or curves to the object in whatever way you choose

Trim and Join When you are finished adding your curves or objects, you will need to Trim the item so you have one solid curve (leaving no internal barriers -- or curves overlapping other curves). Hit Enter to finish the Trim function, then be sure to Join all curves!!

Matrix Tutorials

Profile Editor | 1

1. Click Auto Scale Follow these Steps 2. Click Set on Baseline 3. Click Set Seam Point To SAVE the Profile: Click Save Profile; wait for prompt to tell you it was saved successfully. You do NOT have to save your profile but if you choose to, you must do so before you click Return. To RETURN to your model: Click Return Profile. The Profile Editor will close and return you to the regular view ports with your new profile on the ring rail. VCH are available for you to scale, move or mirror your profile as needed.

Sweep 1 w/ History
Sweep your ring rail and new profiles.

Profile shape

Two views of swept ring. One version has been capped.

Change it again! Change an existing models profiles in nearly the same sequence. Delete the mesh and select one profile. Press F6 for MSR. This brings up the Profile Placer menu. Then click on the Edit option as in Step 2.

Make Your Changes Use your Curve tools to create a new shape with the existing profile. Interp Curve was used in this instance.

Mirror Option Should you decide that you want your new profile shape to be symmetrical, Mirror within the Options section is your next step.

Before Mirror
Right side mirrored.

Trim and Join Next, select all your curves and again use Trim to remove internal barriers. Press Enter to end the process. Dont forget to click on JOIN or the next steps will not work! Determine which side you want to mirror and click on the associated button. Then click the green arrow to Mirror.

After Mirror

Matrix Tutorials

Profile Editor | 2

Full sweep

Open sweep

Use profile cap on both sides

Sweep it Choose Sweep 1 with History to view your new ring.

Matrix Tutorials

Profile Editor | 3

Rendering with VRay

Create highly photo-realistic images of your Matrix designs quickly and easily with this powerful tool.

Begin by bringing out a model you want to Render and position it in the Perspective view port. Open the Render tool, then begin to apply the background surface, gem types and metal surfaces and lighting you want for the model. Click Render and you have a photo real image to show your customers. Icon Key:
Render Menu VRay Styles Ground Plane

Begin with Model Bring the item you wish to Render from its Job Bag to the viewport (click on the image). Work in the Perspective viewport and position your model at the angle you desire. Ensure that you have zoomed in closely to the model and that it is unshaded. TIP: Zoom in or out smoothly by holding the control button, then click and hold the right mouse key.

Render Click on the Rendering menu and then choose the VRay Styles tool. By doing so the VRay Render Builder will appear on the right side of the screen. This menu is arranged with a neatly ordered outline of materials for you to apply to your model. Ground Plane Before you begin to apply materials to your piece, it is very important that you first assign the Ground Plane to your viewport. This identifies the area your model rests on that is, where it sits in space. Click on the Ground Plane button and it will appear in the viewport.

Materials Outline The next step is to choose the surfaces you want for your ring and render environment. We will begin first with Gems. Click on the Gems file name in the outline and your gem menu will appear. Choose gems You now have a Gem Library with many varied colored stones to choose from in alphabetical order. A slider bar on the right allows you to scroll down to additional gem colors. When you find the gem you want, click on the image. The chosen stone will appear below the library. To apply this color to your gems, select the gems and click on the green arrow. Do this for all gems.

Matrix Tutorials

Rendering with VRay | 1

Ground Plane The same process applies for your Ground Plane surface. You have a choice between several Standard surfaces, as well as a variety of Linen or Silk colors and textures to apply to your base surface. Click on each to see what is available and experiment!

In this case, we have chosen the Concrete surface. Again, be sure to click on the Ground Plane, then the arrow to apply the surface texture!

Metals There is a scroll bar on your materials outline. Scroll down to the Metal option and click on it. A wide range of metal colors and finishes are available here. Select your surface, choose your metal color and click the green arrow to apply. Do this for all metal surfaces.

Environments Your next step is to choose the surrounding environment and lighting for your model. Ten different options are available. To apply, you do NOT need to select anything from your viewport. Simply choose your preferred environment and click the green arrow. The viewport will blink when applied. You are now ready to see the results!

Render it! Now that all your materials have been applied to your object, you are ready to Render. Simply click on the Render arrow in the upper right hand corner of the menu. When you do so, a window will appear in the center of your screen. Your model will appear and VRay will quickly render the image. Small squares (called Buckets) move across the screen and refine the image until the process is complete.

Render complete!!

Render in Progress

Matrix Tutorials

Rendering with VRay | 2

Matrix Art Air Force Emblem

Create this emblem for use on a variety of designs using Matrix Art.

Re-create this shape using Curve menu commands. Take care when selecting layer colors for these curves: the lowest layer color is at the bottom of the model; the highest is at the top. Insert all curves into the Matrix Art menu and adjust settings to define the shape and height of the surface as well as the relationship between different parts of the surface. Use Create Mesh when you are done to create a mesh surface from the curves. Icon Key:
Open Rectangle Curve Layers Menu in Matrix Art

Circle Curve

Matrix Art

Rectangle Curve Start by selecting the lowest layer color in the menu, Creation yellow, to make it active. Click on the Rectangle command found in the Curve fly out menu and activate the Command line options Center, then Rounded. Working in the Looking Down view, press F4 when prompted for the center of the object. Move the cursor outward from center and click once to place a rectangle. Click again to define the radius of the corners. Move the cursor inward until the desired radius is defined. Circle Curve Select the next color up in the Layers Menu, Cutting orange, and click on the Circle command found in the Curve fly-out menu. F4 in the Looking Down viewport is the location for the center of the circle. Move the mouse outward from center to make the circle

Rectangles Next, select the Finger maroon layer color, the next highest color on the Layers Menu, to draw the stripes. With the Center and Rounded options enabled for the Rectangle command again, start this rectangle at F4 in the Looking Down viewport. Click once to place the rectangle at the correct size; click again to create the radius for the fillet on the corners of the stripe.

About Drawing the Curves: Curves are placed in the viewports to make an outline of the mesh. They must be: closed curves planar (flat) drawn in the Looking Down View. Also, you must pay very close attention to the layer colors used to create each curve. When preparing curves for Matrix Art, use the lowest colors on the Layers menu (located, literally, at the bottom of the menu), such as Creation yellow, to draw the parts of the model that will need to be in the Background once the mesh is created. Then, work your way up the layers menu, using higher colors on the menu to create the higher parts of the mesh. For example, to create the Air Force Emblem shown here: the lowest part of the emblem, the large rounded rectangle, is on the lowest layer color Creation yellow. Working up from there, the orange circle is the next lowest thing, and is placed on the Cutting orange layer. Similarly, the stripes, next up, are placed on the Finger maroon layer. And finally, the highest part of the mesh, the star on the top, is on Heads purple, the highest layer color out of the four used in this model.

Matrix Tutorials

Matrix Art | 1

Select this stripe and click on the Copy command. Holding down Shift to engage Ortho, slide a copy of this stripe straight up in the Looking Down viewport, at the same time, hold down the Alt key to create a copy.

Select the copied stripe and Mirror it around F4, holding down Shift, to place a copy below the original stripe. NowJob Bag these curves!

Polygon/Star Curve Finally, select the next layer color up, Heads purple, and use the Polygon command with the Star option selected in the Command line to place a 5-pointed star that is centered at F4. Hold down Shift while drawing the star, and click again to set it.

Layers menu Matrix Art With the curves on the correct layer colors in the viewports, click on the Art menu, found in the Matrix Main Menu, to open the Matrix Art interface on the right-hand side of the screen. Then, select all of the curves and input them into the Curves preview window in the builder. At this time, the preview mesh will appear in the viewport (illustration above) but it will not yet resemble the completed mesh (green in illustration below). To make the new mesh resemble the shape of the original, well explore the commands in the Layers portion of the Matrix Art menu. This is the first screen out of four (Layer, Bitmap, Effects, & Sculpt), and it opens by default.

Turn Off each of the layers by clicking on the blue box. Leaving Layer 1 On.

Load Profile With this layer active, you can now add a profile shape to the Creation yellow portion of the mesh out onscreen. To do so, click on the Load Profile button found just beneath the layers interface.

Click on the Creation yellow number 1, highlighting it with a magentacolored box, to make it active. The numbers (1-16) on the left-hand side of the menu represent each layer in the Layers Menu in Matrix.

Matrix Tutorials

Matrix Art | 2

This will open up the Matrix Library Browser. As you move the mouse over each profile, the shape of that portion of the mesh will change onscreen to reflect the shape youre on. Select the Flat shape from the library. The library will close and this shape will appear in the Interactive Profile preview window in the builder menu, while the yellow parts of the mesh onscreen will retain the selected shape.

Adjust it Adjust the slider to determine the appropriate height for your base Leave it relatively shallow as you will build upon it with the other shapes (surfaces).

You can also alter the profile shape if you wish by clicking on the points in the profile window. Your surface finish will change real time to show you the impact.

For this model however, we will leave it Flat.

Layer Relationships Now, click on the blue square for the next layer and the number 2 (Cutting orange) to make this layer active. Repeat step 6, 7 and 8, adjusting the profile shape and height to the desired values. We recommend Flat or Dome2.

Now, youll notice that the orange color goes up and over the yellow color, making the height even taller and affecting the shape of the orange surface, so there is a big speed bump in it where it hits the yellow surface .

You can keep the yellow shape from interfering with the orange one. Take a look at the colors along the bottom row of the layers menu in the Matrix Art interface. Layer2 rests on top of Layer 1 and is thereby affected by its shape. To override this effect, click on the colored square next to the Orange 2.

As you click on this box, you will note that the color around it changes. These colors correspond to six different surface relationships that may occur: Build, Cut, Grid, Trim/Build, Trim/Cut, and Trim/Grid. These graphics represent those changes:

We recommend the Dome1 profile shape!

Your best bet is to continue to click through your choices until you find the effect you like best. Then move on.

Click next on the blue square next to Layer 3. Youll note that now TWO colored squares show next to this layer. Thats because this layer rests on TWO other layers. Click through on both squares until your stripes appear the way you want them to above the other surfaces.

Matrix Tutorials

Matrix Art | 3

Okay, this is your last step with the layers. Remember what to do? You should! Activate Layer 4, then do all the same things you had done before. We highly recommend the Straight profile for this last shape. Works really well!

Create Mesh With all the preview settings just the way you want them for the final mesh; its time to click on Create Mesh. Before you do, though, decide whether or not you want this model Capped. Use the Cap Mesh option to place a flat back on the model. This is imperative if you are going to mill the model as-is, but it is not as important if you are going to add the mesh to an existing model or fashion a back for it as in the case of a coin, etc.

Examples of Capped and Un-capped meshes: Un-capped


Emblem applied to a gents ring.

Finished emblem.

**For more detailed instructions on the use of Matrix Art, see your Users Manual, available in the Help section of your software.

Matrix Tutorials

Matrix Art | 4

Saving Files, Technical Support & Newsgroup Information

Saving Files, Technical Support & Newsgroup Information

There are a couple of different ways to save a file. Remember that your Project Manager is for convenience, but, to make sure that your model is permanently saved, also do one of the following:. Well practice these on the ByPass ring you learned in the Curve From Two Views tutorial and retrieve it from your Job Bag. Double-click on the Job Bag image to open it. Now, click on the File pull-down menu at the top of your screen. One way of saving is probably the most commonly-known within Windows programs. Clicking Save As will, of course, save your model to wherever you designate. When the Save Matrix Model As dialogue box appears, simply navigate to the folder on your PC that you want this file to be saved in. Then type in a name for it in the box titled File name:. Then click on Save. The method for saving files in Matrix is very similar: Save Small As. Using this method reduces the size of the file. If you were to email a Matrix file to someone, this is the preferred way of saving the file because, when sending files, smaller is better. So to Save Small As, follow the same steps as in #2 except choose Save Small As instead of Save As from the File drop-down menu.

At Gemvision, we pride ourselves on our Technical Support. If you are having difficulty with a model and would like help with it, youre more than welcome to send us the file with a description of what youre trying to accomplish. Please also include your name, company name and a phone number in the email. Simply do a Save Small As, Zip the file with a program such as WinZip, and attach it to an email. Then send it to: Please remember though, Technical Support is on a firstcome, first-serve basis. We will get to most requests within one business day after having received it. Please be patient, since everyone that is asking for help is anxious to have their questions answered. Youre also welcome to call us at 1-888-357-6272 and ask for Matrix Technical Support. However, if your question is about a model, its most valuable for us to see the model for ourselves via email. We also have a website full of helpful Matrix tutorials at the Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced levels. We update it frequently, and, on occasion, you might be working on a model that is similar to one of the tutorials posted there, so check back often!

This site is found at . In order to open the tutorials, which are in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format, youll need to type in: Username: MatrixUser Password: beetlequeen

Also found at this link is our Matrix, Revo, Digital Goldsmith, and Claytools Newsgroup forums that allow users to post questions and check the archived posts to further their Matrix education. Instructions for joining the newsgroup are found at this site. Youll create your own username and password for joining this forum, which functions like most any online, web-based newsgroup, and is easy (and fun!) to use.

Matrix Tutorials

Saving Files, Technical Support & Newsgroup Information | 1

Pave Builder and Pave Azure Builder

Create a metal surface and utilize one of Matrixs powerful Pave tools to layout a field of diamonds.

Begin with a Rectangle curve and Extrude it to a solid surface. Extract the top and bottom surfaces and place them into the Pave builder to arrange your gems. Create Azures with the Gem Azure Builder and add Prongs. Icon Key:
Rectangle Curve Pave Builder Extrude Curve Straight Pave Azure Builder Extract Surface Pave Prong Builder Gem Loader

Create a Metal Piece Begin in the Looking Down view and click on the Rectangle Curve tool in the Curves menu. In the Command Line area, select Center then Rounded. Press F4 when prompted for the start of the rectangle. You can then draw an exact sized object by typing measurements in the Command Line. Type 14, press Enter, 14 and press Enter again. Move your mouse outward from F4 to pull the curve into a rounded, rectangle shape. When satisfied with the fillet amount of the corners, click your left mouse key once to set the rectangle.

Extrude To turn this curve into a 2mm thick solid, select it and click on the Extrude Curve Straight tool found under the Solids menu. Make sure that Both Sides=Yes is active in the Command line, then type 1 and press Enter. This will extrude the curve 1mm on either side from the center making it a 2mm thick block.

Extract Surfaces Save this block in a Job Bag. Your next step is to extract the top and bottom surfaces of this metal piece. To do so, click on the Extract Surfaces tool also found under the Solids menu. When prompted, select the top surface (click on the Isocurve in the center of the surface) then
Matrix Tutorials

rotate the block and click the bottom surface. When both surfaces have been selected (both should be bright pink), press Enter to end the Extract function. To identify the Top and Bottom surfaces, change their layer colors. Select first the Top surface and click on arrow next to Metal 02

Then choose the Bottom surface and follow the same step but change it to Metal 03.

Shad e the model to see the impact. Be sure to Job Bag it at this stage!

Pave Builder and Pave Azure Builder | 1

Add Gems Pave Builder You are now ready to lay out your gems. Click on the Pave Builder tool under the Gems menu. Youll want to roll up some of your menus to allow all of the tools of this builder to be displayed. This builder needs to know which surface to work with. Click on the Top layer of the cube and place it into the Surface box in the Pave builder. Click next on the Add Gems button in the builder and determine your gem type and size. For this exercise, choose a 2mm Round. Once you have selected your gem, be sure to CLOSE the Gem Loader window.

If you do not close the window, you will be unable to perform any other functions in Matrix.

Now you will need to open the Looking Down viewport (double click title bar) and zoom in very tight to the center of the metal block. Then click Get Start Point and click on the center of your cross hairs on the screen. This will set a 2mm round, gray, preview gem in the center of your surface. Zoom back out to see.

Run Sliders Adjust Amount The Pave Builder lists the gem type and amount of gems to set on the surface. To change that amount, swipe the number one in the builder and type in 40. Your surface will fill with preview gems. NOTE: It is wise to overestimate the number of gems you will need on your model. The builder will then do its best to place as many as possible on to the surface based on your settings. Now you will need to run the slider controls within the menu to set the Angle and Spacing of your gems. Pave Azure Builder Select your gems at this point and open the Pave Azure Builder tool (right next to the Pave Builder button). You will need to input your Gems as well as the Top and Bottom surfaces. As soon as they are entered, blue and red oval-shaped curves will appear in your viewports.

When satisfied with the layout, click Set Gems. This will change your gray previews into Matrix gems. Be sure and Job Bag this stage!

Matrix Tutorials

Pave Builder and Pave Azure Builder | 2

Adjust with Sliders These are construction curves for building your azures. They can be adjusted with sliders that control Azure Depth, Azure Size, Through Hole and Seat Angle. Run the sliders and note how they change in the Perspective view port.

You also have the option to choose a Hexagonal shaped exit hole for your Azures. Simply click the button to activate. When finished, click Set Azures.

New Surfaces Through the use of surface modeling, Matrix will build each azure according to the curve sizes and placement within the model. Shade your model and you will see that these azure surfaces were built in addition to the Top and Bottom surfaces of your block. They over lap one another. Turn Off your Gem 03 layer for a better look. Turn your gems back on and here is your metal plate.

Top View

Ta-Da! You can now see the newly created azures, built specifically for your gems! Remember to Job Bag it.
Bottom View

Delete Extra Surfaces

Matrix will not destroy existing surfaces when it builds the azures. To remove these extra Top and Bottom surfaces, click on each of them and press Delete.

See the next Tutorial for adding Prongs.

Matrix Tutorials

Pave Builder and Pave Azure Builder | 3

Pave Ring
Create a band and use Pave Builder to layout a field of diamonds along the top.

Build a simple ring using the Dome profile shape, creating a wide surface at the top for Pave work. Split the rings surface with an Ellipse curve and use the new surfaces to Pave the top of the ring. Icon Key:
Ring Rail Split Profile Placer Join Sweep 1 with History Hide Show Ellipse Project Gem on Surface

Pave Builder

Ellipse Curve Build a Ring Begin with a Size 7 ring rail from the Tools menu. Add a profile and leave it at the default Dome shape. Size it to 2mm high x 4.5mm wide. Add and Mirror another profile using the same shape and size it 2mm x 8mm. Use Sweep 1 with History to create the surface. Job Bag it! Change your active layer color to the bright green User 02 color. Click on the Ellipse tool found in the Curves menu and press F4 when prompted for the center of the Ellipse. Use the Shift key to engage Ortho and move your cursor vertically from F4 when prompted for End of the First Axis. Click when you almost reach the edge of the ring. You will then be prompted for End of the Second Axis. Move your cursor to the left and an ellipse will form. Pull to the desired length and click again to set the shape.

Keep in mind that the curve you just created is centered on F4, so it rests on the creation plane not the top of the ring. To copy this curve to the surface of the ring, you will use a tool called Project. But first, Job Bag all of this!

Project The Project tool is also located in the Curves menu and allows you to actually project an object onto a surface, like a laser beam. To use this tool, be sure you are in either the Perspective or Looking Down view. Click on Project and select the object to project - press Enter. Then select the surface to project on to. Press Enter

again. That curve is then projected like a light beam to the surfaces above and below it. You dont need all these curves however, so turn Off the Metal 01 layer color, select the new curves at the base of the ring and delete them. You can also delete the original Ellipse as it was saved in a previous Job Bag. Turn Metal 01 back on and Job Bag that stage of completion. Now to create surfaces for Pave!
Pave Ring | 1

Matrix Tutorials

Split Surface You will now need to split the surface of the ring with these newly applied curves. Click on the Split tool and follow the prompts to select the Objects to Split (rings surface) press Enter, and then select the Cutting Objects (both ellipse curves) and press Enter.

Hide, Fix and Show To view your surfaces for Pave, select the shank and click Hide. This will temporarily isolate your split surfaces from the rest of the ring as they need attention. When the Split function is performed on this model, your surfaces may also split along profiles or ring rail curves. To fix this, you

will need to select these surfaces and click Join. You will then need to assign the Metal 02 layer color to the top surface and Metal 03 to the lower surface.
Metal 02 Metal 03

Click Show and the shank will return

Pave Builder You will need to Job Bag it at this stage, then open the Pave Builder found under the Gems menu. Choose the Top surface and place it into the builder.

Add Gems Click on Add Gems and choose a 1.5mm round for this model. Remember to CLOSE the Gem Loader!! Swipe the amount of gems in the builder below and type in 40. Get Start Point Then from the Looking Down view, zoom in tight to the center of the Top surface. Click on Get Starting Point and click as close to the center of the surface as possible. Your gray preview gems will appear.

Gem on Surface Adjust Gem Layout Adjust these preview gems using the sliders in the builder to obtain the best layout. Then click Set Gems (gems change from gray to bright pink). Job Bag this!
Matrix Tutorials

Lay additional gems to the design using the Gem on Surface tool. Select the top surface and place it into the builder. In the Command Line you will need to click on Spacing

and change the value from 1.5 to .35. As you move your cursor into the Looking Down viewport, curves will appear around the existing gems as distance indicators to help optimize the placement of each new gem into the layout by providing a quick visual reference of their distance relationship.
Pave Ring | 2

Bubble colors If you forget to change this value, your distance bubbles will appear on many more gems. and cause a great deal of confusion! As you move a new gems toward the existing layout, these distance indicators range in color from Green (move closer), to Blue (good range), to Red (too close!). Shoot for Blue. Blue is BEST.

Gem Size Controls You also have the ability with your keyboard to simultaneously scale your gems as they float above the Pave surface. As the graphic above illustrates, Q = smaller and E = larger.

Add Gems Continue to add gems onto your ring but you need not place every additional gem with this manual approach. Try this shortcut. Mirror Select the new gems that you place on the surface, then using Mirror, copy them to the lower left quadrant of the design.

Then draw a selection box around the gems on the right half of the layout and Delete them. Yes.I said DELETE.

Then select all the gems to the left of center and Mirror them to the RIGHT.

Mirrored gems complete the layout. Once your gems are laid out, you can re-join your surfaces, then add your gems into Gem Cutter to create the seats and azures. Run Boolean and you are done.

Matrix Tutorials

Pave Ring | 3

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