Ass4 Panasenko

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Assigment #4 Evaluating shortest execution time.

a) Let's assume that parallelization is pure, because opposite wasn't mentioned. In this case we should use following formula 1 / (F + (1 F)/N)), where N is amount of servers (which is 10), and F is the fraction of instructions that couldn't be parallelized (in our case it's 0, because we assume that all instructions are run in parallel). So, we estimated speed up will be 10%. Thus, we have the following formula T = 10ms * i * 0.1, where T is the estimated execution time, and i amount of rows in the EMP. For example from the lecture it will be T = 100 000 * 10 * 0,1 = 100 s. b) Let's assume that EMP has i rows 100 bytes each, so whole db will be 100i bytes. Processing time is Tproc = 0.001i s. PDA-Agent time with given conditions (100 kbps) will be Tp-a = 800i/100000bps = 8i/1000 s. For Agent-Server communication the value will be the same as in lecture slides 100 Mbps, so Ta-s = 8i * 10^-6 s. For Server-Agent communication let's use the same selection rate as in the lecture, so we will have Ts-a = 100 bytes * i/100 * 100 Mbps = 8i * 10^-8 s; For Agent-PDA communication we have Ta-p = 100 bytes * 10 rows / 100000 bps = 8000 / 100000 bps = 0.08 s. Assuming received estimated execution times we will have the following Test = Tp-a + Ta-s + Tproc + Ts-a + Ta-p = 8i/1000 + 8i * 10^-6 + 0.001i + 8i * 10^-8 + 0.08s ~ 0,009i + 0.08s. To check if it looks like correct answer let's use an example from the lecture and say i = 100 000 rows. Thus, Test = 900,08 s, which looks quite the same as in lecture.

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