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Morris SS 10 CAS 2011 The Russian Revolution In 1917 Russian troops were fed up of fighting and revolted Because of the war, food supplies were low Inflation was high Very little work Workers, peasants, and soldiers began joining the Bolsheviks (a socialist group) In February 1917 Tsar Nicholas II under pressure left power --This put in a provisional government, but this government was still too conservative for the Bolsheviks. Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin promised Bread, Peace, Land --Wanted to make peace with Germany October 1917 the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government. At first was not violent (Bolsheviks held an election that they won), but when elections were held again and the Bolsheviks did not win, civil war erupted. Russia was going through a civil war and Lenin (the now leader of Russia) had told his followers that he would end the war with Germany. 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk took Russia out of the war. Lost some lands to Germany, but were able to leave and focus on their revolution/civil

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