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Exerccio: Pronomes reflexivos em ingls A.Escolham a opo com o pronome reflexivo que melhor preenche os espaos em branco. 1.

She usually looks the mirror. a.Herselves b.Herself c.Hers 2.We used to work. a.Ourself b.Ours c.Ourselves 3.It is programmed to night. a.Itself b.Its c.Itselves 4.They really enjoy talking about.............around women. a.Themself b.Themselves c.Theirs 5.I accidentally the bedroom. a.Myself b.Mine c.Myselves 6.John contradicted.................during the interview. a.Himselves b.Himself c.His 7.Jane,you should take better care of...............! a.Yourselves b.Yourself c.Yours 8-B.Qual a diferena entre 'Yourself' e 'Yourselves'? R:............................................................ ...........................

9- Fill in the blanks with reflexive pronouns. (Complete as lacunas com pronomes reflexivos.) a. I enjoyed ___________ at the party. b. He enjoyed __________. c. She enjoyed _________. d. They enjoyed ____________. e. We enjoyed ____________. f. You enjoyed ___________. g. You two enjoyed ____________.

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